Mission To Recruit Part Two

Arashi courteously extended a cup of steaming tea to his guest, gesturing towards the single couch in the room. He himself settled onto the comfortable cushions, waiting patiently for his guest to take a seat.

Shino Morida took a sip from his cup, and the room fell into a peaceful silence. He settled comfortably into the soft cushions of the sofa and observed his surroundings with a keen eye. "You have created a tranquil haven for yourself here," he remarked warmly.

Arashi's lips curled into a wry smile as he spoke, "Teaching is an incredibly demanding profession."

As Shino Morida looked around the room, he can't help but notice the chaotic state of disorganization. However, amidst the clutter, the sala stands out as an exception, radiating a sense of order and structure. The floor is covered with an array of books, carelessly strewn about, as if they were tossed aside in a hurry.

After glancing around the cluttered environment, Morida replied, "I suppose you're busier than ever."

Morida is a distinctive figure who can often be seen walking through urban areas with an ancient medieval sword hanging at his side and shining silver armor covering his body. It's apparent that he takes immense pride in displaying his membership in the prestigious government guild known as "Lost Mjolnir."

Arashi meticulously removed his pristine white coat, revealing his sleek black turtleneck. He then gently laid the coat on the couch, taking great care to ensure that the coat was draped perfectly, as if he were dressing the sofa itself.

Arashi, with a relaxed posture, asked the cop captain, "I'm curious, what brings you here? Don't you have a lot on your plate?"

Morida, with a hint of exasperation in his voice, took another sip of his drink and replied, "Oh, stop it. You know I am quite occupied at the moment."

Arashi playfully teased his friend, "Oh, are you too busy to hang out? Don't worry, feel free to leave then." His mischievous chuckle hinted at the light-hearted nature of their banter.

"Oh, come on! Don't be mean, teacher," "Morida responded to the joke of without any hint of offense, indicating that he did not take the joke seriously."

Morida takes a sip from his drink, his demeanor shifting to one of seriousness. Arashi senses that he has something important to say and remains quiet, patiently waiting for the cop to speak.

"You remember the guy I told you about?"

"Let me guess, you failed to catch him again?"

"Yeah . . ."

Arashi let out a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of what was to come bearing down on him once again. Weary from a long day at work, he reached up and removed his glasses, setting them down on his desk with a gentle clink. Closing his eyes, he hoped to give them some rest, while his mind braced itself for the inevitable.

Arashi closed his eyes and inquired, "What happened this time?"

Morida, in a state of irritation, reached into his pocket and retrieved a pack of cigars. He proceeded to extract a single cigar.

Morida, a seasoned cop of Lost Mjolnir, sighed heavily as he reached for a cigarette and placed it in his mouth. Frustration etched across his face as he fumbled with a lighter that refused to ignite. "I have a rookie assistant this time around, and while he's competent, it's still not enough to catch that darn criminal," he muttered under his breath.

Arashi inquired with his eyes shut, "Did you come up with a good strategy?"

"Absolutely! But you must understand that he is no ordinary Knight," Morida replied, his eyes squinting as he attempted to light the cigar that dangled from his lips.

Morida was having a hard time lighting the lighter as he spoke. "We had him trapped inside a strong barrier, but despite all our efforts, he somehow managed to break free," he said with a hint of frustration in his voice.

Arashi refrained from opening his eyes, yet his inquisitiveness compelled him to remain quiet and listen intently to the Lost Mjolnir cop.

Morida struggled to light up his cigar, muttering under his breath. "That barrier was S-ranked," he said, his tone laced with admiration. "My assistant was an honor student at school. No one ever escaped his barriers." The statement spoke volumes about the assistant's prowess in creating impenetrable barriers, leaving one to wonder about the circumstances in which such a skill would be necessary.

Arashi's eyelids fluttered open, revealing his deep blue eyes. As he gazed into the distance, he muttered under his breath, "Sakaki Kyoshiro, huh?"

"As we carried out our military operations, this individual always managed to slip away from our grasp. His agility and swiftness were akin to that of the legendary knight - 'The Phoenix.' " As Morida recalls this, he feels a growing sense of unease and apprehension.

Arashi's gaze was fixed on an empty space as he asked, "What are you trying to imply then?" His tone conveyed a sense of curiosity and eagerness to understand.

Morida's eyes narrowed as he studied Arashi with a sharp gaze. "He's a dangerous guy," he warned. "There's more to him than meets the eye. He's hiding his true power, and even the Kaishi Ravens may not be able to handle him." His tone was serious, and a sense of danger hung in the air.

As Arashi gradually peeled his eyelids apart, he was met with Morida's piercing stare. "I sense you require my assistance," he uttered in a calm yet curious tone.

Morida's response was prompt as he hurriedly clicked the cigarette lighter several times until it finally sparked into life, illuminating the dimly lit room. "Yes," he replied.

As the sun slowly descended below the horizon, the room was engulfed in darkness. The only source of illumination was a flickering candle perched on Arashi's desk, and a lighter held tightly in Morida's hand. The two men remained motionless, their figures casting long and intimidating shadows all around. The air was thick with tension and unease.

Arashi disagrees with his old pal Morida, saying "Look at me; I'm a teacher now, not a Divine Knight". Although the cigarette lighter finally ignited, Morida still hasn't lit the cigar in his mouth.

Morida's words were laced with disappointment and sadness as he asked, "Are you still refusing to join us again? Remember the old days when we were all part of the same guild?" He couldn't help but feel rejected by the person he used to hang out with.

Arashi shook his head and hesitantly voiced his doubts, "I have a nagging feeling that perhaps I'm not the person you are looking for."

Morida's shoulders slumped as he let out a deep, defeated sigh. Despite his best efforts to persuade the teacher to join his team, he knew it was a lost cause. The teacher's expression remained firm and unyielding, and Morida couldn't help but feel discouraged by the rejection.

