In The Final Stage

Everyone was shocked to find that Zuko was not a lucky bastard but he had some skills and that was precisely the reason he could proceed to this stage of the competition. Although this was the first match of the day, it brought greater excitement to the viewers than the last two stages.

Royan was not done yet, he now knew that he could not take Zuko down with a simple straight forward fight, hence he stepped forward and started running around Zuko with greater speed than ever before slowly and steadily a small tornado appeared on the stage, it was a special art that Royan would use only when he was fighting someone within the top ten of the ranking. This tornado would restrict the opponent's movements to a greater degree and increase the user's speed by a great margin. The tornado had surrounded Zuko so no one was able to see him nor was he able to see anyone outside of it, whereas Royan was still not apparent on the stage, he was still giving it all in executing the tornado. Slowly and steadily the entire stage was engulfed by the tornado and soon the effects of the tornado were felt by the bystanders as well. It was the first time that Royan was creating such a big one, he was going all out this time. "Has Royan gone made? This way he is going to kill that other fellow." some of the crowd now was showing sympathy for Zuko. "Who told him to anger Royan." whereas some were siding Royan.

With the restriction from the tornado, Zuko was unable to see and move as easily as he used to, so he waited for Royan to make his move. Not long after when the tornado was at its full power Royan made his move, he appeared inside the tornado and moved once again but this time he went straight for Zuko and with a swift movement he appeared behind Zuko and launched a fierce kick aimed at the abdomen. Just when Zuko thought that he had perceived the attack he found out that it was too late to react and hence got a ruthless kick which was strong enough to break his ribs but the tornado did not let him fly off the central region that he was trapped in. The interesting fact about the tornado was that it was collecting wind and then forcing it all on the central region and hence would restrict everything that came in that region, one more advantageous point about the tornado was that since all the objects outside the central region were forced to the center so whenever Royan would strike at Zuko who was in the central part of the tornado would get a boost to his attack and speed, and that was the reason why Zuko even after perceiving Royan's attacks was unable to defend.

He felt his blood boiling inside his veins and some even gushed out from his mouth, clenching his teeth Zuko forced back the gushing blood. "I never thought that someone like you will force me into this state, but you must be glad to be defeated at my hands." Royan appeared behind Zuko once more and kicked him on the same spot once again. "Your Jace right, I will remember that name and if you ever needed my help in the future just say it. I have not made any friends in the academy till this point not because I don't want to but because no one is worth it but you, my friend, you are worth it so would you like to befriend me." With another kick striking him Zuko found it hard to force the blood that jetted out from his mouth.

"That is quite a kind way to make friends, no!." Zuko smiled with some blood still trickling from his mouth, "But I don't think that a lackey is worthy of my friendship." Zuko focused back on the situation that he was trapped in.

Royan laughed out loudly, "I am not someone's lackey, that is something I can assure you later on but before that, I need to teach a lesson and that is not to spout nonsense when you don't know the circumstances." and then he came once more for Zuko. Royan this time was even more ruthless as at this time his punch was a few centimeters away from Zuko's face when he found his fist striking something extremely tough and bones breaking voice resounded from his punch, he jerked back but before he could move out Zuko pulled him in the central region and struck him right on the face with the knee which threw him in the air and with another move Zuko pushed him further in the sky, the tornado then threw him back at the central region. When Royan was on his way back to Zuko in the air, Zuko pulled back his punch and with all his might threw it at Royan who was coming in his direction.

With a BOOM! Royan was forced out of the stage, he was unconscious at this time but before he fell to the ground someone from the elite stage plunged and sought him in mid-air, this person was non-other than Chiyoko. Chiyoko gave Zuko a nod then took Royan with him, no one perceived what that nod meant but one thing was clear that Chiyoko took great care of Royan that no one knew of before.

And once again the voice announced Zuko as the winner. The entire arena broke into an uproar as Zuko had defeated someone from the top ten rankings of the academy, this was a surprise to all the bystanders who thought Zuko had some dog shit luck. The research department was very proud of Zuko as their department had also earned some honor because of him.

With the end of the first battle, the screen called the participants of the next battle. The crowd was very ecstatic as the battle that was following up was even more enthralling than the one that just occurred. It was a battle between the top rankers of the academy, both were very famous and were known for their prowess. The fights continued all-day many splendid battles came into view and many amazing tricks and skills were shown that day.

Among the most splendid battles that came into view that brought great pleasure to the viewers were of the illusionist, the mech god, and of the Chiyoko.

The third stage of the competition determined the top fifty of the academy, that day all those who were successful in achieving victories were promoted to the fourth stage of the competition. Zuko was twenty-fourth on the list all others were also like him without losing a fight till this point of the game.

That day after the competition when Zuko was resting in his room and practicing his martial arts someone knocked on his door. "congratulations!" it was Royan, he was all smiles, "I never expected that you will become so fierce without letting me realize it but you know what you are lucky that I did not get the chance to fight with all my abilities." he was still at the door, " will you not ask me to come in?" Royan joked with Zuko and forced his way into his room. Zuko let him in and closed the door.

" well! as expected, you won all the three matches after all you were able to knock me out off the stage," Royan picked a glass and opened the fridge, "now, since we are friends how about you give me a treat and as for my brother Chiyoko, well that is a long story but he is my brother and I am not his lackey, don't you dare call me a lackey, ever." took out a bottle of wine and poured some for himself and also filled glass for Zuko. When they sat, Royan narrated the story of his relationship with Chiyoko. It turned out that Royan was an orphan who was later adopted by Chiyoko's father and was brought into the academy. Chiyoko cared a lot for him and he too respected him a lot that was the reason others thought that he was Chiyoko's lackey as they were unaware of their relationship.

Zuko was surprised to find that Chiyoko was such a nice person otherwise he had heard that Chiyoko was a very ruthless person and did not care for anyone.

They talked about many things for three hours after which Royan left Zuko's residence and headed back to his own place.

All this time, from day first to this day Zuko had been in disguise, he had not shown his real face to anyone, today when he befriended Royan he still did not expose his true identity, though Royan called himself his friend Zuko was never interested in him when Royan told about his relationship with the Chiyoko's father, Zuko thought to include him as a variable in his plan and hence showed great concern for him and assured him of his friendship.

One thing that Zuko was worried about all this time was his disguise before the royal family of the town and other elites of the academy but after he embodied the illusory gem in his weapon he could form a cloud of illusion around himself all the time and hence tricked all higher echelons in not perceiving his disguise. The weapon that he had worked hard to create was so strong that he could simply not use it in the competition but the illusory effect that it had was of great importance to Zuko and hence he carried it all the time on him though would not use it.

But that did not mean he had no weapons to use, he had created some light weapons that he had planned to use as a trump card, in fact, he was quite excited to use them but until now there was no one there that could make him so.

Although he was sure that he could defeat all of them with ease, Zuko still wanted to play with them for a bit as this was the only way that led to the capital where he wanted to uncover the mysteries that he was curious about otherwise he could escape back into his normal life like before but that was not how he was.

The night passed while Zuko was busy in his cultivation. The next day was the fourth stage of the competition and it was to determine the top ten of the academy. The arena bustled with all the viewers and even the elite stage was filled early today.

Soon the screen lit brightly and two names came in to view.