Rivalry with a Royal

"What do you think you are doing, trying to steal my necklace? That's been in my family for the past five generations of Trizimeres you stupid bitch!" ranted a vampiress who looked to be three years older, long blue hair with black highlights at the bangs tied loosely with an hourglass figure.

"I didn't steal anything, promise!" responded the victim, a vampiress who looked to be the same age as Nikita with a supine athletic figure and midnight black hair, the woman looking to have a faint egyptian look to her which signaled her as a Mekhet.

"If she says that she didn't steal it then what proof do you have saying she did? If you're going to claim something you should go through the academy judicial system of punishment rather than bullying her personally. Just means that you're likely lying just to get her in trouble and justify yourself." spoke Nikita as she interjected, moving herself between the Trizimere and Mekhet. The bullied in this case looked beaten half-to-death which meant that the bullying had gone on for more than just a minute or so, they'd been at it for a while now. Nikita knew she wasn't in a position to really make enemies freely but at the same time couldn't stand for any injustice before her when it came to her fellow nobles. Nikita placed her hand on the snowflake hilt of the rapier at her side, a show that she wasn't someone to be messed around with and to show she was willing to settle this by arena if needed.

"Stay out of it if you know what's good for you, or... do you want to take this stupid bitch's place then?" smirked the Trizimere vampiress, revealing that she had a weapon at her side as well in this case a bullwhip that wasn't quite as it appeared at first glance.

"Yeah sure, let's take it to the Arena then. I don't mind taking out some trash here and then when I see it." replied Nikita, activating the Academy Sigil and using one of the several functions to teleport herself to one of the arenas present on the academy grounds which wasn't currently being used. Nikita and the three opposing girls all appeared within two clearings of a forest. Above, magical runes had displayed 'Sophina Trizimere vs Nikita Dragmir' high above. Nikita activated her Necromancy, summoning Duke to guard her then looked around until Duke informed her of the approaching vampiress through their link. The woman had brunette hair and wore a full suit of armor with a large greataxe which she wielded one-handed. Nikita focused her vision and then assessed the approaching woman, pulling up the woman's status panel into her view.


Name: Anabeth Sarkon Mekhet

Race: Noble Vampire

Age: 46

Affiliation: Kingdom of Drakenhof (Noble)

Level: 10


Strength: 38

Dexterity: 18

Constitution: N/A

Intelligence: 10

Willpower: 10

Charisma: 22



Axemanship (Rank V)

Assess (Rank I)

Stealth (Rank I)



Steel Greataxe +1

Steel Brigandine

Academy Uniform

15 Golden Lira`


Anabeth's overhead strike came up short, but upon colliding with the ground had caused the ground to convex into a crater beneath where Duke had previously been standing. Nikita applied four of her free attribute points into dexterity then summoned Sieglinde from her side to her hand in an instant, pushing off into a charge directly towards Anabeth who by now had just brought her greataxe back up from the ground. Anabeth wheeled around into another slash but by now Nikita was inside her guard with the rapier's thrust sinking into the armor of the Brigandine and through to the body just shy of her dead heart. Anabeth kicked Nikita hard in the sternum, sending Nikita back a few paces while simultaneously returning Sieglinde to her hand. Drawing her Vorpal Iron Stiletto into her free hand, Nikita quickly tossed the blade to and buried into the eye of Anabeth who had tried to make progress towards her.

The two of them would wordlessly continued the fight with Anabeth making a hefty horizontal swing at Nikita but the latter leaping up over the attack and then bringing herself into a lung downwards into the vampire's throat and clean through it with the point of Sieglinde. The Mekhet was removed from the battlefield by the magic of the arena and Sieglinde to the arena floor with a clang. As the royal vampiress finished one fight, Duke had just sensed another attacker and broke into a dash with fangs for the foe. Nikita returned Sieglinde to herself and turned to see the dark-skinned enemy. Nikita focused, attempting to view the opponent's status panel.


