Zuko In The Town.

"you better stay down," One among three boys said in a hoarse voice. " if he tries to get up then cut off his head. This bastard, he tried to take advantage of my sister. Now I will let him know the consequence of his mistake." The other two held the boy tightly to the ground.

"You motherfucker, you are the same as me, who takes advantage of others. if you the guts come one at a time, I will see how yo..."

PUCHI, one of the two boys pierced a dagger into the captive chest. "Better shut that crapy mouth of yours." And the other one kicked him straight in the abdomen, blood spurted out of the poor fellow's mouth.

HAAA, the captive shrieked and grimaced in pain as the second boy was now twisting the dagger in his chest and then with a sudden force pulled out the dagger. The poor fellow jerked, twisted his body in great pain, and then fell unconscious.

At some distance, another person was watching all of this with folded arms. This person was non-other than Zuko. He was silent not because he was afraid but because he did not want to get involved. He was planning what to do to get out of that place when this event unfolded before him. He was still thinking about how to escape when suddenly an idea clicked in his mind. Zuko grinned and then dashed towards the event occurring.

"This trash has fallen unconscious what to we do know," Asked on of the lackeys, "should we cut his limbs and then behead him." the lackey raised the dagger and was just about to strike him when suddenly he saw something from the corner of his eyes striking him right on the face, he tried to dodge it but it was already too late. BOOOM! Like a cannonball, he flew off in the air smashing on a tree. With a CLUTCH, a bone-breaking voice resonated from his body, it was his spine that broke. With another swift movement, the person pounced on the other lackey and slashed at his neck, beheading him on the spot. As for the third person- the group leader, he pissed at the spot and was not even able to run for his life, falling to the ground fully petrified. Without thinking for a second, Zuko swatted his head with a powerful stomp. With small steps, Zuko then moved towards the unconscious boy and woke him up. Zuko then told the boy, how he rescued him. "Why were they assaulting in such a ruthless manner, did you take advantage of his little sister." Zuko smiled at the boy like a grandpa to his grandson. "Now tell me everything that you know about these scoundrels especially the leader."

After investigating all the required information from the boy, Zuko bid him farewell, but just when Zuko covered a distance of ten meters, he turned around and lit a small fire on his palm then threw it toward's the boy and left the area. Soon the entire region was on fire and all of the poor fellows burned to ashes.

Zuko had no villainous character but he knew that all four of them deserved death so that's why he took care of them without any hesitation, also if he had not taken care of them, he could not execute his plan.

What he learned from the boy was that the trio was a group from a martial art academy from the town, and they were here in the village for some fun. The leader- Daichi was also the only son of the Mayer, hence he was acting so overbearingly in the village and the two lackeys- Genki and Haru would follow him everywhere Daichi went. The boy told Zuko all of the affairs of the village.

The village was not too far from the forest before Zuko set off, he changed his appearance into Daichi then proceeded in the direction of the village.

In a house inside a room, Zuko was resting on a grand bed, outside the room a doctor was talking to a man and a woman of noble status. "Everything is ok, those were just some light injuries and will heal within no time." Explained the doctor in a very respectful manner.

After the doctor left, Daichi's father called the inspector and ordered him to go and look into the events. In the night the inspector informed the Mayer that an incident had occurred in the forest and also told him that they found four deads turned into ashes.

For the last some days, Daichi behaved different from how he was, his father presented him all that he used to be interested in, wine and women all but Daichi- Zuko showed no interest at all.

"Our son has changed totally, I have never seen him this serious in his entire life. In the morning, I saw him cultivating which he never was interested in but after the incident, it is most likely that he has changed totally. He is putting more effort into his cultivation and if he continued like this he will soon earn a great name in the capital." Daichi's father said with some excitement in his eyes. He was talking to his wife on the dining table when the inspector reported all the situations that occurred in the forest. "As Daichi said, he was attacked by someone and then a fire broke out. Well, you can leave now, inspector." the inspector left, "We are lucky that our son escaped unscathed but I will not leave the matter like this, I will personally look into it." Said Daichi's father to his wife.

The next few days Zuko stayed at home and tried his level best to adopt Daichi's character in the best possible way, during this period he would cultivate all day till he was called for lunch or dinner. His parents were very happy with his behavior as he showed the traits of a grown-up man.

Zuko was now like he was part of the village, he would come out occasionally and help the villagers. At the start, villagers showed some hesitance but later when they found that he had changed, they too showed a lot of love for him.

During this period, Zuko asked his -Daichi's father to order some books related to the affairs of the continent of Death. Now he was aware of many matters in the continent. The total land of the continent was not as large as the seven continents were but it was more likely equal to a China but the total population was extremely scarce. There was one capital, and many big and small towns. The people here had no access to any modern world technology, not even to a mobile phone. Maybe that was the reason that they could hide from the world so thoroughly. But the books also sad that the capital was like a new world but no further explanations were given in the book. Zuko did not end his research just here, he also studied the academy that Daichi was a student of.

The next step that Zuko had planned was to proceed to the academy and see what he could come up with to infiltrate into the capital. So when Zuko had done all that was needed in the town he left for the town.

His parents and all the villagers came the day he was setting off. They all were very happy for him as the rouge had changed into a hero.

when Zuko reached the town, he felt like he had entered a new world. The entire town was protected by an invisible protective layer. Extremely high security, infrared scanners, and technology that had no sign In the outside world. Now, he was hesitant to proceed as he feared that the scanner will for sure catch him with his meager disguise. Suddenly, Zuko remembered a gadget that he found in the pouch he picked up from the corpse of Naina. When he was in the village he had tried to study them but was unable to do so as there was basically no information in the books about the things that he had.

He waited there for sometime when he saw two people approaching from afar and they too were heading in the direction of the town. As the pair neared Zuko, their features became more clear, it turned out that those two were some seniors and Zuko hoped that they might have a way to help him identify the gadgets or were knowledgable enough to identify them themselves. Now Zuko only needed to trap them.

"Seniors, I don't have access to the town but I few things that I need to sell in the town, I actually found them when I was collecting some woods in the forest. It was a pouch that can store a lot of things in it and there are many strange things in it." Zuko acted like a dum and added, "But seniors If you are willing to buy them you can come with me."

"You say a pouch that store things, a lot of them." Raised his brows and said the man to the other man. "It must be the spatial pouch." A clear hidden shock appeared on both men's faces. "Okey, take us there." Said the other man.

In the forest, Zuko took out his pouch, "Seniors, it is my only wish to enter the town, so I request seniors to please help me out enter the town." Zuko put forward a request before showing off the contents of the pouch.

One of the old men laughed, "That is not an issue, you can have this token, it will help you enter the town and you can even apply for the Wild Flame academy. Now show us the content of the pouch."

Zuko took the token from the old man and put it in his pocket. He smiled at the two men and then vanished all of a sudden. The two men were bewildered to see someone vanish into thin air. Not far from that place Zuko was running with all is might in the direction of the town, he knew that his trick will not be able to hold the two for long but still he was smiling as his illusion had worked on them properly. Whereas the two were confused about what just happened. They looked at each other then headed back to the town.

As the old man had said, Zuko passed all the protective layer without any hindrance.