Chapter 146

As Blake entered the house, he saw that Sara was still wearing the same dress. It looked like she listened to him. 

Sara felt nervous as soon as Blake came into the house. He looked like a predator walking towards his prey. Maybe she should not have listened to him and waited in the dress.

He kissed her with enough intensity to make her forget about everything else. He was in a hurry and tried to remove her dress roughly.

"Blake wait! This dress is so expensive you cannot just tear it like that," Sara pleaded. She wanted to preserve the dress because she was wearing it when she got her award. It held special memories.

"Baby, don't stop me tonight, I will buy you more dresses like this," Blake said impatiently.

"Blake, please…I really want to keep this," Sara showed her puppy dog eyes. So Blake listened and helped her unzip her dress.