Name: Jennifer Valkyn Penumbrae

Race: Noble Vampire

Age: 48

Affiliation: Kingdom of Drakenhof (Noble)

Level: 10


Strength: 20

Dexterity: 18

Constitution: N/A

Intelligence: 28

Willpower: 12

Charisma: 20



Shadow Sorcery (Rank IV)

Earth Sorcery (Rank II)

Awareness (Rank I)



Hickory Quarterstaff

Black Apprentice Robe +2

Academy Uniform

30 Golden Lira`


Jennifer summoned forth Earth Sorcery to surround her body as a granite-like 'layer' with tiny stalagmites here and there, then raised her Hickory Quarterstaff and began to incant words in arcane rune to stretch her shadow rapidly towards Duke. The canine skeleton was quickly trapped in the shadow of Jennifer who began exerting her control over duke via shadow to torture the dog with it's own claws. Not for long however as Nikita returned her guardian to her own shadow for now with Necromancy so that Duke may recover. In response, Jennifer abused the shadows of the tree to teleport behind Nikita however in response Nikita took hold of her Vorpal Iron Dagger and threw it towards the throat of Jennifer. Unluckily, Jennifer dodged the throw but was placed in range for Nikita who thrusted her rapier into and broke part of the granite layer protecting her, then brought Sieglinde into a paired series of strikes which further weakened the granite around the other's neck and upper torso until finally bust through it and spilt the blood of the vampiress on the ground as a clean thrust had carried the blade through.

Just as Anabeth, Jennifer had been vanquished and returned to the stands where she could regenerate the otherwise mortal wound. Now the only thing standing between Nikita and Absolution was Sophina Trizimere herself. Nikita pressed the assault this time having been on the defensive twice and her stamina having suffered for it, moving through the forest while employing her Stealth skill to fold into the forest itself with her camouflage so that the other wouldn't even be able to make her out without a sufficient Awareness. As Nikita moved to the edge of the clearing a distinct feeling that she was being watched had cropped up. Nikita's danger sense piqued at the absolute last second, raising Sieglinde to intercept the War Scythe of Sophina making a curved cut for her backside. Nikita quickly assessed Sophina then spoke in a snarky tone as she brought herself into stance. "Ahh if it isn't the bitch, well it's about time you attack me I've already defeated your two sidekicks Anabeth and Jennifer. Tch.... what a disappointment."


Name: Sophina Kertia Vi Trizimere

Race: Elder Vampire

Age: 6

Affiliation: Kingdom of Drakenhof (High Noble)

Level: 20


Strength: 28

Dexterity: 20

Constitution: N/A

Intelligence: 28

Willpower: 12

Charisma: 20



Charm Enchantment (Rank IV)

Fire Sorcery (Rank III)

Awareness (Rank III)

Scythemanship (Rank IV)



Darksteel Warscythe

Darksteel Chainmail

6 Platinum Lira`


"And I'll make you pay for each of them you've defeated!" yelled Sophina, smoldering with anger. Nikita already able to tell just how much trouble this girl was going to be for her when she had just barely avoided the attack that could have ended her fight right then and there. Before the bout could continue even a second more, however both girls were knocked back by the concussive force of arrival by the figure who now stood between them at the same time clearing out a small copse of nearby trees. Both girls looked up and blinked to witness the one now standing between them. He was an older vampire male with long grayed hair tied into a braid behind his back and a mid-length beard. He was none other than Mercurio Kertia Vi Trizimere II the headmaster, and now he spoke with a furious tone. "This is no way for my granddaughter to act, Sophina! How shameful you've made the name Trizimere with your actions, hmm? I am truly appalled that you picked a fight with a royal. As for you Ms. Dragmir, brute force isn't the only way to resolve an issue like bullying. You may find that intrigue will serve you just as well. You're both suspended to quarters for the rest of the night."

"Yes sir, I will leave now." Nikita responded, watching Sophina argue with her dear own grandad. Nikita activated the Academy Sigil and returned to the castle proper on the fifth floor via teleportation. Nikita replaced her weapons into her spatial inventory and head throughout the hallways until stopping short at the dorm which had been assigned to her. Nikita sighed as she opened the door and stepped inside, pulling off layers of clothing and changing into a pair of pajamas with fluffy dogs on them. Nikita looked down to her suitcase in contention, then simply got to work putting away clothing and schoolbooks. She then placed Duke's bed at the foot of her own casket-bed and re-summoned her faithful companion, kneeling down and giving him headpats in rewards for his service to her as always even though he didn't really have a choice in the end. Nikita flopped in the casket bet and summoned Duke to the side, petting his course fur.