Chapter 130

"Go take a bath, and I will order something for us to eat," Blake's voice cut into her reverie as he deposited her in her room. He had to carry her to her room because she was still in shock, and she clutched at his lapels and didn't want to let go. 

She knew she looked like a mess, makeup running down her face, the dress she wore earlier now covered in dirt and mud, but she couldn't get over the fact that Joaquin tried to kill her.

He gently pried her hands off his suit and led the way into her bathroom, where he filled the tub, checking the temperature, so she could wash off all that grime from being held by Joaquin.

Holding her face between his palms, "Baby, the bath is ready, I'm going to find your pajamas so you can change.

"Will you still be here when I'm done?" she asked, her eyes hopeful because she was scared that if he left, Joaquin would just reappear.