The Battle of Igniswing

The speed of their travel under the guiding of Emberfist covered the lost time when they had fought Yexin Phopo. When they heard the faint sound of waves hitting the sandy beach, they knew they would reach the seaside soon. The Sol was behind them, hanging low at the western sky, painting the scenery of the floating isles with orangish hues. Chi never saw Igniswing Isles in the orangish landscape, and the Sol himself was in orangish-red; like the colour of her former physical form.

She recalled her life as a redragon which was never a pleasant one though Igniswing was her birthplace. No one ever treated her kindly for the differences she had from the rest of the redragons. Redragon was supposed to be vicious, but she was gentle. This had made the redragons treated her in an unfriendly and disrespectful way. The only redragons who treated her with love was her mama and Chief Rouge Ti. Now Emberfist had begun to treat her better.

"Chi, I'm sorry for how I treated you last time," said Emberfist. "I know how you felt the day you were at Igniswing. You're gentle and totally different from the rest of us. The Igniswing is never meant to be your home."

"You have found your home, Chi. It's at Sister Nuwa's and Lord's mansion," said Zhanshi, as Chi was nodding to him.

Chi, Zhanshi and Emberfist had reached the shore. The warriors pulled the reins so that their equines stopped.

"You two hold my hands tight," said Emberfist, offering his hand to Chi and Zhanshi. "I'm going to take you to the place where my chief resides."

As Chi and Zhanshi had taken firm of Emberfist's hands, he flapped his wings hard and leapt off like an arrow that had bolted from the bow. So fast that Chi could felt torrent of wind whipping her face. Once, they reach the edge of the island, Emberfist slowed down his flight and Chi and Zhanshi loosen their hold on Emberfist's hands and land on Igniswing's ground. And then, Emberfist landed on the ground with a thud.

Two redragons were surprised, and even more surprised at Emberfist who had brought a lady and a greendragon. If it was Emberfist's hunts, both of them should be lifeless.

"Who are you?" One of the redragons spoke.

"Chi Myst'wing."

The name gave both the redragons great shock. Chi was supposed a redragon, but why she was a graceful female lady?

"She's really Chi, Brightspark," said Emberfist. "It's a long story and it's not an important topic right now. We have urgent news to bring to Chief Ti."

"Yes, Emberfist, to chief you go." One of the redragon directed them to the location of the chief.

"Thanks, Pyre." Emberfist then beckoned Chi and Zhanshi to follow.

"Luckily, we need not fight him," said Chi and Zhanshi, "thank Emberfist." They both noticed Emberfist had a slight glance at them which he said, "that doesn't mean you need not to fight the chief."

Chi and Zhanshi followed Emberfist through the barren woods until they reach the redragons' settlement. At the settlement where there were scattering bones of the hunting remains and with the all the redragons watching, they walked until they reached the foot of the dragon head mountain. From the mountain's foot, they headed to a cave that when looking from afar, it appeared like a dragon head.

"They want to bring urgent news to the chief," said Emberfist, looking at the redragon who stood at the side of the entrance. The redragon then disappeared in the dark cave.

Not long, a deafening beating of drums echoed to the sky. And then, the same redragon emerged from the dragon head entrance. "The chief asked you to enter."

Chi and Zhanshi entered. After some time of walking in the dimmed pathways lit by torches, they reached the top where brighter light source glows from a chamber opening. They continued to walk, with their eyes followed the long pathway until the end of the chamber, where the chief and the elders were sitting in a curve facing them.

"What fool wish to seek me?" Rouge Ti bellowed.

"It's me chief, Chi Myst��wing."

Rouge Ti and the elders were shocked and flummoxed at her introduction. Chi, Zhanshi and Emberfist knew the reason behind their shocked faces.

"Me have gained the most harmonious form at Nuwa's Sanctuary," said Chi.

"Chi, you're beautiful," said Rouge, detecting a slight blush in her. Then, the elders said, "What brings you here? Is it your mama? We have no news about your mama."

"No, chief," said Chi. "We are here to represent Lord Benevence to bring you urgent news. Lord Phopo has amassed large armies, and he will attack Igniswing soon."

Chi and Zhanshi thought the chief and the elders were about to get panic when they were quiet. Then, he and the elders burst to laughter.

"What is his name again? Bobo? Then, he and his armies will all die in Igniswing! Nobody could ever defeat a redragon!"

"Chief, Lord Phopo surely has done enough preparations before he has decided to attack," said Zhanshi in a tone of desperation.

