Chapter 3

On the top floor of the luxurious hotel, four eligible bachelors were gathered. This was their usual meeting spot.

This hotel belonged to one of the aristocratic families.

The top floor was their private place and apart from these four, no one else was allowed to be on this floor.

The four aristocratic heirs were casually hanging out after a long day of work. Santoris, Ambrosio, Anderson, and Cooper are the four families.

They had so many businesses in the country and around the world.

Some of their businesses were legal and some were illegal.

The regular people had no idea about their true wealth and only knew how much these families showed the public.

The aristocratic families were very well connected, they had connections from the army to the politicians.

Tristan Ambrosio, Dimitri Santoris, Blake Anderson, and Aiden Cooper were sitting casually sipping their drinks. All four of them were good looking, intelligent, and were born with wealth.

They worked hard to keep their businesses running smoothly.

People watched them like vultures, they are keeping an eye on them so they can take away their businesses.

Everyone know that their lives are colorful, that they could have anything they wanted, but what most people didn't know was how much effort they had to put into it and the long hours they invested into finalizing their business deals.

They were dedicated.

These aristocratic families were the oldest families and many have tried to take them down.

Their heirs are obligated to attend a compulsory two year training period. It has been a family tradition that every generation should follow. 

The aristocratic families had been enemies in the past but they were threatened by outsiders so they made peace with each other.

When they combined their forces nobody could defeat them. 

The training was very difficult, they were taken to a deserted land and were not allowed to contact their families. 

They were given all sorts of training. They had physical training which was so severe that the first day rendered them immobile.

They were being trained mentally to avoid manipulations and mind games.

Then they were left in a forest to test their survival skills to see if they can get out of the wilderness and come back alive.

All this training was to fully prepare them for the real world.

Tristan was the watcher.

He will carefully observe and talk only when needed.

He was cold, shrewd and a workaholic, he never took any vacations, and he never let any women near him.

He is 32 years old, he is the oldest of them all.

In the training camp, he was always very moody and did not mingle with anyone.

Aiden was the first person to take the initiative to get Tristan to open up to them.

"Now that Nina is getting married my family is pressuring me to get married next," Blake said. Nina is Blake's older sister.

"What about the actress you were seen dining with?" Aiden questioned.

"Well she met me to talk about her contract with my company because she wanted to renew it," Blake said coughing.

"Yup, we believe you," Dimitri mocked.

"When that actresses' contract ended, she got angry and tried to see me but was rejected a lot by my secretary. Later she tracked my whereabouts and tried to negotiate, but when I declined she tried to seduce me," Blake said.

Blake invests a lot in the entertainment industry and he was always surrounded by women and with them the scandals, but they are never true.

Blake is a very outgoing person and he was always in the media.

His name will always be linked to some celebrity and was always published in the magazines. He was a troublemaker and a little flirty.

The other three could keep a low profile, but since he was in the entertainment industry he could never hide. 

"Don't you only take the top models for your company?" Aiden asked.

"I have a good eye for beauty," Blake said arrogantly,

"Tristan, your grandparents called me and told me you should meet all the socialite's daughters at the wedding. You're getting old and you're still not married. Today I will introduce you to some of these eligible women and you can choose among them," Blake suggested. 

Blake being the mischievous one would always try to introduce women to Tristan's grandparents to irritate Tristan.

"You're already 32 and you've never had a girlfriend. You know, if you keep delaying getting married, your brother might stop working," Dimitri chuckled. The other two laughed loudly.

Dimitri's family belonged to the mafia. To the outside world, it looked like they were running a business, but that was just a cover-up.

He is a merciless person, he was trained early on to kill anyone who crosses his path.

Out of all of them, he had the most erratic temper.

He always used guns to get his point across, you could never bother him to talk and explain when he deals with people.

Tristan stared at him coldly and continued to drink.

"Look, having that expression will not attract any women," Aiden said.

"Well, everyone can't be so sunny all the time. I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a girl," Tristan mocked.

"Hey stop it, that was in elementary," Aiden said embarrassingly.

Aiden was the youngest among the group. Aiden was very beautiful when he was born.

In the hospital when everyone saw the baby, they thought he was a girl.

The scans told Aiden's mother it was a boy and when they handed over the child to her she thought they gave her the wrong baby, he was so pretty.

Aiden's mother always wanted to have a baby girl but could not have another child due to complications so she used to dress him up in girl's clothing to satisfy her needs. 

Aiden's father stepped in to prevent his mother from ruining his life because of her crazy obsession.

He explained that she should stop dressing him up before people start making fun of him.

In elementary, one of the guys mistook him for a girl and even confessed to him.

Among the four, Aiden had a calm demeanor, he was soft-spoken and he was the gentleman type. Just don't make him angry, because that would be a totally different story.

A lot of women have tried to tie these four eligible bachelors down but no one has been successful, until tonight. 

Each of them was different but when they set their minds on something, no one can stop them, be it in business or with women.

They know that when they find the right one, they won't be running away from getting married, they will be running towards it.