Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Lily got the notes from Mr. Scott, but even with his notes, she could not understand what topic the notes were discussing.

She didn't attend classes regularly, nor did she make any effort to learn anything, she had flirted with the professor to get his notes.

But even with his notes, she won't be able to pass the exam, she was thinking about what she can do to pass her exams, and only one thought came to mind. 

Seduce him.

Yes, she was going to seduce the professor. She thought flirting with him was enough to get her good grades, but unfortunately, even if she didn't like being with him because he was very old, the need to pass his course was greater.

She always thought her beauty could help her get things done, and right now, she was going to use everything in her power to do just that. 

Lily called the professor to tell him that she had some questions that only he can answer, so the professor agreed to meet her at school. She argued that she won't be able to make it until after the school closes down, so it would be better for them to meet at this hotel restaurant she was familiar with. 

Giving her argument, how could he say no. He cannot stay in school beyond office hours, it wouldn't look good for his career. She was right, it was better to meet somewhere else, he convinced himself. 

She suggested they meet at the restaurant on the ground floor of one of these hotels away from school, she cannot have someone ruin her plans by recognizing her. She still had a reputation to keep. 

Lily was dressed in a very short black dress with thin spaghetti straps, and a neckline was so deep that her cleavage was very prominent. She blow-dried her hair, put on silver eyeshadow, and dark red lipstick, and with her red heels, she looked absolutely sultry.

He didn't recognize her when he first saw her, she was stunning, he thought, and very sexy. He was staring at her the whole time she was walking towards him, which she thought achieved what she wanted right off the bat.

"Sorry I was late," Lily said.

"No problem, I haven't been here long," Mr. Scott stammered, he could not take his eyes from her cleavage, she kept on leaning forward or pretending to adjust her dress, it was so small that he didn't know where to look.

He roamed his eyes hungrily on her whole body. Lily smirked, knowing the effect she had on him. "Sir, thank you for always helping me," Lily sat down and touched his hand.

He was surprised by her touch and tried to remove his hand, but she held onto his hand, slowly rubbing her thumb on his hand. 

Loving the feel of her soft hand on his, the professor could not believe that such a hot girl was willing to touch him. He was enjoying it and hoped that they would have some more skin to skin contact.

He was at that age that everybody thinks he's old, his wife doesn't even have sex with him anymore. She had gotten too comfortable eating too many dinners and started aging as well, she was never at home these days, always out with her children, which made him feel very lonely. She was not as warm and loving as when they first got married.

But he was a very good person. He always loved and respected his wife, he never once strayed during their marriage.

He liked the attention she gave him the first time Lily came to his office and flirted with him, she was such a young and hot girl, and it was difficult for him to look at her when she was in class, just thinking about her made him blush.

And today he was very eager to see her, he felt like he was a teenager all over again, having his first date. Giving her a once over, he knew he did the right choice.

"I'm willing to do anything for you," he said, smiling. She was happy to know that he was already under her control.

She ordered some desserts and drinks so they could have some snacks before she executed her plan. "Sir let's eat," she said. Tearing a small piece of cake with her fingers, she smears the icing on her upper lip and licks her fingers off. 

The professor was getting turned on with Lily licking her fingers, he reached out and wiped the icing from her upper lip.

"Oh, I'm sorry, that was impulsive of me," he stammered when he realized what he did.

"No need to apologize, did I have something on my lip?" she asked sexily, licking her upper lip.

Her lips were calling out to him, he was wondering how soft they were if they were to kiss them. He shook his head, what was he thinking? Why is he having such thoughts about a student?

It was time for the next step on her plan, she accidentally tips the water towards herself to get her dress wet.

The professor also panicked, mopping up the mess on the table. 

"Oh no, I'm soaked to my skin, what do I do," she said, pretending to be a damsel in distress.

"Here's some napkin, try to dry it," he said, trying to help her mop up the water from her lap.

"Okay, I will just go get a room and let my dress dry and then go home," Lily suggested.

The professor was so confused and blinded by her beauty that he just agreed. He went and paid for a room to help her dry her dress. This was why she chose a hotel to hold the meeting.

"Here's the room key, I'll be waiting for you in the lobby," he said.

"Oh, but I'm going to be all alone, can you please come with me?" she pleaded with him.

"I don't think I should come with you, that would be inappropriate," he argued.

"But please, I don't want to go alone, please," Lily pleaded with her pouty face. He could not ignore a damsel in distress, so he went up to the room with her.

Lily was in the restroom when, "Aiyyo," she screamed. He barged in the bathroom thinking something must have happened to her.

She had her back to him, "Uhm.. can you please help me with my zipper. I think it's stuck" 

Mr. Scott was hesitant, but then again, it's just a zipper, and she does need help, he said to himself. 

As he opened her zip a little, her milky white back came into view. He could not control himself and touched her back with a finger. He was scared Lily would slap him and come out screaming. 

But this was part of Lily's plan, so she waited for him to touch her some more to get the next step of her plan in motion. He got brave and splayed his hand on her back, moving and rubbing.

"Hmmm…," Lily moaned. Mr. Scott came back to his senses and excused himself to leave.

"Wait!" Lily said as she turned around, holding her dress up.

"Mr. Scott …..," she said sexily, biting her lip, as she let her dress fall on the floor.

The professor shivered, she was wearing see-thru black lingerie. The professor's eyes popped out, he had never seen anything so hot and sexy, his wife never wore anything like this even when they were first married.

Lily walked toward him slowly, staring at him like a panther mesmerizing its prey. With her heels on, she was taller than him, so his face was right near her cleavage. 

She put her hands around his neck and bit his ear, "You're a naughty boy," she whispered.

He was on cloud nine. They started kissing passionately, not being able to control himself, his hands started roaming her body, touching and squeezing everywhere.

Lily stopped kissing him and stepped back. As he came forward she said, "Stop for a second, now listen to me. If you want me then you must promise me to pass all my exams," Lily said.

"Yes, oh yes, anything you want," he said, reaching out to touch her body, he can't get enough. He was ready to do anything just to have her.

"Good, now come here," Lily said as she made her way to the bed, he followed like a very obedient puppy. She was going to give him what he wanted so she could stop worrying about his class.