"Yes," said Chi. "Nobody could ever defeat the undefeatable redragons. But Lord Phopo and his armies of saber leos are nobody. Chief must have forgotten that Sister Nuwa had defeated the chief?"

At Chi's reminder about the chief's defeat at Nuwa's hand, the whole hall became noiseless. The flickering torch clarified the paleness on chief's face and the elders' faces too.

"What can you do for us?" said Rouge. His tone was now less intimidating.

"Igniswing and the Warriors of Benevolence shall become an ally," said Zhanshi. "Lord Phopo would be attacking Igniswing in the nearest future. Lord Benevence has set his camp at the East shore by now and preparing his armies. We will inform our lord of the news. For now, chief. Be prepared."

"Thank you both of you for informing of the news," said Rouge Ti. His face had no more trace of threat and was as welcoming as Emberfist's face.

"We shall now take our leave and inform Lord Benevence of the good news," said Chi.

Chi and Zhanshi turned and made their way out through the dimmed passageway. They were lucky that they need not fight the chief. More than that, the chief accepted without any objection the alliance with Lord Benevence.

The sky was already dark when they were out from the dragon's head mountain. Chi and Zhanshi continued their way to the place where they had landed on the island. It was a cliff, and they were at the dead end on how to descend from the island. They could see tiny dots of light bickering at the seaside like the stars below rather than the sky. The lights were coming from Lord Benevence's camp.

"Let me take you two down to the camp," said Emberfist.

It was so fortunate that Emberfist had appeared to bring them down to the camp.

"Thank you so much, Emberfist," said Chi.

Chi and Zhanshi grabbed each Emberfist's arm as he spread wide his wings, flapping and descending toward the spots of light where the camp was. Emberfist were descending so fast that the howling wind lashed three of them.

The tiny lights grew bigger, revealing that the light comes out from each tent. The tents became larger and larger as they were approaching the ground. Many warriors stopped chatting and laughing when they saw Chi, Zhanshi and Emberfist approaching and landed on the ground. Chi and Zhanshi then let off their hands.

"Thank you again," said Chi. "Emberfist for so much trouble."

"You're welcomed, Chi," said Emberfist as he was about to spread his wings to leave…

"Ask the redragon to join our discussion…"

A voice had come from the largest tent. Chi and Zhanshi turned to look.

It was Lord Benevence, who was standing near the entrance of the tent.

Chi, Zhanshi and Emberfist made their way to the largest tent. Inside, there were several warriors stood around a table. All were having a meeting before Lord Benevence came out and asked them to join. Only a few warriors Chi had seen them in the lord's mansion, like Sir Whitefur and Lady Swiftwind. Vincere, Zhu Ming and Mirai were there too. Once Chi and Zhanshi reported the news to Lord Benevence, he said, "Well, it's a good job that you managed to convince the chief."

"According to our intel," said Whitefur. "Lord Phopo had built one hundred and fifty ships at his port. We need to place defends at the coastline all the way to the Igniswing."

"Sir Whitefur," said Swiftwind. "Lord Phopo built no typical ships but Ironclads. They are made of irons. And with the engines so powerful, Lord Phopo can reach Igniswing fast. Our cannons are useless against those ships.

"Yes, we build iron ships too," said Whitefur. "We will fight them fire with fire."

"It's not a good strategy," said Swiftwind.

"Then, what is your strategy, Lady Swiftwind?" said Lord Benevence.

"My lord," said Swiftwind. "I said we have sent our men to sabotage the ships. So that their ships will fail and will not even move."

"Why don't just blow up all the ships?" said Zhu Ming.

As all eyes laid on Zhu Ming, nobody said a word. Lord Benevence switched to Zhu Ming with a nod. Everybody nodded in agreement too. It seemed that it was an excellent plan.

"All right," said Lord Benevence. "We will blow all the ships. Send some armies to sneak inside to do it. That's the first plan. If in case the plan fails, we have to fight Lord Phopo. We need to prepare defends and Ironclads too."

"Yes, my lord!" All answered loud to their lord.

The strategy was set, and Lord Benevence had Emberfist return to Igniswing to inform the redragon's chief about the plan. Blowing up all the iron ships was a good strategy as it could prevent the battle from happening. But shall it fail, the battle has to be faced. For that, the warriors of Benevolence had begun to setting up defences and building ironclads. Zhanshi and Vincere had helped with the building of ironclads, Zhu Ming led the soldiers to set up defence and traps. In contrast, Chi and Mirai had gathered foods from the nearby forest and help with food preparing.

