Chapter 106

Sara sat in her room, feeling devastated. Finally, the wedding was over, and she didn't need to pretend to put on a happy face anymore. She couldn't even enjoy Ava and Tristan's wedding because her mind was somewhere else.

She had everything in control, her career was heading the way she wanted it to go, but now she was going to lose everything. She fought so hard to get to the top now it seems they are hell-bent on keeping her in the bottom.

Everybody thought she had come home to attend the wedding, but it wasn't true, she came to hide from her problems. She was scared for her life, not knowing what will happen next.

She didn't want to involve her parents, they were rich, but she doesn't think they can do anything about it anyway.

The person she was scared of was very powerful, she will never be able to fight him. He was the ruler of his country, all he needs is to lift his finger, and everybody will fall at his feet.