Shizuka's Decision

Shizuka's eyes fluttered open, jolted out of a deep slumber by an indiscernible force. She lay there, disoriented, and glanced out of the window. The first light of dawn was beginning to appear, illuminating the world outside in a dim glow. As she gazed outside, she noticed small snowflakes gently drifting down from the sky, their delicate forms swirling and twirling in the air before landing softly on the ground. The sight was mesmerizing, and for a moment, she was lost in the beauty of the wintry scene outside.

The snowfall had intensified, yet it retained its delicate beauty as it blanketed the entire city, causing severe road blockages. The soft glow of the city lights illuminated the surroundings, casting a faint light on the falling white flakes that drifted aimlessly through the night air. The veil of snow created a serene and peaceful atmosphere, transforming the city into a winter wonderland.

Shizuka has been asleep for four long hours, but the icy chill in the air has finally roused her from her slumber. She grudgingly drags herself out of bed and shuffles over to the heating air conditioner, her teeth chattering as she fumbles with the controls. Despite the warmth it eventually provides, the initial wave of cold air nips at her skin and sends shivers down her spine. It's a harsh reminder that winter has truly settled in.

As she got out of bed, her hand reached for the remote control lying on the nightstand. Suddenly, a loud and jarring sound, like the shattering of glass, echoed from the kitchen, catching her off guard and sending shivers down her spine.

"A glass?"

Was it just a water glass or had someone tampered with it? To confirm her suspicions, she quickly grabbed the wooden sword she used for her kendo practice and hurried toward the dining area. Ever since her encounter with Kyoshiro, she had become more paranoid and vigilant of her surroundings, always on high alert for any potential danger.

As she rushed into the kitchen, her heart pounding with fear, she was relieved to find out that the sound she had heard was not Sakaki Kyoshiro, but just her grandma dropping a glass of water onto the floor. The shards of glass glinted in the light, scattered across the linoleum tiles.

"Relax, kiddo. It just slipped out of my hands." Granny Takiko calmly said, trying to reassure her granddaughter and put her at ease.

"Phew, I thought Kyoshiro was here again," Shizuka breathes a sigh of relief.

"Where are the others?" she asked, exhaling deeply.

Granny Takiko turned her head and directed her attention towards the living room located right behind Shizuka. She gestured towards the area where the two students were currently present, indicating their presence to Shizuka.

As Shizuka turned around, her gaze landed on the two teenagers, who appeared to be sleeping soundly. She observed that Hakken was resting comfortably on the couch, while Ayashiro was stretched out on a mattress that had been placed on the floor beside the sofa. The peacefulness of their slumber was palpable, and the room was filled with a sense of calm.

Granny Takiko picked up the shards of the broken water glass, wondering how the noise didn't wake the sleeping students. "I miss being young," she thought.

Shizuka stared at the shattered glass scattered on the floor, her eyes wide with concern. She placed the wooden sword she had been carrying beside the counter and cautiously approached her grandmother, who was already on her knees carefully picking up the broken pieces. "Be careful with that, old hag," she warned, her voice low and cautious. "You might get wounded."

With her granddaughter's help, Takiko picked up the shards. "Stop calling me an old hag, you brat," she calmly said.

Takiko, with her calm demanor, put the shattered pieces of the glass in the trashcan and washed her hands with soap and water. As she finished, she turned to Shizuka and asked, "So, why are you still awake? Still can't decide yet?"

"I . . . No . . . Like you said . . ." Clearly, Shizuka is still undecided about going to Eden Land despite their previous conversation.

"Is it too early to decide?" Takiko calmly asked.

Shizuka muttered under her breath, her head drooping in defeat. "You're right," she conceded begrudgingly, her words laced with frustration and resentment. "I can't decide yet, old hag." The harshness of her tone was tempered by the quietness of her voice as if she didn't want anyone else to hear her words.

Granny Takiko gracefully lowered herself onto the cushioned dining chair, her gaze fixed on Shizuka. With an air of nonchalance, she began to speak, "Well, I do have an option for you."

"Option?" asked Shizuka, bewildered.

"Your two choices are clear. You can spend the rest of your life here without ever experiencing what lies beyond, or you can join us on our journey to Eden Land where you can decide for yourself whether or not to stay. The decision is yours."

"Option two sounds promising."

"Then it's decided. You'll be coming with us."


Shizuka's gaze was fixed on her grandmother, her eyes devoid of expression. She knew that arriving at a quick decision was unlikely, but her grandmother's promptness and experience made her hopeful that she could receive some guidance.

Without giving any reason, Granny Takiko got up from her chair in a leisurely manner, unhurriedly making her way out of the kitchen, leaving her grandchild behind.


Shizuka, feeling puzzled, quickly interrupts her grandma from walking away, grabbing her attention just in time. Granny, anticipating the interruption, calmly turns her head back towards Shizuka, meeting her gaze with a serene expression on her face.