The next day, when the Sol had dawned and the breakfast time had passed, Lord Benevence summoned Chi, Zhanshi and Vincere and they gathered near the blacksmith's tent. Chi felt a little discomfort, not because of the sounds of hammering and clanking of the forge on the anvil or the swishing sound of molten metal in water but the hot air steamed from the furnace. Event standing away from it, Chi was sticky with sweat, and so were Zhanshi and Vincere.

"Sir Zhanshi, Sir Vindicta and Lady Myst'wing," said Lord Benevence. "I have something for you."

Chi, Vincere and Zhanshi had curious looks at their faces, wondering what their lord had in store for them.

"For Lady Myst'wing," said Lord Benevence, taking out a pair of glittering gloves. "This is a mesh glove. It can break metal. I realise you have a strength-deflecting skill which you can deflect the opponent's attack. Your skill is useful. But what if they are armed with weapons or firearms? With these gloves, you can directly grab the opponent's weapon and break it. You can even catch arrows and bullets."

"Thank you, my lord," said Chi as she received the pair of gloves with her heart so glad. It was cold on her hands, and when Chi examined it, it was in fact made of strands of metal which were woven together, enabling it to be strong and supple at the same time. Of what kind of metal, she couldn't be sure. Chi slid her hands into the gloves; it was silkily smooth inside, and she didn't feel her hands warm with suffocating moisture. She reached for the sword which was offered by Lord Benevence. With her both hands on the blade, she exerted pressure on the blade… and clang! The blade had broken into two.

"Sir Vincere, I present you this rapier," said Lord Benevence. "A gentlemen rapier, sharp and supple." He shows the rapier and with his hand and he bent the blade to the curvature, and when he released his hand, the blade swung back and forth with a twang sound. Lord Benevence swung the rapier, and a sharp whistling sound was heard. Not long, at the trunk of a tree not far appeared a cut as though it had been hacked by something sharp.

"Thank you, my lord." Vincere then took the rapier and examined it. It was exquisite and elegant, with a thin blade and golden hilt. Vincere swung it several times on air. The air whistled as several new hacks appeared on the tree trunk.

"For you, Sir Yu, a sabre," said Lord Benevence. "Grand jade sabre." Lord Benevence swung the sabre on air… with a sharp swoosh, a crack appeared on the ground.

"Thank you, my lord." Zhanshi then took the sabre and then swung it several times on air. Swooshes passed through the air and cracks appeared on the ground.

"Learn to familiarise with those weapons at the moment," said Lord Benevence. Chi, Zhanshi and Vincere answered 'yes' together.

Later that day, a soldier came with a grim face, rushing to the camp and into the lord's tent. Everyone who had seen the look on that soldier knew he was bringing bad news, but what it really was? And Lord Benevence summoned all his warriors for the news.

"I have bad news to say," said Lord Benevence. "The plan to blow up Ironclads had failed." After the peacekeepers shocking gasps, he said, "Our men were spotted and had been killed. Now that the plan had failed, the security around the port had improved. We can't go on with another plan like sabotaging the ships. Now that the battle is unavoidable, we have to fight the battle."

The news of the foiled plan and the fact that everyone need to face the battle caused a tensed situation to the peacekeepers. The building of defence and the ironclads were progressing faster as more engineers from dwarven tribes had been pushed to the building project.

A week went fast that nearing a hundred ironclads has been built near the coastal line, though it was only half to the ironclads built by Lord Phopo. Defence and traps at the Igniswing had been set up too. Chi, Zhanshi and Vincere had taken about a week to train themselves with the weapons also. That day, Lord Benevence had a meeting. All gathered in the largest tent, including Emberfist and his two redragons comrades.

Everyone was quiet as the warriors focused on Lord Benevence who was looking down toward the table, at a map of the surrounding area. The map was not flat on a piece of paper, but with miniature hills and greenery and flat blue to represent the sea. Chi was amazed at how the Draconian Isles stood on thin wooden sticks, as the real floating islands stood on invisible sticks. And she saw Lord Benevence and Lord Phopo's camp too – in the shape of a tent; her lord's camp was at far north from Lord Phopo's camp. Several wooden pieces laid near her lord's camp; each piece was a miniature figure of each warrior: Benevence, Vincere, Zhanshi, Ming, Yosoku, Emberfist, Chief Ti and Chi. And there were several mini ships and saber leos near Lord Phopo's camp.

"Now let us be positioned to the battle position," said Lord Benevence.

Now everyone focused on the map.

