Chapter 108

This was the big bomb he threatened her with, this was the start of her downfall. 

She was shaking and having a problem with her breathing, she couldn't get enough air into her lungs for her to function. All she could think about was that she was ruined. 

"Sara? Sara? Are you still there?" Bonnie could be heard through the phone. She placed the receiver on her ear.

"Sara, what's with the news? People have pictures of you taking drugs. This is going to ruin your modeling career," Bonnie said in a panicked voice.

"This is not me, Bonnie, you know I don't even drink alcohol. I...I... take care of my body… why would they do this to me?" Tears were running down her face, and her voice was crackling as she repeated her earlier statement.

"I know Sara, what's with all this evidence anyway, when did this even happen? I was with you the whole time.