Renovation (part 1)

When the refugee entered the Pacifist camp at first. They click there tongue for the camp name was weird, but when they saw human size dinosaur carrying a wooden sledge and some wooden cart. They trembled in fear and some of them are fainted in fear since there previous camp was raided by the dinosaurs, yet this camp can tame dinosaurs.

"Eko! you are here." Alice shouted with Taki behind her while riding Johnny the leader of velociraptor.

Eko scratch his head in embarrassment and opened his arms and next moment both ladies hugged him while they arguing who will take the lead.

"How is the camp?" Eko said while combing there hair. He smiled bitterly because he feel awkward at first, but he made a resolved and clarify this feeling later.

"Everything is alright and we made a preparation for the camp make over. Eko who are they?" Taki replied in happiness. Because Eko didn't rejected her and accept his fate.


Eko smiled at them he explained the whole situation and the campers situation. When both ladies heard Eko took accepted them without any reason. They place there hands at his forehead and asked in concern. "Eko you're fine, right?"

With there action and concerned. Made Eko felt his remaining morality was insulted. He asked "What are you doing? Alright I'm fine and not sick. In, the first place who do you think me?"


"lazy bum"

Both Taki and Alice looked at Eko and whisper in his ear said "Beast..."


"Eko you are here and at least once you become useful inside the camp."

Ragnar said with the rest of the core members who followed both ladies and found more people who followed Eko behind him.

Mana who saw Eko is hugging Alice and Taki with affection. She didn't understand there action, but she heard something once from her mother and teacher. Also, she saw her mother did the same thing with uncle when they are together. She looked her mother who is holding her hands. She asked in confusion "Kaa-san! will big brother Eko will have a baby like you did with Uncle?"

Ragnar looked away while her mother Saki hang her head in shame while keeping her daughter mouth to be quite and rest of the people keep hold there mouth from laughing. Eko, who release both ladies from his embrace and pat Ragnar shoulder he said "Ragnar, you too. You, worked hard for increasing the population inside the camp. Don't worry I will search for something which is helpful in your mission."

Ragnar who heard Eko's mocked draw his sword from his waist. *Tang!*Tang!*Tang!* A sword fight between the Ragnar and Eko happened. Few minutes later, the sword dropped in the ground and both of them perform a close combat using different weapon while they are laughing like a mad man. Also, the rest of the core members brought some foods and share with others including the refugee.

The refugee found the rest of the people are awe because both people are far stronger than there boss. Know they can understood why there leader Leo is respectful toward the man name Eko. One of the refugee asked the person who distribute some foods toward "Miss, it's alright not to stop them?"

The woman shrugged her shoulder and smiled.

Few minutes later the brawl between them stop and Eko who was standing while stretching his body. He smiled and said "Ragnar your strength grow once again."