"Lord Phopo will depart from his camp by ironclads," said Lord Benevence as he dragged several miniature ships away from Phopo's miniature camp. "Sir Vindicta, Lady Yosoku and me will make a curve formation here." Lord Benevence place three pieces, each resembled the three of them in a curve facing the several miniature ships. "If Phopo could get pass through us and make way till the island, Sir Yu, Lady Mystwing and Sir Zhu will be on the island to defend." Lord Benevence placed several ships near the largest floating island and saber leos on the island, and he also placed three models of Zhanshi, Chi and Ming on the island.

Zhanshi, Chi and Ming replied, "yes." And Ming's smirked with a satisfied grin on his face.

"Emberfist, could you attack alongside us at the sea?" Lord Benevence turned to Emberfist.

"No, since the ships are made from iron, our attack is useless," said Emberfist. "Only once they left the ships and began scaling the Igniswing, only that we can attack."

"Then, the chief and you shall attack the Igniswing." Lord Benevence relocated the models of chief Ti and Emberfist from his camp onto the island. "We will fight alongside the redragons."

Several hundreds of Lord Benevence's armies were given each a mechanical glider which was built by the dwarven tribe. Once arming themselves with the gliders, they flew toward the mountain. Emberfist, with his comrades, returned to Igniswing to inform the chief about the latest battle plan. But the redragons thought that such a battle plan was of no use since they would prefer to fight face-to-face with fire and brute strength, rather than tactics, traps and ambush.

The peacekeepers took rest near the redragons' lair. It was the first time Chi with her new form return to her former resting place. She never thought she would return to her resting chamber. Probably it was the arrangement of the Universe. Laying on her former resting place which she had slept with her mama, she felt a sudden restless and walked out from the lair, looking up at the night sky.

The sky was cloudless with many visible stars. A band of stars and dark clots stretched like a huge arch across the night sky. To her, it was like a bridge of heaven. She remembered there was a myth that if you could find the other end of the bridge, you could climb to the heaven and have your wish granted. Though it was a myth, she did believe it. "Me wish that me can reunite with my mama."

"I know your mama is still safe, Chi."

Chi turned and saw it was Zhanshi. He seemed to have stood there for some time.

"I understand how you feel right now. Since Lord Phopo had declared war with the redragons, every redragon is in danger. But I do have a feeling your mama is still safe. Don't you feel that too? You're a mystic, Chi."

Chi blushed. She seemed to have forgotten that she was a mystic, she could feel that too. Perhaps all the troubles had clouded her inner sense like a cloud obscuring the Sol. Chi closed her eyes which after some time, she opened her eyes and beamed. "Yes, Zhanshi. My mama is still alright. The feeling is strong."

That night everyone stayed on alert. It had been a week since Phopo was injured by Chi and that he may have been recovered. The battle could happen anytime now. Chi grew tired that she slept off.

Her surrounding was dim but for a red outline of a redragon.

"Chi-dear…" it was her papa.

She hurtled and threw herself to her papa, feeling herself was going to burst to tears.

"Mama's alright… don't worry Chi-dear." Her papa warm hands curled around her.

"Papa," said Chi, "Phopo is about to attack Igniswing."

"Worry not, Chi-dear," said Jing. Her papa's voice showed no sign of worry. "This is one thing we couldn't control. And we shall not let it to control our emotion."

Her papa's words had a little soothing effect on Chi. "But Phopo is going to destroy the redragons!"

"If the redragons are destined to be destroyed, then no one could do anything to save them. However, if it is the other way around, then no one could ever destroy them. This is out of our control, Chi. We shall live free without burden from anything that we couldn't control."

Now her papa words had soothed her deep inside. "Yes, papa is right. Me understand. So is my mama. But me miss mama…"

"Your mama is free from harm, Chi-dear. Soon…"

A horn pierced the silent morning and startled Chi up. It was twilight as she could see a faint light at the eastern horizon since the Sol hadn't risen yet. Steams of grey smoke against the dark sky. Chi stood up and ran toward the island edge – a fleet of ironclads were bombarding on each side. Lord Phopo's fleet was cruising from the south to the north, clashing with Lord's Benevence's. Even from where Chi was standing, she could hear the blast of cannons and explosions. Though standing on Igniswing, which was a large distance from the battle, she could feel the intensity of the battle. If Lord Phopo lost, then it was alright, and the alliance would break apart.

But on the other hand, if Lord Benevence lost, it would mean Lord Phopo would gain ignium, which would mean Lord Phopo would be more powerful. The redragons would also face extinction. So, with her mama too. There were too many stakes at Benevence's side. But this event was out of her control, all she could do was fight with all her might.

