Chapter 45

After Lily seduced the professor into sleeping with her, she had not seen him again.

Mr. Scott had given her all his notes, but after studying all the papers that he gave her, none of it made sense. It was two days before the exams, and she wanted to make sure that he was still under her control. She needed him until she finished school, this was her last year, and after graduation, she would cut all connections with him.

She had called the professor, and it seemed like he was waiting for her call because he picked up after only one ring.

"Hi sir…," she said in a singsong voice, "Have you forgotten me," Lily asked.

"No, I was waiting for your call," he said.

After their meeting at the hotel, he could not stop thinking about her constantly.

He wanted to be with her again but did not want to initiate the call, he had been a good husband and father all his life, and this was unbecoming of him, but he didn't really feel all that guilty about it. 

Once he had a taste of the forbidden fruit, he could not stop craving for it, he was not even interested in his wife anymore, he had Lily for that. He wanted more than one night, but he was scared of getting caught.

All he could think about was her hot body, and how much he had enjoyed it that day, he forgot about everything except Lily. He thought about calling her so many times but was not sure if she would agree to meet with him again.

Now that she called, it was like Santa Claus had come to give him a gift.

"Do you miss me? Would you like to see me again?" she purred like a cat.

"Yes, yes, I would like to see you right now," he said enthusiastically.

"Really, come pick me up at X road," she said.

"Sure, I'll be there soon, wait for me," he said and jumped up to get ready. He spotted her right away when he got to their meeting location.

Mr. Scott soaked up her presence, she was wearing a black mini skirt that hiked up when she got in the car, an orange tight sleeveless top that hugged her curves, and purple heels that made her butt taut and firm.

She had tied her hair in a bun baring her neck, put on red lipstick to make her lips more eye-catching, and sprayed a lot of perfume to intoxicate him. He could not control himself and squeezed one of her knees as she sat down.

Lily moved his hand, but he just placed it higher on her leg. 

"Concentrate on the road," Lily said sternly.

"I want to concentrate on you," the professor said, he said rubbing her thigh.

"Naughty," Lily giggled, letting him take small liberties. When she did not stop him, he became bolder and reached into her skirt.

She held his hand and stopped him, "Wait till we reach the hotel," she said, smiling. He just couldn't keep his hands to himself and started squeezing her boobs over her top.

Lily slapped his hands playfully, but the professor did not stop. 

"Are you very eager to have me?" Lily asked sexily.

"Oh yes, very much!" the professor agreed.

"Look out, there are traffic police, you don't want to get caught, behave for now," she warned. So he kept his hands to himself until they reached the hotel.

The receptionist has been working at the hotel, and they are asked to be discreet when they deal with their customers, but she couldn't help but stare because the girl looked like she could be around her age, and the guy was old enough to be her father.

The girl was dressed so provocatively that the man couldn't even keep his hands to himself. He was touching her inappropriately that they were making some of the guests uncomfortable. Most of them speculated that they are probably having an affair.

Mr. Scott couldn't wait to kiss Lily, but she had other plans as soon as they got to their room.

They were sitting on the bed when Lily asked him, "Before we start, I have a question. Do you like me?" 

"Yes, I love you very much," he was blinded by lust. He was trying to feel his way up her skirt.

"Then how are you going to prove you love me?" she asked, trying to evade his hands.

"Tell me what I should do?" he was ready to do anything to please her.

"I know you are helping me pass my exams, but I want more," she demanded, "But I don't think you can give me what I want."

"No, no, tell me, I will give you anything you desire," this would be a rare opportunity to have a hot girl like Lily, so he wanted to make her happy.

"I want five lakhs. I have a family emergency," Lily pleaded, but of course, she was lying. She just wanted to take advantage of him since he was a fool, and he would do whatever she wanted anyway.

"Five Lakhs, I don't think I have that much money," he was shocked, being an ordinary college professor he did not know where to get that amount. He wasn't even paid enough every month.

"See, I told you you won't be able to fulfill my request. There is no use for me to be with you. I think I'm just going to leave," Lily got up and went to open the door.

"Wait, don't go," he panicked and followed her to the door. She smirked, knowing that she had him in the palm of her hand. She turned around, pouting. 

She could see the fear in his eyes, he was scared that she would leave him if he did not give in to her demands. "I will think of something, give me some time," he said, pleading with her to stay.

Lily kept quiet like she was contemplating if she should stay and believe him. 

"Please trust me, I will arrange for you to have five lakhs as soon as possible, please don't leave," he begged.

Lily smiled, knowing that he would surely make sure she had the money. He was relieved, seeing that she was not angry at him anymore.

"Come here," Lily called, she sat back down on the bed and patted the space beside her. He ran to her like a lost puppy.

So she rewarded him by kissing him passionately, and he returned her kisses with equal fervor, roaming his hands all over her body.

When she removed her clothes, his eyes bugged out, and thought himself lucky to have this wonderful creation in front of him right now.

They stayed there until the wee hours of the night, satisfying both their needs.

But who knew that today's actions will be the cause of their downfall tomorrow.