Chapter 19: "If I wasn't overcome with fury at the sight of her, I would probably be laughing at her expression right now"

"How's your progress?" Ansel asked as soon as he arrived in the coffee shop. He placed a light peck on my cheek before sitting on the chair beside me.

Ansel is in his last year in college and had started working as an intern. Since we were both busy, we haven't had the chance to see each other during weekdays, but as much as possible, we try to spend our weekends together in a coffee shop or at my house.

I frowned at his question and spoke, "barely even a hundred words."

Ansel shifted slightly on his seat to look at the screen of my laptop. I was working on my paper for my marketing class, and with the number of projects and presentations that were assigned to us, I haven't had the time to start my market research paper for this certain class.

"When is it due?" Ansel asked after seeing the blank document on my laptop screen.

"In two days," I sighed. "And my professor for this class is Miss Devin."

Miss Devin, or known as Miss Devil among the students, is a strict professor who would not even give a little consideration for a late submission. She is also very critical of research papers and is known to throw students' papers away if she thinks that it is not even worth her time.

"What's your paper about?" Ansel asked as he opened his bag to get his laptop. "She was also my marketing professor before, I might have kept some research that may help you."

"I have to do a market research paper in the hotel industry," I replied, my voice laced with excitement. My eyes have been aching from searching and reading too many related literatures, and I would do anything to lessen the time I spend staring at my computer screen.

"Fortunately for you, we had the same topic," Ansel replied, and a little squeal left my mouth at the thought that I would be able to finish the paper on time.

Ansel sent the files for the research paper, and luckily, most of them are not yet out of date. I began scanning through the files and jotting down the related information while Ansel quietly worked beside me.

I did not realize that a few hours had passed as I was too busy cramming for my paper. I was jolted out of my concentration when I heard Ansel close his laptop, and I realized that the sun had already set.

"Finished with your work?" I asked as I placed my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes for a few seconds to let them rest.

"Yes. How about you?" Ansel replied. He wrapped his arm around me and began rubbing small circles on my shoulder.

"Not yet," I sighed. "But I'm almost there."

Silence engulfed us as I rested my eyes for a bit, relishing Ansel's presence beside me. I missed him so much since both of us have been too busy, and I just hope that the day would never end. A few moments later, I broke the peace by saying, "I want to go somewhere during summer vacation."

Ansel hummed beside me and replied, "Where do you want to go? Do you want to go to a tropical country or would you like to go somewhere cold?"

I raised my head away from his shoulder and stared at him in amusement. "I meant domestically. I don't think my parents would allow me to travel internationally yet."

"Then, where would you like to go?"

I paused for a bit, thinking about my dream vacation. I've been meaning to travel somewhere far for a while now, but since my mother's restaurant is as busy as ever, my mother couldn't afford to close it for a long period.

"I want to stay in a place overlooking the sea," I beamed at him and continued enthusiastically, "But since I'm not good with saltwater, I want to stay in a hotel with a private pool where I can see the beach and watch the sunset."

Ansel nodded, listening to my every word while staring intently at me as I rambled on about my dream vacation. I almost blushed at the adoration laced in his eyes. My heart began beating so fast, and to hide the blush forming on my cheeks, I spoke once again, "And I also hope the bed would be near the terrace so when we wake up, the first thing that we get to see would be the beautiful cerulean sea."

Ansel raised an eyebrow at what I had said, his eyes filled with amusement, and it wasn't until a few moments later when I realized why he did so. "What were you thinking?" I blushed profusely lightly slapped his arm.

Ansel chuckled at my embarrassment and said, "I could ask you the same."


Once Monday came, I have to attend a meeting with the project team. This is my first time having an actual meeting with the project team of our client company since this is also the first time that we are involved in a huge project with a big client like the Chadwick Group.

Last night, I was afraid that I might not be able to wake up early for today's meeting, but fortunately, I was able to arrive on time, and once I entered the elevator, there are still ten minutes to spare before the scheduled meeting.

As usual, after yesterday's events, I wasn't able to sleep well last night, and when I woke up, I thought I wouldn't be able to hide the exhaustion away from my eyes, but luckily, seeing my reflection on the elevator doors right now, I think that I did pretty well in concealing my dark under eyes.

I also wasn't able to sleep well last night because I spent way too much time coordinating my outfit for today. In the end, after much deliberation with myself, I wore a brown plaid pencil skirt with a matching coat and a black long-sleeved blouse. As for my shoes, I chose a pair of nude three-inch pumps that I hope, by the end of the day, won't make me regret my decision for wearing it.

Once I arrived on the floor where I will be having a meeting with the project team, I went straight to the conference room where the meeting will be held. There was a young woman outside the room, and when she saw me, she smiled warmly and spoke, "Are you Miss Morgan?"

As a person who is not exactly a social butterfly, I was quite surprised at her friendly attitude towards a possible stranger and was reminded of Sheila from the procurement department whom I met the last time I went here.