Sol dawned and shone on the sea and the ironclads, glinting with the reflective light. Benevence's fleet was no match for the Phopo's superior fleet and suffered terrible losses. Though Benevence's armies had lost, they had reduced Phopo's fleet by half. With no more fleet to fight, Phopo's fleet continued to march on until they reached Igniswing's shore. The ironclads laid the anchors, and when the ironclad's iron doors were opened, Lord Phopo's armies came out. The armies threw the gripping hook onto the high shore and began scaling the island. More and more Lord Phopo's armies came out and launched their offensive.

Now, the battle had spread to the island. It was up to Chi, several hundreds of peacekeepers and the redragons to fight Lord Phopo and the Alliance. Traps and defends had been activated which the Alliance's armies were hurled from the island. Boulders were released, and Alliance soldiers were rolled on and squished.

"ROAR!!!" Hundreds of redragons were gliding on the sky, along with Lord Benevence's armies descending toward the hundreds Alliance armies. Redragons rained down flames and hurled several Alliance soldiers from the island. Warriors of Benevolence with the mechanical glider rained down arrows on the Alliance.

Chi repelled the armies with torrents of gale wind and energy orbs. As the Alliance armies tried to pounce her, she deflected their attacks with her strength-deflecting skill that they were being pounced instead. When her opponents swung their weapons toward her, she reached for the weapons instead and broke it. Zhanshi with his jade sabre delivered the forceful dragon-conquering skill toward the Alliance armies; Zhu Ming used his Zhuge-X and his exploding fire rockets.

The Alliance too did have countered redragons and Benevence's armies. Some of them were strong to crush redragons. Lord Phopo's saber leos were strong and swift to evade redragons' attack. The leos lunged at the redragon to bring them down on ground only to be hacked by weaker armies. Soon, Lord Benevence along with those, had lost the sea battle had come and joined the battle. There seemed to have an equal number of casualties on both sides.

The fighting eventually reached the dragon head mountain with no apparent hint of which side would emerge victoriously. The battle was fought for a day-long, started before the Sol had crowned and now it hung low at the western sky.


A sudden ear-piercing roar echoed loud from the mountain. Everyone stopped fighting as all the eyes were looking toward the dragon head mountain. The roar belonged to the mightiest saber leo – Yexin Phopo. It meant that the Alliance Leader had fallen. The Alliance armies then dropped their weapons to surrender.


Then, came another earth-shaking roar. That was the roar of a redragon. From the magnitude of the roar, it was the strongest redragon of Igniswing – Rouge Ti. Even the great chief had fallen. It seemed that Lord Phopo and Chief Ti were of equal strength and power that they were able to kill one other.

Those at the vicinity sprinted into the dragon head mountain. Chi made her way, too, quick toward the mountain. From the entrance through the dimmed passageway, she could never miss several bodies of redragons' elders scattering along the way. With quickened breath and growing fear, she had made her way to the inner chamber. She elbowed her way through the large crowd and was startled when she looked…

Lord Phopo and Chief Ti were lying close together, sprawling on the ground. Both of them were wounded with claws and scratches.

"Please, no… please…" Chi was horrified to the verge of tears when she hurried to Chief Ti and squatted by his side, trying to pull him up by his shoulder. The wound on Chief Ti was deep, pooling with crimson blood. It was a wound impaled by something sharp, not by claw or fang. She glanced at Phopo and saw a long sword laying not far from him and she turned back to Chief Ti. Tears rolled on her cheek because she knew Chief Ti had a mortal wound. He was the only redragon that had taken care of her after her mama. Deep inside her heart, she had treated the chief like her papa.

Of course, Chief Ti had treated Chi like she was her only daughter. With slow and heavy breathing, Chief Ti 's shaking hand reached for Chi's warm, smooth cheek. "Chi… it's alright… I can… finally…"

Zhanshi squatted next to Chief Ti to examine the chief's wound. He brought his head nearer to the chief and spoke a few words that only Chi and the chief could hear. "I believe that it was not Phopo. Who's doing that?"

But the chief just smiled and said, "it doesn't matter." The chief looked right at Chi's eyes. "Chi… beautiful even… not a… redragon… eyes… just like… your mama…"

"Chief, please. I know it's not Phopo who impale you," said Zhanshi. "Who impaled you with the sword."

And yet, the chief ignored Zhanshi as though he was transparent. His eyes were still on Chi's.

