Chapter 15: "Seeing him in the middle of our kitchen made me feel like I was back in the past"

"Is there anything I could help with?" Ansel spoke behind my ears as he wrapped his arms around my waist. His warm breath fanning my ear as he spoke, and I almost shuddered at how pleasant it felt.

I stopped cutting a piece of carrot when I felt his warmth around me. He nuzzled his head against the crook of my neck, his soft hair tickling my skin.

"Well, there's nothing much to do here," I replied. I placed the knife on the counter and shifted slightly to place a light kiss on his cheek. "And I'm almost done."

Ansel did not budge after what I said and stayed behind me with his arms around my waist. I picked the knife up and continued chopping the carrots on the counter. We remained silent for a few moments while I cut the ingredients for our dinner, Ansel still hugging me from behind.

"I see you every day but," Ansel trailed off and left a soft kiss on my neck. "I feel like I miss you. I miss you every second that you are not on my sight." I could feel his warm breath on my skin as he spoke.

I was too shaken to continue with what I was doing, hence I stayed still, relishing the feel of his body flushed against mine, and his lips leaving a trail of kisses along the side of my neck. Ansel may not be vocal with his feelings, but his actions would always speak for itself, and rare moments like this, where he would say what he truly feels, makes me feel like my heart would burst with happiness and with my love for him.

I turned around and faced him, my eyes glistening with unshed tears. I might be feeling a bit stressed with my work, hence I'm feeling too emotional over such a thing, but right now, I just wanted to make him feel the love I have for him as he did earlier.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and said, "How could you make me fall deeper in love with you every single day?"

Ansel looked stunned for a moment before smiling, his eyes revealing his feelings. "I'd ask the same to you."

Ansel dipped in and kissed me on the lips, his lips moving tenderly against mine. I removed my arms around his waist and placed them on his shoulder pulling him closer to me. He pressed his body against mine, and I could feel the cold counter touching my back.

I could feel his warm hands slowly sneaking his way under my shirt, his every touch leaving a trail of heat along its way, and I shuddered under his hold. Before anything could escalate further and prevent us from eating dinner, I pulled away, the fervent kiss leaving me gasping for air.

"I need to cook," I gasped out, Ansel's burning gaze making my resolve falter.

"You can cook later," Ansel said and reached out for another kiss. With my fragile resolve, I found myself returning his kiss and a few moments later, I pulled away once again.

"Let me finish cooking," I spoke as I caress his face. He frowned a little, and I laughed at how endearing he looked. As much as I wanted to give in and continue what we were doing, I promised him that I would cook for him today.

"After dinner, we can continue. Now, go away."


It is almost four in the afternoon. We just finished with the grocery shopping, and we are now driving home. We spent more than an hour inside the supermarket, and for the whole time, I felt like Ansel was out of place.

Although we used to shop together, the Ansel now with his imposing aura felt like he would never step foot inside a supermarket and buy his own groceries. The people in the supermarket earlier kept looking at him, and I could not blame them as he looked like he stepped straight out of a magazine.

I didn't realize that I kept staring at him until he spoke, "Do you have something to say?"

I blinked a few times and shifted my gaze towards the road. I was embarrassed to be caught staring at him and to hide the blush forming on my cheeks, I spoke, "I heard that you acquired a company?"

But the moment those words left my mouth, I instantly regretted it. I read from an article yesterday that Ansel acquired a company, and although it may sound like a safe topic between business partners, it may sound as if I was keeping track of his endeavors as an ex-wife who is after his money.

'Like what he implied when we first met after five years.'

I honestly wasn't thinking of going after him and his money and was genuinely curious about it since the company that he acquired is a company focusing on renewable energy, and I wanted to have a casual talk about it like old times.

"Yes," Ansel replied, interrupting my train of thoughts. "I have been eyeing that company for a while now."

His voice nor expression did not change and remained impassive, and I almost wanted to sigh in relief. Perhaps I am overthinking everything, yet hearing that there are gossips going around his company about his ex-wife, namely me, made me cautious since I don't want to do or say anything that might prove those gossips to be true.

"I think it's a great move," I spoke, trying to continue the conversation. I tried to remember the comfortable atmosphere that we had earlier in the supermarket, and I felt a sign of slight courage to converse with him, and maybe with this, I could act more naturally around him. "I've read that more people are opting for renewable energy nowadays."

"Yes, the market for renewable energy is growing," Ansel replied, his tone slightly becoming engaging. "The company has a promising innovation, but they only lack the resources for it."

I nodded at what he said. "And with a start-up company like them, the R&D costs for renewable energy might be too overwhelming."

We continued with our conversation for the rest of the ride. Our topics are mostly about business, yet this is the longest conversation that we had since I came back, and it is quite pleasant to be able to converse with him like this again.

