Chapter 10

It was Sunday, and Tristan never worked on Sundays unless there was an emergency. 

He used the extra time he had on Sundays to workout for two hours.

He had built a gym with all the latest equipment in his mansion. During the week, he would use it for half an hour before he went to work. On Sundays, he had a personal trainer come in to complete his workout.

His routine would be to read some of the economics books from his library after his workout. And later in the evening, he would go to the club with his three friends to unwind.

Tristan was on a video conference with PA Jack. He was on the balcony in his robe lazily drinking his coffee.

"Jack, let me know if I have something scheduled today?" Tristan asked.

"Sir, there is nothing important. But Mr. Wesley invited you to his resort, at the XX," Jack said. He knew that his boss never attended any of these functions. He would only choose the ones that were necessary.

It was his duty to inform Tristan of these events so he can decide if he wants to come.

"Well, reject it," Tristan responded without thinking.

"Yes Sir! His family is attending with him. A few businessmen with their families go to XX resort every Sunday to hang out together," Jack explained.

"Forward me the address. I'm going ….," Tristan seemed interested. 

He thought that if the families were there, there was a big possibility Ava might be there too. The only reason he agreed to go was that he really wanted to see her.

Jack was shocked because his boss never attended any personal gatherings before, apart from the ones with his close buddies.

"You don't need to come," Tristan said and went to get ready.

Jack was happy, at least he could enjoy his Sunday.

"Mr. Tristan Ambrosio, it's good to have you here," Mr. Wesley said, shaking his hand.

He did not expect Tristan to come. He thought that such a very important businessman will obviously have other plans. He invited him because they were both working together on a new project, and he wanted to have a good relationship with Tristan.

He wanted to have a few more collaborations with the Ambrosio's in the future. But he was extremely delighted that Tristan came today. What he didn't know was that Tristan came here for his youngest daughter.

"This is my wife," He introduced Mrs. Wesley.

Mrs. Wesley was absolutely gorgeous. Tristan now knew where Ava got her looks from. Mrs. Wesley smiled at him gently. Tristan nodded at her.

His eyes were searching for Ava. If she wasn't here, then him coming here was a waste. 

Mr. Welsey introduced Tristan to other businessmen present. He said his greetings, but he didn't find anyone he wanted to talk to right now.

"Let's play golf, then we can have breakfast," Mr. Wesley suggested.

"You go ahead and play. I will come to see you in a bit," Tristan told them, then he went to search for Ava.

He walked around the resort, and he spotted her at the tennis courts. She was wearing blue shorts with a white t-shirt. She was showing off her long legs, and her hair was tied up in a ponytail high above her head.

Because of the heat and after playing several rounds, her fair face had become red. She was looking absolutely adorable. He wanted to pinch her cheeks.

"Ava!" Tristan called out to her. She looked in his direction, which made her miss her shot.

She always saw him wearing suits, but today Tristan looked handsome. He was wearing brown pants with a green t-shirt, and he had his sunglasses on. He looked casual and carefree. He wasn't even wearing his serious face.

She walked over to where he was standing.

"Hey! You're here," Ava said, surprised.

"Yes, your father invited me. Let's play a game," Tristan suggested.

"Sure, let's play doubles," Ava agreed.

Ava teamed up with a guy that she was already playing with, while Tristan paired up with another girl. They started playing.

"Ugh," Ava exclaimed. The ball hit Ava's knee. The other girl was so distracted by Tristan's good looks, she couldn't concentrate on the game.

"Ava," Tristan jumped over the net, panicked.

She sat on the ground. The ball hit her knee so hard it broke her skin. He saw her wound and became angry.

"I am sorry," the girl apologized. She didn't mean to hurt Ava. It was an accident.

Tristan glared at her. Seeing his angry look, the other girl got scared.

"It's fine, I just need a band-aid," Ava said. She did not want Tristan to scold the girl.

"I'll help you," the other boy came forward and was about to touch her.

"I will take care of her," Tristan lifted her in his arms. He did not want anyone else to touch Ava.

She was surprised. She screamed for Tristan to put her down. Tristan didn't say anything and simply carried her. She couldn't do anything but hold on.

She was so soft. He thought.

He inhaled her fragrance, and it was so sweet. He could get used to this. 

She wasn't heavy at all and he liked having her close to his body. Ava was very uncomfortable. They were too close. She's never been this close to a man before. His broad chest felt very warm. It made her blush.

He made her sit on a bench and asked an employee to get the first aid kit.

"I'll do it," Ava said when she got the first aid kit.

"Just sit down, and I will do it," he commanded her in a stern voice. Leaving her no chance for her to argue. Ava hearing his dominating tone kept quiet. 

He put her leg on his lap. 

Ava shivered when Tristan touched her leg. Tristan failed to notice her reaction as all his attention was on her wound.

"Does it hurt?" he asked softly.

"No…..," She stammered.

He put Dettol on a cotton bud. Ready to apply it to her knee.

"This is going to hurt," he said, warning her.

"Uhm-hmm," she nodded. 

When he applied the medicine on her wound, she whimpered and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Shhh... it's over," he coaxed her like a child. Blowing on her knee.

He cleaned the wound and put a small band-aid.

He was looking at how cute her reaction was. When he noticed her neck, he gulped. Her ponytail tied up that way highlighted her slender neck.

Ava looked at him and saw that he was staring at her intensely. She caught his eye, and they stared at each other.

She has such beautiful eyes, he thought.

His eyes are so intense. I could stare at him all day, she thought. Then she caught herself. 

"What am I doing?" she panicked and broke eye contact.

She removed her hand from his shoulder, apologizing, then she looked down. She was self-conscious. She didn't dare look up and stare into his eyes again.

Tristan did not say anything but had a doting smile on his face.