"Chi… your papa… you… alike," said Chief Ti. His breathing was lagged that he paused between words. "Your papa… and me… brother… rival… will meet… your papa," Tears of regret trickled down from Chief Ti's eyes. "afraid… your papa�� won't forgive… very sorry… Jing."

Chi felt a sudden pity for Chief Ti. She hadn't had any idea of what had actually happened between her papa and Chief Ti. Perhaps her mama could tell her what had happened, but until now she hadn't found her mama yet.

"Brother Rouge, I forgive you." All of the unexpected, Chi had said in a tone which unlike her usual soft tone. It was likely her papa had spoken to his dearest brother.

Upon listening to the words, Chief Ti had a blissful smile. Tears of solace flowed from his eyes. Soon, he closed his eyes, and his hand fall from Chi's cheek.

"Rest in peace, chief." Tears trickled down on Chi's cheek. Unable to bear the bitter tears anymore, she closed her eyes and muttered an incantation. Bodies of slain soldiers, regardless of Benevence's, redragons or Phopo's, all glowed and began to disintegrate into millions of sparkling entities. For the Cyaians who were still alive, they were awed by the cosmic-like panorama. All the entities rose and disappeared into thin air until the last of the entities disappeared.

Chi rose and observed her behind. Lord Benevence, her friends and the warriors were standing; all were gazing at her.

"Looks like we know the outcome of the battle," said Lord Benevence.

"My lord, you're wounded!" One of Benevence's armies shouted.

Every one of his warriors was nervous when they saw their lord's right arm was dripping with blood. And they all turned to him with grave expression in their faces. "Call the physician!"

"It's nothing." Lord Benevence could still feel calm, although his blood was still dripping. Many of his men attended to him, tearing clean cloth from their clothes and wrapped it around his arm to stop the blood from flowing. Not long a redragon came and placed a handful of blackgrass on his wound and wrapped his arm tight and tidy.

"Take no prisoners!" Emberfist sounded so harsh that it startled everyone. He really meant it. Those including Chi couldn't think what would happen next. Yet another slaughter just after Chi had prayed for the slain warriors to find peace. The Alliance armies all looked petrified; shaking and trembling.

"Emberfist, wait!" said Lord Benevence. "It's not right to kill those who had surrendered."

Emberfist peered at Lord Benevence the moment he had spoken. A look at him showed he was in anger and rooted on the ground; looking as if he had realised, he had made a terrible decision out of anger. Chi could understand his feelings. Of course, he had seen how most of his redragon tribesmen had been killed by Lord Phopo. How his friends which they had grown up together all died in the battle. His papa, the chief had died too. But it was Lord Phopo's fault alone; neither the Alliance armies nor the saber leos.

"Release all Lord Phopo's armies. His armies are innocent." Lord Benevence issued his orders, as he scanned all the Alliance armies. They were relieved that they kneed down and gave Lord Benevence grateful kowtows. "You may go where ever you wish. If you wish to join the Warriors of Benevolence, I am more than glad to welcome you."

The Alliance armies rejoiced out loud. They were willing to join Lord Benevence's troops. Perhaps they had suffered much under the leadership of Phopo. "Thank you, my lord. We're grateful to serve." These were their new vows to Lord Benevence and the Eastern Land.

"Chi? Chi-dear?"

Someone had spoken behind Chi. The sweet voice was familiar that she revolved to her back…

She saw her mama. Could it be real, or was it her dream or imagination?

"Mama," Chi cried as she hurried toward Sunu as Sunu too, hurtled toward Chi. Both the mother and daughter embraced one another for almost an eternity, with warm tears flowing down their cheeks. It did seem like ages since they were separated.

"Me really miss mama." Chi pulled herself from the embrace, looking at her long-lost mama's glittering eyes. "Thank goodness, mama is alright, but where mama had been all the time?"

Her mama ran her scaled finger on Chi's cheek, wiping tears off her cheek. "After Chi had managed to escape, mama was caught and was brought back to Igniswing. Since mama couldn't live without Chi, then mama left Igniswing to find Chi."

"Mama, why there's no news of mama all the time?"

"Mama hadn't had any news about Chi either. Mama knows the land fears redragon and would kill one. So, mama have to be careful and only come out to search for Chi at night."

"But, mama, how can mama come here and know this is me, although me is in a different body?"

"Silly, Chi." Sunu grinned. "Mama had dreamt of your papa. Your papa told me to return to Igniswing, and mama saw Chi in the dream too, in a graceful body like this one."

"Mama had the same dream too?"

At that time, both Sunu and Chi widened their eyes. Surprised of such coincidence; how could both her mama and her had the same dream?

