The Mystery of the New World (part 3)

1 month later,

Road Network between the Snow mountain of North and Pacifist camp was completed with a small tower built for scouting and expedition purpose. Also, Ragnar and rest created a road network connected toward the cave filled by ores inside the Eko's Dinosaur territory in the cliff area same time is a dinosaur territory.

During the past month big changes happened most of the small camp joined together or formed an alliance relationship with larger group. Also, some of the small camp joined the pacifist camp increasing the total Survivors by three fold.

Through migration of the small camp the Pacifist and One piece camp made breakthrough from the new project named 'New World Project.' They create a trial boat and formed an expedited team to explore the end of forest and the mountains of North. Soon, a new theory was named 'Continental Drift' which made all Researcher to be shaken in excitement and fear, but not all of them believe the theory.


Eko was looking at the clear distance while observing the new creatures he tamed in the a created pasture. He looked at the group of Mammoth traveling with a since of security and some Bison laying in the ground. Then, he heard a women voice saying.

"So, you're here Eko. Let you're pet to guard the pasture, but I don't know what is going on. This world is strange right? I hope we won't be affected later from the eruption or something."

Eko laughed and he turned his head saw Taki. He smiled and replied "Yes, this world is strange and for some reason I found something to cherish in this world even the Continental theory is a heresy or not."

Then, he hugged her while looking at the pasture. He asked "How is the new world project? Did you collect something interesting."

Taki shake her head and rest her in his arms. She looked at him. She answered "We have no recent, but a scout send a weird information a ship appeared in the middle of snow. Also, I believe this thing is related to someone who transport us."

Eko smiled disappeared and looked at Taki to confirm her information. Taki continued she said "The ship they found is the same cruise ship. We have in the seashore, but it was infested by some strange creatures."

*Sigh~* Eko who heard the information. He became more confused and vigilant for the new things will appeared later. He said "So, this is not some simple time travel, right? Using this information I believe the new world project must be completed faster. Taki, how is the mineral deposit we discovered?"

Taki smiled and kissed Eko. She replied "Everything is in the right track and few days later we will conduct an experiment for weapon reinforce like you did at your weapon."

Few days later, The experiment about the weapon reinforce was a failure, but few later they succeed by using molting and two way bending. When the people outside the camp learned the deposit mineral was founded. They want to take some slice and some used of force, but both of them field.

Few month later, The pacifist camp received an alarming new. The scout said

"We found a fire and smoke at the distance. Also we confirm it's a S.O.S sign"