
10: when you ruined your own day

"Waahh, the store is so huge!" Taehyung yelped while pushing a trolley.

Taehyung gazed from place to place, stunned by the display of food packs around him.

Manager Kyung is sorting the things in her list she needs to purchase.

They strolled over to the grocery area which had lots of noodles displayed, that made Taehyung's mouth water so much. Rina gathered all of the things in her list, Taehyung also helped his manager pick up some fish meat, fruits and vegetables . He wondered why his manager is buying lots of veggies, then explained to him that in case if they get hungry there are stacks of ingredients for them to cook. Taehyung was a bit shy when Rina explained it to him, didn't thought that they were here to buy those, but still Taehyung did have alot of fun.

A few hours later, Taehyung and Rina went to an ice cream shop for snack, taking a break from the long tour of the shopping mall, they went to every nook and cranny of the place, always chasing Taehyung around, skipping here and there like a little kid. The both of them looked like noona and dongsaeng, laughing around and having fun together, Rina did enjoy this moment, since she'd always dreamed of something like this and wished that she could have a brother of her own. However, her parents passed away before she could ask them, it is pretty sad for Rina, the worst thing is she didn't know how they died, there are many theories on how Mr. and Mrs. Kyung died, Rina did not believe to any of them.

Manager Kyung claimed the supplies from the deposit area, they left it there before going for ice cream. There were two bags in all, one filled with the ingredients and the other is filled with Rina's stuff, she carried the heavy bag which is the one with the ingredients, but Taehyung here insisted that he will carry the heavy one since he is pretty strong, he says. When they almost reached the lobby, groups of people began to sneak up on them and start taking pictures and others spreading murmurs around them.

"Hey isn't that Kyung Nara?"

"Who is Kyung Nara?''

Rina lifted up her head to see the person whispering, when she laid eyes on them, a sudden flash of a camera phone lit up, Rina the quickly covered her eyes and looked back where she walked. As Rina catches up with Taehyung, more and more people are taking out their phones and shot their cameras at Rina's direction.

"What do you mean? the young legend Kyung Nara is here? in Seoul?!"

"Ahh, I really can't believe it! I thought she died with her parents."

"So do I."

Her heart started to pound and sweat starts to drip to her back slowly, keeping her head down and hid beside Taehyung from other directions. she repeatedly glanced at Taehyung's face in case if he noticed some people whispering and sneaking up behind them. Rina's hands started to tremble, her lips parted to breathe huge amounts of air while gripping that bag tightly. Then Rina darted her eyes at Taehyung when he suddenly spoke up in a nevous voice.

"Manager? why are there lots of people sneaking up on us?" Taehyung asked, his eyes suddenly widens when Rina pulled him quickly and walked two times faster.

"Manager? what's going on?" he asked anxiously, Rina did not answer, she looked back once more to check if there are still people staring at them, she was then shot with another flash , she jerked back and told Taehyung to run so they would loose them, but the real thing is lots of people chased after them holding their phones up, some capturing pictures while others are recording videos.

Frantic, Rina and her trainee ran towards the bus stop with out resting, wishing that the bus will arrive on time when they get there, but nothing came. Rina stopped , catching her breath. she really hoped that they will stop chasing them and delete those videos as well. She had witnessed this kind of situation before, when they start recording random stuff at the actors and goes viral. She wanted to try how it feels to be chased by reporters and stuff, now she take that feeling back. And going viral is not the best idea for Rina.

She spotted a taxi driving towards her direction, she quickly grabbed the bag and breathed for the taxi rescue, but then froze when Taehyung spoke.

"M-manager, is that normal?" Taehyung stammered, pointing at a herd of reporters coming to their way like an angry rhino, yelling and screaming at her name in unison. Rina flinched, then called at the taxi driver as loud as she could. Rina yelled almost a dozen times for the driver, but still the taxi didn't move any faster. Rina looked over her shoulder, the herd is getting closer and closer armed with microphone and video cameras, Rina whitened, jaw dropped and froze, she can't move or feel herself, she just suddenly froze, it's not like someone conjured a freezing spell on her.

"Manager, we gotta run!" Taehyung cried, but Rina did not respond.


Panicked, Taehyung ran towards the taxi without warning, he waved his arms in front of it and hit his hand on the wind shield. The driver turned his head at Taehyung who is now flustered and panicked at the same time.

"What is it boy?" the driver asked calmly raising one of this eyebrows.

"Ajusshi, please give us a ride! hurry!" Taehyung howled. The driver paused and turned to the road.

"Get in." the driver snapped, unwrapping a gum and ate it. Taehyung quickly opened the door, they stopped in front of Rina who is still there, frozen. Just before a reporter could snatch his manager away, Taehyung managed to pull Rina inside the cab along with the bags. the driver stepped on the gas and roared the engine, in a matter of seconds they were far from the mall as possible. Taehyung glanced at his manager who is dazed. He waved his hand in front of Rina's eyes up and down until she blinked her eyes.

"W-w-where are we?" Rina stammered, hands and chin trembling. She slowly scanned her area and realized that she is inside a taxi, her throbbing heart seemed to ease, while Taehyung is right beside her, looking at a side mirror spotting for any of those reporters chasing them. He furrowed his brows, couldn't stop thinking about the name he heard at the mall earlier. Even wondered what connects that name to his manager, and why are they taking pictures too? It's very weird.

When they arrived at the apartment. Rina followed Taehyung to the trainee's apartment, she noticed that Taehyung is preoccupied with thoughts and probably has tons of questions. When Taehyung placed the bag of ingredients on the table, he saw his manager looking around the living room like nothing happened, peeked to a curtain as if someone is playing with her. Taehyung bit his lip trying to hold in a question, he wants to ask but didn't know how to start. It might make manager mad at him, or worse.

Impressed by the surroundings, Rina touched the silk of the curtain and peeked through the window, she just saw someone passing by and did not want to be spotted. Rina thought about the commotion earlier, she did not expect the people to remember her, and those piles of reporters really made her shocked. Rina slowly lifted her gaze at Taehyung who looked very curious.

"Manager... I was wondering why the reporters at the mall are calling you Nara?" Taehyung asked, playing with his nails.

Rina's eyebrows curved, her heart sank at Taehyung's question, although she was a bit startled by it, but then replaced by a gloomy reaction. Rina breathed, staring at her feet while the trainee was expecting an answer he cannot hear. Taehyung laughed awkardly to break the silence, scratching the base of his neck, he regret for asking the question and tried to divert the topic to another.

''Ahaha, I mean,why did I ask that, hahaha. It's okay if you don't want to answer manager, haha really..." Taehyung was looking at his manager, her back turned to his direction. He never should have asked the question. Besides, it must be just a random question right? Or not?

Rina lifted her head and turned to Tae once more. When Tae was about to get something, Rina spoke up in a calm voice.

"Because, I am Nara."

Tae turned to his manager bewildered, making his one question turned a hundred.