Shizuka's eyes were filled with a mix of excitement and fear as she spoke, "I've always wanted to see that world, but at the same time, I'm afraid of the burden that comes with being known as the 'Red-Eyed Princess'. It feels overwhelming to think about the expectations and pressure that will be placed on me." She paused for a moment, awkwardly lowering her head as she struggled to express her conflicting emotions.

"I might turn against you. You don't know me." She added, mumbling under her breath.

Takiko emitted a soft chuckle, her eyes filled with wisdom that only age could bring. She regarded her grandchild, Shizuka, with a gentle expression, but her words were stern. "That's your problem, kiddo. You don't truly know yourself yet. But that's okay. You're still a brat anyways."

Shizuka's eyebrows creased in confusion. "Wha... What do you mean?"

Takiko's gaze remained fix at her granddaughter as she spoke, the weight of her words heavy. "Be honest with yourself and come. I know deep inside your heart you want to become a Divine Knight like us." Her voice was reassuring as if she knew something that Shizuka did not.

"Tch. You really don't know anything about me, old hag." Shizuka crossed her arms defensively, her eyes darting away from Takiko's penetrating gaze.

"You're wrong. I know you more than yourself, kiddo," Takiko said with conviction. "And I firmly believe that the Red-Eyed Princess is a savior, not an avenger."

Shizuka's expression softened, her arms falling to her sides. "How can you be so sure?" she muttered, her eyes flicking away from Takiko's eyes.

"Because... You're my granddaughter. I know you're a good kid."

Shizuka's eyes widened in surprise as she quickly shifted her gaze back to her grandmother. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Granny Takiko smiling warmly at her for the first time. Shizuka couldn't believe what she was seeing - her grandmother had always been cold-hearted towards her, never showing any affection or warmth. This sudden change in behavior was completely unexpected and left Shizuka feeling confused and bewildered. She couldn't help but wonder what had caused her grandmother to act so strangely, and whether this newfound kindness would last.

As she stood there, stunned, she couldn't help but wonder if she had misinterpreted the situation. Did her grandmother just praise her? The thought crossed her mind as she doubtingly stared at Granny Takiko, who seemed to be a completely different person.

Despite the harsh winter, the warmth of Granny Takiko's smile made roses bloom in Shizuka's heart. It was a smile that exuded love, comfort, and confidence, giving Shizuka the strength to navigate the twists and turns of life. For years, she had craved for that smile since childhood, and finally, in that moment, it was like a beacon of hope, illuminating her path forward.

Shizuka stood there, mesmerized, as Takiko turned away, walked up the stairs and disappeared from sight.

Takiko had always been skeptical about the existence of the Red-Eyed Princess, considering the Second Coming Prophecy to be nothing more than a figment of the imagination. However, her skepticism was shattered when she witnessed the birth of Shizuka. The newborn's body was surging with an intense red ki that seemed to be emanating from the depths of hell itself. For the first time in her life, Takiko was witnessing such a powerful ki and it made her believe that Shizuka might very well be the reincarnation of the legendary princess.

The next morning, Shizuka woke up with a newfound sense of enlightenment, feeling ready and excited about her decision to leave for the other world. She started packing her belongings, but first . . .

"What are you talking about, Hakken?" asked Shizuka, feeling irritated.

"We'll have to stop by to someone first before we go."

Shizuka huffed impatiently, waving off Hakken's agenda.

"Well then, I'll go ahead and wait for you at the entrance to the other world. But how do I get there, by the way?"

"There's no need to rush though. Why are you getting excited about this?" Hakken exhales deeply.

This girl just changed her mind so damn quickly.

"Yeah. She's right, Barbie. Our priority here is the mission: to get her to Eden Land as soon as possible." Ayashiro butts in with a medical arm sling in his right arm.

Hakken sighs again, appearing tired of explaining.

"I'm telling you, this will just be quick."

"Argh! Where will we go at a time like this?" Shizuka impatiently asked, annoying Hakken.

"Who will we meet this time? I'm unsure if I'm ready to fight and save your tiny ass again." Ayashiro made a scoffing sound, hoping to provoke Hakken.

"Look who's talking. I don't remember myself wearing an arm sling after a fight though." said Hakken, unitimidated.

"Wow! You seem to be quite the tough guy now. I don't remember you having any big battles before. It seemed like you always stayed behind me, if I recall correctly!

"That's because I use my head a lot during major battles, unlike your reckless behavior."

"What the f***!? Bring it on then, you smartass!!!"

"Cut it out, you guys! Jeez!! Why are you fighting like this all the time!?"

After realizing that their argument was unproductive, they finally ceased.

"Anyways, let's meet up with another Divine Knight around this area first." Hakken remained composed and changed the subject, while Ayashiro humphed and stayed calm.

"Another Divine Knight? And who is that?" Shizuka asked, staring at Hakken with a blank expression.