"Yes, I am," I replied, returning her smile.

She then ushered me inside the conference room, and compared the previous ones that I went to, this conference room looked more comfortable and had more colors other than the black and grey duo.

I was immediately welcomed by a man who looked like he is in his thirties, and was wearing a light blue button-up shirt and a pair of black slacks. He beamed at me once I entered the room and spoke, "You must be Miss Alina Morgan. I'm Paul, the project manager."

'Is being super outgoing a requisite to become a member of this project team?'

"Nice to meet you, Paul," I greeted back. "You can call me Alina."

Paul then introduced me to the rest of the project team, and as far as I could tell from the short introduction, most of the members were friendly, and instead of having a formal atmosphere, I felt like I was back in college having a meeting with the members of our student organization.

The members were approachable, and I felt like my nervousness diminish a little as they chatted enthusiastically with each other, and I didn't even realize that the meeting had already started.

Perhaps because of the team having been composed of younger people, the atmosphere was more on the relaxed side, and it didn't take too long before I found myself laughing with them.

The first part of the meeting was about the different phases of the project and the timetable for each phase. The team said that there was still room for modification in the said phases and timetable, but so far, I had no qualms with anything regarding it.

And with how the meeting went on, it is as if the time flew by without me realizing it.

"Here's the hotel design and plan," Paul said while handing a folder to me. "Not to be biased but the hotel looked so romantic, and I am just so excited to see the finished product."

I took the folder from him and flipped through the first few pages, and I can't help but agree with what Paul had said. The mere building design looked very classy yet relaxing, and the fact that it overlooks the sea just adds to its charm.

"And the location!" Paul started animatedly, causing a few of the members to laugh at his enthusiasm. "It perfectly overlooks the beach, plus it is only a few minutes ride away from the nearest town."

"I'm sorry for our team manager," a young man said and he looked like he is around the same age as me. "We are all just so excited about this hotel, especially since this is the first time our CEO is also directly involved with the whole project."

"He is?" I asked rhetorically.

"Yup," the project manager replied. "He's always present in our meeting, and most of the ideas for the project were from him."

When the topic about their CEO came up, I can't help but smile bitterly as I was reminded of what happened last night. I was disappointed at myself for building up expectations about my relationship with Ansel merely because of one pleasant day with him, and as if what I built was a sandcastle, that expectation was immediately crushed by a few words from him.

And I really couldn't blame anyone but myself.

I started drowning off the chatter from the project team as I flipped through the designs, and once I arrived on a certain page, my eyes widened when I saw the design for one of the hotel rooms, and unconsciously, I said, "How?"

To say that the room is beautiful is an understatement. The walls were painted with ivory, and huge glass doors separated the room itself from the terrace. The bed was placed near the terrace, and I imagined myself waking up and seeing the cerulean sea first thing in the morning. The design of the room was overall minimalist, and the view from the huge glass doors was able to enhance its beauty.

There was also an indoor Jacuzzi, and on the spacious terrace, there is a private infinity pool that looked like it is an extension of the sea. At night, the design for the pool made it looked like a sapphire shining through the dark sky.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" Paul beamed from beside me. "That room will overlook the beach, and it even has a private pool and an indoor Jacuzzi."

"Yes," I replied unconsciously, staring at the picture in front of me. It looked so much like my dream vacation place, and I wondered if I could go here once the construction is finished.

"That is just the design. Imagine seeing it in person."


The rest of the meeting was uneventful as we have already discussed the bulk of today's agenda during the first part. The project team's excitement perhaps rubbed off on me, and by the end of the meeting, I felt like I had found new friends in them.

They even invited me to their team dinner within the week as a celebration in finishing phase two of the project.

I was hesitant to accept their invitation at first since I felt like I would be intruding to their dinner, but the members were rather persuasive, and after a few coaxing, I agreed to their offer.

The atmosphere of the meeting with them was the exact opposite of the rather serious meeting I had with the procurement department, and I can't help but feel excited in anticipation of the next meeting with the project team.

Once the meeting ended and after I bid my farewells with the project team members, I went straight to the elevators and pressed the button for the ground floor. I wanted to go home and share with Luke about my experience from today's meeting as soon as possible.

Once I stepped foot outside of the elevator, I began rummaging through my brown leather satchel bag for my phone while walking towards the exit of the building, when suddenly, someone grabbed my arm.

The first thing I saw from the other person where her long red-painted nails, and as I shifted my gaze up towards the owner of the hand, I was unable to hide the glare from my eyes upon finding out who the owner was.

Christina was clutching my arm tightly, her eyes wide with shock, and her red lips slightly open. If I wasn't overcome with fury at the sight of her, I would probably be laughing at her expression right now.

'I guess she never expected that she would see me again.'

Rather than her usual intimidating aura, she looked quite ridiculous for me right now, and before she could overcome her shock, I grabbed her hand on my arm and shoved it away. I then plastered a wide smile on my face and spoke, "fancy meeting you here."