Chapter 33

Today was Sunday. Tristan came to the club because Ava had told him she was there every Sunday to play tennis. He wanted to see her again.

He saw Ava on the lawn talking on the phone, and she was smiling. Behind her were flowering bushes that made her outfit, white skinny ankle pants, and green flowy sleeveless top look like she belonged as part of the scenery. She could be part of a painting. 

The wind kept blowing her hair around, and whenever her hair fell on her face, she frowned and tucked her hair back delicately, behind her ear. He could not take his eyes off her, he wanted her to smile like this all the time.

Ava noticed Tristan, she did not think he would come. "Hey, how come you're here?" Ava asked.

"I was bored at home, so I thought I should come," Tristan said smiling. It was a total lie, his friends had invited him to hang out, but he told them he had some emergency at work and declined their invitation.

"Oh nice," Ava nodded.

"Let's have breakfast," Tristan suggested.

"Sure," Ava said and was about to walk forward when Tristan walked towards her at the same time. "What?" Ava panicked and moved a step back.

Tristan lifted his hand as Ava widened her eyes. "What is happening?" she was concerned.

"She's so beautiful, I can get lost looking at her eyes, and those lips, I'd love to kiss them," he thought as his eyes roamed her face. Her skin looked so soft that he wanted to pinch her cheeks.

As he slowly moved his hand to her hair, Ava closed her eyes. "Oh my gosh is he going to touch my face, is he going to kiss me?" she thought panicking inside. Tristan took the leaf off her hair, moving his fingers through her hair, giving him a feel of soft and silky it was.

"Open your eyes, little one," Tristan said in a low tone. She was so nervous she didn't even notice he had given her a nickname. He had called her little one.

Ava slowly opened her eyes, looking into his eyes. "There was a leaf in your hair," Tristan said, showing her the leaf in his hand.

She let out the breath she was holding, "Oh, thank you!" Ava murmured. 

"You were nervous for no reason, stop thinking too much, he just wanted to take out the leaf," Ava said to herself, berating herself as they walked to the cafe.

As they sat for breakfast and checked the menu, Tristan asked, "What would you like to order?"

"I want waffles and orange juice," Ava replied.

"That's all you're eating for breakfast? You need to eat more," Tristan said. She was a little too thin, he thought. "You need more energy, college will be very hectic," he suggested.

"But I'm not very hungry," Ava frowned. He didn't reply and called the waiter to order breakfast.

The waiter came with a full breakfast tray, pancakes, sausages, and fruits, along with waffles and orange juice.

"Here, eat the fruit salad and sausages," Tristan said, serving her breakfast.

"Hmph! I don't want to eat anymore," she said, throwing a tantrum.

"Be good, and eat a little," He said as he coaxed her.

"Okay, I'll have fruit salad, but I don't want the sausages," she declared.

"Okay, I'll take the sausages," he said in a doting tone. 

He saw her tantrum and acting like a child as something positive, it meant she was very comfortable to let him know how she feels.

She was the only person he had wanted to care for. He wanted her to belong to him so he could put her in his palm and keep her forever.

His little one.

His Ava.

While eating breakfast, Tristan spent most of the time staring at her.

"Here drink some water," he said, panicking as Ava started choking. "Do not talk while you're eating," he said in a stern tone while she was drinking her water.

"You were the one asking me too many questions," Ava said, glaring at him.

"Fine, sorry, it was my mistake," he said helplessly. Tristan never apologizes to anyone in his life, was now apologizing to Ava even though it was a silly matter. He understood that he could be stern with anyone, but not to her.

She was so fragile, and when Ava pointed out that he was wrong. He was happy to accept his mistake. 

He was in over his head, if she argued this cutely all the time, he felt that it would be very difficult for him to say no to her.

After her slight annoyance, Ava gave him monosyllabic answers when he asked her questions, but after a while, she forgot she was mad and started talking again. He was listening to her when he thought, "This is the voice that I will never tire of listening to." 

Whenever he imagined his future with Ava he felt very happy. A future with her will definitely be bright.

He noticed a few changes in her, she was now talking to him freely and was not as nervous as before, it is what he had been hoping for, for Ava to be comfortable around him and get used to his presence.

It looked like he was successful in today's task, and they were able to talk for a few hours.

Ava always feared Tristan because of his dominating aura, and when he came today she was not so happy to see him.

On his insistence, she agreed to have breakfast with him, but later when she started talking to him, she felt that he was not as stiff and strict as she thought he would be.

He listened to her and occasionally gave her a small smile. 

He was always attentive, so she felt comfortable, she was scared that breakfast with him would be boring since they have nothing in common and won't have anything to talk about.

Once she started talking she could not stop. It looked like she enjoyed spending time with him, prolonging their time together he said, "I have not seen the club, how about you give me a tour?" 

"Sure, oh you're going to like this club, it has a lot of amenities," Ava said, cheerfully.

They spent a lot of time together while touring the club, and it looked like Ava had gotten a little closer to Tristan.

Tristan's first step in courting Ava was a huge success.