"My father. Gabyo Hakato, who also happens to be the principal of your school."

"Gabyo Haka. . . wait. . The Principal?? Do you mean that freak? He's a Divine Knight?!"

"He used to be a Divine Knight from our country, but he isn't necessarily one now."

"Why would we meet that freak?"

"We'll just have to inform him that you'll be coming with us in Eden Land."


"That's messed up." Ayashiro blurted.

"I'm sure my old man will understand. This is the path you've chosen."

"I'm not decided yet."

"That's cool. But we have to inform him first."

With a solemn nod, Shizuka lowered her head, conveying her understanding and agreement.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As they approached the outskirts of Tori, the city began to blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings of the woods. The landscape transformed into a picturesque scene of rustic dwellings that appeared to be untouched by modern-day architecture.

As they drew closer to the location where the principal was residing, Hakken's heart was filled with a mixture of feelings. It had been a long time since he had seen his father, and their relationship was never really close. They lived in different worlds, and their paths had rarely crossed. Gabyo Hakato, who had once been a Divine Knight of Eden Land, had decided to stay in the human world due to some unforeseen circumstances. He led a solitary life and taught at St. Agnes Academy before eventually becoming the principal.

As they scanned their surroundings, they observed an isolated cabin nestled amid bare trees that had been stripped bare by winter. It was a spooky and desolate sight, with chopped wood scattered haphazardly around it.

"Is this where he lives?" Shizuka still found it hard to believe that the cabin they were standing in front of belonged to none other than the principal of St. Agnes.

"Are you sure he's here?"

"Yeah. I visited this place when he moved here."

Out of nowhere, a pitch-black Doberman appeared, its piercing howls echoing through the air. The dog sprinted towards Hakken with relentless speed, its powerful legs propelling it forward despite the slippery, icy snow covering the ground.

Shizuka suddenly finds herself in a state of panic as a dog begins charging towards them. Trembling with fear, she raises her voice "Hey, guys! Can you do something about it?!"

This is bad. Despite the biting winter cold, a bead of sweat trickled down Hakken's face, betraying his nervousness or perhaps his exertion.

The dog roughly bit Hakken's right arm and didn't let go.


"Hakken!" Shizuka nervously yelled.

"Good job, Lucky!" excitingly praising the dog for biting his friend, Ayashiro laughed hysterically.

"Good job? What the hell is going on?!" Shizuka yelled, sounding confused.

"Welcome home, you brat. I missed you!" the dog talked in a deep voice while biting Hakken's arm.

"How are you doing, Lucky?" Hakken flashed a smile at the Doberman, trying to hide the pain he was feeling.

Eh? Did that Dog just talk?

Shizuka stood there, her mind racing and her mouth hanging open in disbelief. She was utterly bewildered, unable to find the words to express the intense emotions she was feeling at that moment.

At that moment, the Doberman with its black, shiny fur and piercing eyes, released its fangs on Hakken's arm, allowing him to break free and escape from its bite.

"I suppose that you're finally looking for your father, eh?" The dog snorted.

Hakken responded with a hint of pain in his voice, trying to mask the discomfort from the Dobberman's bite. "Yes, Is he here?" he asked, his composure wavering slightly as he fought to stay focused amidst the pain.

"Yup." The dog replied, wagging his tail.

The dog shifted his gaze at the girl beside Ayashiro.

"Who's that?" The dog asked.

"Well, it's a long story. Her name is Fujino Shizuka"

"Fujino . . . Shizuka?" In a sudden motion, the furry four-legged canine dashed towards the young lady with a burst of energy.


Lucky, the furry dog, cautiously approached the young girl and gently sniffed the scent emanating from her legs, as if trying to learn more about her.

Jeez, this is crazy! A talking dog is sniffing me! Wait. . . Is this the Principal? Is this his true form? A dog? No way! He kept on sniffing at me! Is the principal a pervert?

"I don't smell anything weird from this girl. Are you sure she's the one?"

"Smell anything? What is this dog talking about?!" Shizuka flusteredly asked.

"Don't mind it, Shizuka," Hakken replied, shaking off the blood from the dog's bite.

"That must be painful; that's why I love that dog!" Ayashiro burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, his shoulders heaving as he made a mockery of Hakken.

"Shut up, idiot." Hakken does a commendable job of concealing his agony by making a concerted effort to maintain his calm demeanor.

"You must be tired after your long journey, Hakken."

Out of nowhere, Shizuka was startled by the sound of a man's voice that she immediately recognized. The voice was familiar, and it echoed in her ears, making her feel as though she was in the presence of the person speaking.

As the cabin door creaked open, a man named Gabyo Hakato emerged with an air of composure. His demeanor was calm and collected, as if he had been expecting the arrival of his visitors.

"Pri. . . Mr. Principal!"

"It's been a while, father. . ."