"You're still as mean as ever, 'Sensei'." Morida said as he leaned in to light the cigarette in his mouth.

Arashi playfully teased his friend Morida, reminding him that smoking was not permitted in the area. "By the way, Morida, just a friendly reminder that this is a non-smoking zone," he chuckled mischievously.

Morida ceased his movement, closed the lighter, and removed the cigarette from his mouth.

Morida's frustration boiled over and he lashed out at Raiden Arashi, exclaiming "F*** You! Why didn't you say so sooner, Raiden Arashi?! You haven't changed a bit!" It was clear that Morida was angry at Arashi's deceitful behavior, feeling that he had been taken advantage of by someone he thought he could trust.

With a playful grin on his face, Arashi rose from his seat, stretching his arms above his head before taking a step forward.

"What the f*** Are you trying to do this time?" asked Morida, trying to maintain his poise.

With measured steps, Arashi approached his office desk, his gaze fixed on the wooden surface. He reached out to the drawer handle, his fingers gripping it gently. Slowly and carefully, he pulled the drawer open, revealing its contents with a soft creaking sound.

Arashi walked over to the couch where Morida was seated. He lowered himself onto the cushions and opened the book, his eyes scanning the pages as he settled in for a quiet read.

"What is that?" asked Morida curiously.

"Earlier, I mentioned that I am not the person whom you have been searching for, is it correct?"

"I'll just seek help from our former guild members. Forget it."

"Don't bother. I'm quite confident that this girl will be able to assist you someday."

Arashi handed over the book to Morida, who seemed perplexed and bewildered by the words spoken by Arashi.

"What is this?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hakken and Ayashiro were swift to finish their work on earth. With precision and skill, they managed to capture all ten lurking members of the notorious Yakuza group who were hiding around the abandoned building. The duo worked in perfect harmony as they skillfully neutralized each target and gathered the unconscious bodies together in one place.

"Why are they so weak?" Ayashiro asked, sounding bored with the fight.

"Of course, dumb one. They're just humans," Hakken responded with sarcasm.

"Stop calling me dumb, you barbie brat! I did all the work while you just stood there and watched as I took down all these losers!"

Ignoring Ayashiro's presence, Hakken approached the motionless body and began rummaging through the pockets of the man's clothing. With careful movements, he retrieved an item from one of the pockets.

"Here it is, a smartphone."

Ayashiro snatched the phone swiftly from Hakken's hands.

Ayashiro showed interest in the gadget and asked, "how do we use this, smartass?"

Hakken then retrieved another smartphone from the second body.

"Let's see . . ."

Hakken, being the brilliant individual that he is, quickly assessed the intricate device that was presented before him. With utmost precision and thoroughness, he deftly swiped the gadget, leaving no stone unturned in his analysis.

"Here it is. Navigation map."

Hakken was quick to grasp the functioning of the navigation app, making it seem effortless. Ayashiro, on the other hand, appeared to be at a loss, staring blankly at the smartphone.

"Tch. You got lucky there, Barbie."

"Now, how do we find . . St. Agnes Academy?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Morida's fingers traced the rough edges of the pages as he thumbed through the book Arashi had given him. The weight of confusion settled heavy in his stomach, leaving him feeling lost and frustrated.

Morida attempted to conceal his irritation as he heard "The Red-Eyed Princess," but despite his best efforts, an awkward laugh escaped his lips.

Morida couldn't believe what Arashi had just suggested. He felt a mix of anger and amusement as he looked at his friend. "You want me to seek help from a mythical character?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You're making me less than a fool, you bastard!" Morida laughed bitterly, feeling like Arashi was playing him for a fool. He couldn't believe that his friend would suggest something so ridiculous.

Arashi's voice was solemn as he uttered the words, "Isn't it ironic? But I'm not joking." Despite the potential irony behind his statement, there was no hint of humor in his tone.

Morida, with a look of exasperation on his face, closed the book shut. It was as if he had finally reached his limit with Arashi's incessant pranks, and he couldn't take it anymore. With a deep sigh, he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his temples, trying to calm himself down.

Without any hesitation, Morida spoke to his companion, "I am occupied at the moment. If you do not wish to accompany me, that is perfectly fine. I will assemble a proficient team to assist me in capturing Sakaki Kyoshiro." His words were calm and composed, yet they conveyed a sense of urgency. Morida's gaze was fixed on his companion, waiting for a response. "However, the option to come with me still stands should you change your mind." With that, Morida turned around and swiftly departed from the room, leaving his companion behind without even bidding farewell.

Arashi smiled awkwardly, feeling as though he had jeopardized their years of friendship with just one poorly thought-out "joke".

"I told you, I'm serious," Arashi mumbled, still wearing an awkward smile.

He carefully extracted a photograph from his pocket, holding it delicately between his fingertips. His gaze fixated on the image captured within it. The young subject in the picture had luxuriant locks of chocolate-brown hair that cascaded down in loose waves, framing a face that was delicately contoured and exquisitely proportioned. The most striking feature of the student, however, was the pair of emerald green eyes that shone with a dazzling brilliance, seeming to hold a world of secrets within their depths.

In a hushed tone, Arashi murmured to himself with a sense of conviction, "I have a feeling that this young lady will possess the ability to assist us for a considerable amount of time into the future."

Arashi's lips curved up into a gentle smile as his eyes rested on Shizuka's school identification photograph. "Ah, yes. The moment I've been waiting for is almost here. The Red-Eyed Princess, the one who has been prophesied to arrive in this world will soon make her appearance. She is none other than Fujino Shizuka, the daughter of Fujino Asuka. Finally, I will have the chance to meet you in person."