Sun artifact (part 2)

A loud explosion happened and destroyed half of ground. Where the self proclaimed bandits was shocked and saw the newcomers riding some dinosaur and sabertooth tiger.

Because, they recognized them the Barbarian's of the Southern end. The leader of the bandits yell "Kill them! Let's show them who are the boss! of the North!"



Eko who was beyond the squadron saw the bandits charge at them smirked and felt pity toward his enemies. Since, in the last few days his squadron was stressed at the things they saw and they happened to trace the culprit the source of their stress.

What will they do? Talk to them and play hide and seek?


Just like Eko thought. The squadron laughed when they saw them bringing their head at their front. Caleb was disappointed because they're dumb than he thought. He shouted "Kill them! leave at least 5 people. Go!"

"""Ooowwwhhh!!!""" They cheered and raise their weapon and both group clash at the center.


When the bandit raise his bone spear and preparing to stab the sabertooth tiger. A tooth boomerang passed his neck and died. Because, his neck was separated from boomerang sharpness.


"Salem! You did a good job. Know try use the yo-yo and hit the skin between the eyebrows or shoot them with a needle between their throat or the eyebrows." Eko explained at his disciple the efficient way of hunting. When a bandit passed the Squadron and attacked him. Eko who notice his presence raise his hands and flick the air with his fingers.


Salem saw the movement his lazy master did and made him awe. His master was far stronger than he thought to kill someone with an air pressure? Can human execute the specific and awesome movement?

No! unless he/she was a monster like his master Eko.

"Master, can I do that?" Salem asked while gulping his dried throat.

Eko smiled at him and pat his head. He replied "You can, but you must train and master your body without any difficulties including your Strength. Before I teach you."

"Yes! Master." Salem replied. Where Eko smiled at his dedication and passion to learned new things from him.

"Go! do the task!"

"Yes! Master."


The leader of the so called bandits group saw his action. Where his back started to sweet and screamed "Release the seal!"

They're the people of blood camp and all of them has a seal and was called berserker. Where there strength will increase by folds. When they heard the leaders command. They hesitate to release the seal since the seal was released. They won't be called human anymore. Because, they know the side effects.

Insanity, where the people who break the seal will became insane or died.

""Release!!"" They screamed and looked at the squadron in hatred.


Eko saw their actions was interested. He know the effect of seal because he saw them, once. When they raid the previous camp of New Europe Camp. The blood camp release the same thing..He thought 'Interesting.'

"Go!" Eko yell and his raptor roared and leap. Where both human and dinosaur joined the fun.




"""ROAARR!!!"" The bandits released their seal and become stronger. Where they able to toe to toe against the raptors and sabertooth tiger, but the Squadron laughed. Since, they enjoyed there experience in life and death battle.




Eko jumped at his raptor and kicked the nearest bandits. He immediately rotate his long spear made from Megalodon tooth. He shouted "Die!"

"Nice one..."

Eko smirked and looked at the enemy in his front the leader of Bandits group. He replied "The people of Blood Camp became bandits? must be good, right?"