The Artisan

The moment which Setsuna was reborn, her surroundings turned pure white as her spiritual self viewed a number of status panels brought before her with the largest labeled 'Artisan craft System'. Setsuna took a glance at the main panel noting that she had somehow acquired three-hundred 'AP' or Artisan Points and ten 'CP' or Creation Points from the look of things. Setsuna thought this dream had taken a turn for the weird but shrugged and simply toyed with some of the sub-options eventually settling on a rapier design for the item. This design had an embellished snowflake-like design for the basket hilt of the rapier which suited her design taste.

The exact design process for this was simply a number of sliders that as she messed with them began to deduct from her pool of CP; eventually reaching the weapon type and design which she wished to emulate upon the artifact. Setsuna took a moment to examine the weapon's full descriptive appearance in it's full glory, using the time to not only draw upon thematic elements to decide how she would custom-tailor the rapier to herself but also to brainstorm whick qualities she wished to suffuse into the weapon which would no doubt be part of her on the soul level for her entire life as long or short as that may be.

With purpose and a direction decided on, Setsuna expended a third of her AP to increase the weapon's damage to 200% Strength and attach the the Ice/Cold Element which would do 25% of the weapon back again as elemental damage to the weapon with the ability to turn the elemental quality off/on at-will. Any enemy attacked by the ice elemental damage would also be afflicted by the 'Frozen' status condition which slowed their body movement and speed by 50% for a number of six to ten seconds. This all fit in with the thematic elements of the weapon as well as with her own combat style well.

Setsuna spent another sixth of her AP on the first Minor Ability which she aptly named `Heartseeker` and added the Homing (Heart) and Seeking (Invisible) effects to the ability so that the weapon would always home in on the heart of a foe even if they would otherwise avoid the attack - causing the weapon to literally move in on them while in mid-attack. The seeking ability would also remove any debuffs attributed with an opponent using invisibility-type magic or magical equipment. Perhaps the greatest expenditure of AP on the ability however was setting it to a constant effect rather than activate-able. She knew that as a human the weapon would be incredibly unwieldy but her vampiric reflexes would make up for the problems.

Moving on now. Setsuna selected the name 'Manafusion' which would be the name of her second Minor Ability. She added the Casting Focus (Item) and Mana Cost Decrease (Rank II) effects to the ability which would allow her to cast spells through the soulbound artifact as an attuned focus which would increase the potency of said spells and would also decrease the mana and stamina depleted from casting spells by 50%. Like the previous ability, she used more than half of the AP set aside for the ability so that it would be a constant effect. This meant that the woman would not need to perform somatic gestures or vocal incantations when casting and would be able to get far more out of her spells which was good considering she'd have Necromancy along with whatever racial spells she may have access to.

Setsuna had one last obstacle standing before her and ending this dream after-all; her final ability which was a major ability. Setsuna named this ability 'Dark Calamity' and kept the ability as something that would require activation rather than as a constant effect. She began by adding 'Negative Energy Burst' with the modifier 'Area: 20m x 3m Line' and increased the rank of the Negative Energy Burst to Rank V which was equivalent to the force of an A-Rank Destructive Spell. She added 'Fatigue Debuff (Rank III)' and 'Bleeding Debuff (Rank III)' to the Negative Energy Burst as well. Finally, Setsuna scrolled through the visual effect parameters of the ability, creating a visual effect where black wings of energy appeared behind her before and during the blast of dark miasma.