Cloud Village

Inside Cloud village, Zuko was sitting in the dining hall where all the population was sitting and were having their meal. On the head seat sat a man in his eighties, this man had had a burly stature with a long and bushy white beard. Yaoyao was the only daughter that the village chief had. The predicament that the village was about to face was that it was going to demolish in a few days, as per the rules for the empire, and any power found not paying taxes will be punished. And, as for punishment, the authorities were to handle it.

"Zuko, where are you from?" The chief asked when he found out that Zuko was found in the Green Land forest. "It's okay if you are not interested in telling me about where you are from."

Zuko looked at Yaoyao who was sitting right to the chief, " Cheif Lei, it is not that I don't want to but it is that you won't believe me."

"So you still insist that you appeared out of a spatial tear," Laughed out loud, chief doubted Zuko's statement," then I don't trust that statement of yours."

"I told you."

Zuko came to know that he was in a place called Green Land, And Cloud village was part of the territory but very soon the entire village was about to lose its control to another village that was going to take over their affairs in two weeks.

The next day early in the morning, Yaoyao came knocking at Zuko's door. "What is it? Why were you banging the door so loudly."

"Sorry, but today is the hunting day so I thought that you might like company us." Yaoyao said in excited way.

"So that is the case. Sure, I would love to company you."

In the sea to the East of the Green Land forest, few small boats floated on the water with the fishing nets thrown in the sea. "It has already been a day and there is now fish in our nets, are there even any fish in the sea?" Frustrated, asked Zuko looking tired.

"Yeah, it is always like this here but ten miles from here in the Disturbing Waters the case is not like this, there one can easily fill the capacity in an hour at minimum but we can not go there since we don't have any elder around. All of them are busy with the present circumstances that the village is facing so we are not allowed to go there."

"What! There is such a place and yet you are wasting time in this useless place. Come on lets sale there."

"Are you even listening to me, we are not allowed to go there." Shouted back Yaoyao.

"Than take me back to the village, I can't stand it any more." Zuko insisted.

Yaoyao stared at Zuko and then freed the sails and hey moved toward the Disturbing sea.

"Miss.Yaoyao, where are you heading to, you must not forget that we can't go in the Disturbing sea." Shouted at them, when they moved some distance from the rest of the group, a member the team.

"Don't worry, we are just checking out the situation ahead." They moved away from the group and soon the vanished from the sight of rest of the group.

In one part of the sea that was covered in black clouds; thunders appeared from time to time; each lightening created explosive voices that brought terror to one's soul. Two people; a young girl and a boy were drifting in the waves. "Zuko, I think we should return, the weather has never been like this before." When the waves along with the storm came at their door, Yaoyao cried.

"Don't worry, we are almost done, a bit more and then our sacks will be full to take back." Zuko seemed more excited compared to the horrified Yaoyao.