"Me had dreamed of papa too," said Chi. "Papa said mama's alright and pretty soon, me will meet mama."

"It's your papa," said Sunu. "Thank you Jing-dear." In this very moment, Chi could feel slight tingling of warmness surrounded her. If the warmness was not from her mama, then maybe it was from her papa.

Sunu withdrew her head a little from Chi, looking with wonder at her new form. "Chi, how can Chi have transformed into this body?"

"After me managed to escape, me met Sister Nuwa, and Sister Nuwa had me transformed into the lake, to a form that harmonious with my thought. Sister Nuwa even taught me many things."

Chi felt herself pinkish under her mama's maternal gaze. She examined her daughter's new physical body. "No matter what Chi looks like, mama still love Chi…"

Then, Sunu and Chi embraced once again. They were grateful that they had finally reunited although the chance for them to meet was bleak. What Nuwa had said was true; the Universe will always take care of you. All the incidents that had happened, for instance, Chi and Nuwa's presence in the skywolf village had Zhu Ming's grudge, which resulted to her to being thrown into prison. If not for that to happen, she would not have met Vincere whom she attended the assembly with. And that, she would not meet Lord Benevence and had missed a chance to protect the Eastern Land and the event eventually led to the Battle of Igniswing. All the series of incidents led her to her mama. Hadn't she met Nuwa or Zhu Ming, Vincere or Lord Benevence, would she have any chance to reunite with her mama?

When the Sol had set, Lord Benevence and his warriors gathered at the open space near the God's statue. All were there to mourn for the lost soldiers and the redragons.

"We are here to mourn for our lost soldiers, comrades, friends and also brothers," said Emberfist. "Those fallen will not be in vain as we have won the battle. We must thank them for their sacrifices. Without them, we would not have any chance to stand here."

The whole crowd was quiet as they were listening to Emberfist's speech. Only when the warriors were silent to mourn did they realised the cracking sound of burning torches.

"I'm sorry that we also lost our great chief, Chief Ti. We must always remember that without the chief, no one would ever defend and fought for Igniswing. I'm sorry to say that his loss is to remind us that we redragon couldn't stand alone. We must end our delusion that the redragons are invincible and therefore, we must stop our isolation. We must stand with the Warriors of Benevolence. Only that, redragons can be strong again."

All the redragons roared; they all agreed with Emberfist.

"We need to elect a new chief!" An elder redragon had spoken. "I nominate Emberfist to be the new chief!"

Without any delay, all the redragons roared. "Emberfist! Emberfist! Emberfist!"

"Is there anyone wish to nominate another candidate?" The same elder had spoken.

"Chi Myst'wing!" said Vincere and Zhanshi.

Chi tilted her head in astonishment. All the redragons presented were astonished too. Everyone was looking at her in great quietude and awkwardness. Only the crackle of burning torches was heard.

"She's not even a redragon," said the elder.

"She was!" said Zhanshi.

"But now she isn't. Even if she is one, she doesn't fit to be the chief." A voice sounded from the crowd of redragons.

"What say you, Chi?" said Emberfist.

"Me vote for Emberfist," said Chi, in the hope this way of escapism would work, and it did –

In unison, the redragons now shouting. "Emberfist! Emberfist! Emberfist!"

Then, the dragonhide drums rumbled. Emberfist proceeded to the stone steps where Chief Ti had stood. It was the place where the chief stood. And when he turned to face his fellow brethren, the drummings stopped, and the dragonhead horns howl. An elder approached Emberfist with an ignium bowl full of fresh crimson liquid with and presented him the bowl. Emberfist accepted and with one mouth, he gulped down all the liquid. When he finished, he returned the bowl to the elder and roared as loud as he could. With that, dragonhead horns howled again, and all the redragons roared. That was the coronation of Emberfist as the new chief.

When the coronation ceremony ended, every redragon danced to entertain the god and a light refreshment followed after. Benevolence's soldiers and the redragons did enjoy the dancing, the refreshments and shared everybody of their heroic stories.

Chi would like to listen to stories too. Since small, she loves stories of Igniswing, her papa and mama's adventures, Cyaian myths and legends (which was told by Sister Nuwa) and Nuwa's own adventures too. But since she had just reunited with her mama, she would like to spend more time with her. When Chi was sure no one was looking at their location, Sunu and Chi sneaked out.

But, Emberfist had noticed them…

"Chi… you know you're even better than me now in terms of skill and power. But why you vote for me?"

"Me just never want to be a chief, that's all."

