Chapter 103

Today was bachelor party of Ava. It was arranged in large scale and very sophisticated manner . Sara has taken the responsibility of setting the whole party. The dress code was black for everyone . Ava was wearing a short cocktail dress. There was lot of drinks and everyone was enjoying. The girls played many games and took lot of photos. There was truth and dare game. 

A lot of Ava's college friends have come . Kelly being Ava's close friends was also present.

"Ava after today you will be Mrs. Ambrosio ", Kelly was excited.

"Ya ", Ava was blushing as there was just one day for her wedding.

"Come one lets do shots ", Kelly suggested.

"Yup ", Ava agreed . It was also safe since they were having the party in a safe place . There were no men in this place so there was possibility of danger.

There drank few shots .

Sara had invited some male dancers to spice up things.

"Ava my sis there is a surprise of you ", Sara said to Ava.