Starting of the 'new life'

The people of the camp who heard Eko decision. Many of them are against and condemned him for his inhumane attitude, but Eko didn't care toward there decision. In, last few days Eko visited the new camp and slowly build his home. Also, during in last few days many people trade goods toward Eko and some of the people decided to go with Alice as the leader. Because, they didn't trust other powerhouse and Alice is more suitable for there support because Eko is behind her. In, some rumors circulated within camp the which explained Alice and Taki has a relationship between Eko, yet neither both parties explained there side.

Also, during the last 2 days before the end of contract. The different group started to take a suitable home and many people didn't dare to enter in Eko's territory because they discovered. He tamed 3-4 groups of dinosaur patrolling in the surrounding camp and most of people died. When they entered near the Eko's home. Also, in last few days Alice made a request to Eko to let them live inside his territory and also protect the the first camp because Alice like the first place both her and Eko created. When Eko heard her request he agreed and established a camp inside the Velociraptor raptors territory. Also he captured the dominate dinosaur between the Velociraptor territory and first camp. Likewise Eko did something for last few days he tame herbivores and carnivorous dinosaur and absorb some of them.

• Atrociraptor - bird like creatures who liked live in the cliff area. 10 - tame and 5 - consume

• Adasaurus - feathered dinosaur with a sickle claws. 10 - tame and 8 - consume

• Triceratops - horned dinosaur and a herbivore with a strong skin. 6 - tame and 8 - consume

• Troodon - intelligent dinosaur and they fear Eko decided to be under his command. +10 tamed

Eko consumed some of them in last 3 days and he discovered consuming the same race become more faster like bipolar creatures excluding human. His strength become one of top of all raptors family in terms of reflex, sense and physical development. Also, thanks to this process his body went to exchanged body until to his narrow and made to unlocked some of his seals from Thanos physique making him more durable and his regeneration become more top notch. Also, he become more younger and taller.

In, the end of the week the first camp went to renovation is already finished. Also, the people under Alice moved toward Velociraptor territory for suitable living and they sometimes went to the nearest seashore and built a saltwater farming and fish farming. Also, many people started to recruit the people from Alice camp. Because they discovered some of experts decided to stay at Alice camp like Ellie, Monika and Aki. They are expert in different field Ellie an expert in field of animal nature, Monika an expert in Flora research and lastly Aki an expert in the field of architecture and innovation. But all of them are failed and some of them want to coveted the Velociraptor territories, but the dinosaur who dwell in the place become more troublesome even they used there superpower they are still failure because they discovered every dinosaur under Eko are more intelligent than any creatures. Also, some of them die in Eko's hand once they show there fangs in his possession.