Chapter 111

Sara was preoccupied with thoughts of Blake, so without looking at the caller id on her phone, she answered it.

"Hello, this is Sara," she said.

"Hello kitten," said the voice on her phone.

"Joaquin …," Sara was shivering, trying to end the call, she heard, "Don't bother ending this call! No matter what you do, I will find a way to reach you," Joaquin said.

"What do you want from me? Why do you keep calling me?" Sara said, irritated.

"Kitten, I am hurt, why are you not happy to hear my voice?" Joaquin said sadly.

"Cut the crap and tell me what you want," Sara barked.

"Wow, my kitten has claws," Joaquin said in a deep voice.

Sara felt disgusted hearing his voice, she felt her skin crawl. He had portrayed himself as a perfect gentleman to the world but that was far from the truth.