"Chi, is that that no one supports you? If so, let us fight in front of the redragons."

"Emberfist, it's not that. Me just want to have a carefree life with mama. Me joined Benevence armies just to earn a living while finding my mama. Now that me have reunited with my mama, me will resign soon to live with mama and Sister Nuwa."

Emberfist's face almost twitched when he heard 'Nuwa.' He did remember about the lady who had come with Chi months ago and defeated the former chief. "But Chi, I really need your help. Only with you, Igniswing will be great again."

"You need not me, Emberfist. Me know you will be a better chief than the former one."

"But I don't know what can I do."

"Have faith in yourself, chief. You have a good leader quality, and that will make you be a better chief."

With that, Chi turned to leave with Sunu. But Chi paused and swung back to Emberfist. "Chief Emberfist, you have changed a lot. Before that, you were so arrogant. Now, you are completely, unlike your past. You're so much likeable now. You can really be a great chief."

Emberfist took hold of Chi's hands so sudden. She never expected Emberfist behaved in such a manner that she was taken aback.

"Chi, you do know I like you all the time," said Emberfist. "I was arrogant before, but I have changed. You said that too. Though you had humiliated me in the goatmen village, I try to save you from the execution. I even fly many distant far from Igniswing to search for you until that city where you and your friends humiliated me again. But now, you have approved me and gave me hope. You make me feel like I'm on top of the world."

Chi was quiet, listening and looking at Emberfist with much anticipation.

"Chi, will you be my wife? I promise I will take great care of you…"

For that very moment, Chi was at a loss of words. She looked at Emberfist for some time; to dive inside herself, to find out if she has feelings toward Emberfist; a reason to either accept or reject his proposal.

"Me very sorry," said Chi, pulling her hands from Emberfist's. "We're not made for each other. We're not compatible, sorry."

Emberfist now looked like he had hit rock bottom.

"We still can be a close friend, right?" said Chi.

"Ah-huh." Emberfist nodded. "Chi, I will always pray for your happiness and well-being," said Enberfist in a low voice.

"Thank you, Emberfist. Me will pray for yours too."

Chi and her mother left Emberfist and made their way out from the redragon's settlement, away from the loud cheering of redragons and the warriors. They stopped when they reached the edge of the island where they could only hear the faint roar of sea's waves.

Both the mother and daughter sat to face the dark sky, enjoying a quiet time together. The Lune was full, giving the sea an image like Chi's golden orb on its' surface. A cold breeze blew on them, yet they didn't feel cold as they both share their warmness together.

"Do mama have hope in finding Chi?" said Chi.

"Yes, Chi-dear. Thought the world is huge, mama have faith to find Chi."

Sunu paused and turned away from Chi, throwing her look toward the starry night. Chi looked at her mother, and she too turned toward the area her mother was gazing.

"Papa always takes care of us," said Sunu. "Remember the time when Chi was almost executed? At that time, mama could only rely on your papa to help. The moment mama asked for Brother Jing's help, Chi had a sudden burst of energy. Remember, Chi? It was from Brother Jing. Brother Jing could also do that when alive..."

When Chi heard her mother's voice muffled, she knew her mother was in tears. Chi laid herself on her mother's shoulder, and her mother placed her hand on Chi's shoulder. She had shed warm tears from her eyes too. "Chi have always miss papa and mama." Both had missed each other that they gave each other comforting hug.

"Mama, before Chief Ti died," said Chi. "He felt very remorse of what he had done to papa. He even asked for forgiveness from papa. What had actually happened between my papa and the chief?"

"Well," said Sunu. "Your papa and the Chief Ti were once brothers, but your papa was more favoured. This led to the rivalry between your papa and the chief. And also, your papa had an idealistic ambition and thought which added more spark to the rivalry. Your papa believed the redragons can be stronger by having allies while Chief Ti believed the alliance is for the weak and redragons can become strong even without the alliance. Mama not sure who had killed your papa, but mama quite sure that he had led your papa to demise."

"Papa is now with the Universe," said Chi. "Always protecting me. Me had always dreamt of papa, giving me hope and encouragement. And tell me what to do, where to go…"

"Mama had also dreamt of Brother Jing," said Sunu. "Brother Jing had reunited us. Now, mama can feel Brother Jing is with us, hugging us."

Chi could feel warmness enveloped her and her mama. "Me can feel papa is here." The whole family embraced each other. Each of them was in a different form: ethereal, redragon and a human lady. Despite these differences, they could feel each's others love since love could transcend form, time and space.