Chapter 136

Blake had talked to Dimitri about Joaquin. Dimitri was able to find every dirt and history about him. He had more enemies than he had friends, most of the people around him kept quiet most of the time because they did not have enough power to go against him.

Dimitri was able to meet with the King of the Maple kingdom, Benedict. Dimitri told him of Joaquin's plans to steal all his treasure and take over his kingdom.

The king dismissed Dimitri's claims, saying that Joaquin was a minor king and would not be able to do much damage to his kingdom, but the evidence Dimitri had gathered proved him otherwise. Joaquin was going to use the same tactics he used when he took over his father's kingdom. The king was shocked and was now wary of Joaquin.

Their plan was to kill Joaquin but both Dimitri and Benedict knew that would be hard to accomplish because Joaquin was always surrounded by his security. So they came up with a fullproof plan to trap Joaquin.