When we arrived home, Ansel and I went straight to the trunk to bring out the groceries. As I was reaching out for the last bag on the trunk, I did not notice that Ansel was reaching for it as well, and our hands accidentally touched each other, the warmth from his hand transferring to mine in a searing way. Before I realized it, I pulled my hand away.

"I will carry it," Ansel said, hauling the bag out from the trunk and pressing a button for it to automatically close.

I felt my heart beating so fast against my chest as we walk back to my house. I scolded myself in my head for acting like a high school girl falling in love for the first time as if I hadn't done worse things with him, and when the thought arrived in my head, I felt my face heat up when pictures of those 'worse things' suddenly flashed before my eyes.

'Get a grip, Alina.'

I shook my head, trying to erase the memories from my head. My mother suddenly walked out of the house, welcoming us with a huge smile on her face, and seeing her right now, I remembered how she said 'enjoy' when she called me earlier, and a few minutes later, Ansel showed up.

'It couldn't be a coincidence, right?'

"Thank you for helping my daughter, Ansel," my mother beamed once we reached her, and she gestured for Ansel to enter the house as I followed suit, mouthing 'you need to explain' at her once she closed the door behind us. Smiling, my mother merely shrugged her shoulder and we went straight to the kitchen to bring the bags down.

"Thank you for that," my mother said while bringing the items out of the bags one by one. "You two go to the living room and make yourself comfortable while I cook."

"I would feel guilty if I do that, Elena. Is there anything I could help with?" Ansel spoke, walking towards where the grocery bags are placed.

I smiled a little when I heard what Ansel said. I remembered what he said earlier about how he wanted to help my mother cook since she tends to overexert herself with cooking whenever he's around.

And also, seeing how excited my mother is with Ansel here, I realized that perhaps, I could forgive my mother's scheming ways just for today and let her enjoy the rest of the evening. I left her alone in this house for so long, and I truly just wanted to make her happy.

'Or are you just as excited as her to be with Ansel?'

My mother grinned at him and replied, "Then, can I ask you to wash the vegetables?"

Ansel nodded and began helping my mother bring the items out of the bags. My mother shifted her gaze at me and spoke, "How about you, Alina?"

I snapped my head away from Ansel and to my mother. She was looking at me with a hint of amusement on her face, and I merely sighed in resignation as I definitely could not lounge around while the guest helps around the kitchen. "I'll help as well."

My mother beamed at my reply. "Then you could help Ansel with the vegetables and the two of you can peel and cut them afterward."

We began doing what my mother had instructed us as she started preparing the other ingredients. After Ansel and I finished washing the vegetables, I brought the vegetables on the table. Ansel, on the other hand, went to get a knife and a peeler from the rack on top of the counter.

Ansel sat opposite to me and handed me the knife. Both of us started peeling the vegetables, and I remembered the first time he used a peeler and how awkward his hands were at that time, not knowing how to hold it properly. I struggled to contain the smile that was forcing its way out of my lips. I took a peek at how he's doing right now and found that he is actually doing a better job with it.

Ansel was the typical rich boy who does not know how to do basic household chores when we first met. He was initially slightly clumsy, but since he is quite a fast-learner, after trying his best, he was finally able to surprise me with a dinner he cooked himself.

A giggle left my mouth when I remembered what happened, and I forgot that Ansel was actually right in front of me.

"Is there something wrong?" Ansel asked, he was staring at me with his eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

"Nothing." I grinned at him. "I just remembered the first time you used a peeler."

Ansel's eyes widened for a moment, perhaps remembering the same thing as I was, and shifted his gaze back to what he was doing. "I'm used to it now."

"I can see that," I said, staring at how his beautiful hands worked.

"Alina," my mother called out. I snapped my gaze away from Ansel's hands and turned to look at my mother standing in front of the stove. "Can you get the large bowl from the cupboard? The blue one your aunt gave us."

I nodded at her, and before I could stand up to get the bowl from the cupboard, Ansel spoke, "I'll get it. You cannot reach it anyway." He stood up from his seat and proceeded to the cupboards above the counter.

I cannot help but stare at his every move. His stride showing how accustomed he is around the kitchen and that he is still familiar with where everything is located. Ansel frequently visited before, and surely, he was able to familiarize himself with our house.

Seeing him in the middle of our kitchen made me feel like I was back in the past. I can't help but smile as I stare at his back, remembering how my father, Ansel, and I would help my mother prepare our dinner, and we would usually end up being thrown out by her for being too loud. After the meal, we would lounge in the living room until I fall asleep on Ansel's lap and he would carry me back to my room, and although my father does not want me to be alone with Ansel in my room, he could not do anything because of my mother.

'I miss those simple times.'

When he got the bowl out of the cupboard, he gave it to my mother and went back to his seat in front of me. I turned my gaze away from him and found myself looking at my mother who was staring at me with a smile on her face. I raised an eyebrow at her, questioning the knowing look on her face, but she merely shook her head and went back to whatever she was cooking.

I once again busied myself with cutting the vegetables and found myself smiling as I did so.