Promising herself to do it.

Soo mi was now determined for a new life for a new resolution, for a new beginning.

She promised herself that night that she would be strong and would complete this mission no matter what.

She was alone now and the only thing she could do now was to complete these missions and start a new life.

She somehow now finally believed all this as reality and was now determined for a new beginning....

Soo mi woke up in the morning while yawning and stretching her muscles. She was tired because of yesterday and her whole body was sore because of that so she didn't want to wake up but the knock on the door forced her to get up.

She pushed her body up which felt really heavy and went towards the door.

Soo mi opened the door to see who had come to her this early in the morning.

While opening the door, she was a bit worried and was curious to see who came to her door.

When she opened the door she saw Hyun Ki and then finally her heart rested in peace after seeing him there. Her tensed muscles now loosened and she asked Hyun Ki to come inside and sit.

While Hyun Ki was coming inside she saw some clothes in his hands and wondered what he was doing with girls clothes? So out of curiosity, she asked him. "What is this?"

Hyun ki replied in an instance while looking back at her.

"I brought these clothes for you. So you should get changed then."

Hyun ki gave the clothes to Soo mi and asked her to go and change the clothes after getting refreshed while he would he waiting outside for her

Hyun Ki said to her that "I knew that you had no other clothes to get changed so I brought these clothes for you."

Soo mi nodded at him and said to him while giving him a wide smile. "I will go get a shower then."

Hyun Ki replied "Okay! I will be waiting outside for you then but do not take so much time. We will go have our breakfast after that."

"Don't worry I will be ready in no time."

Soo mi assured him that she wouldn't take much time.

After replying Soo mi went to take a shower, although she didn't like the clothes and she didn't want to wear them she still had to wear them.

The clothes were deep black and it looked like some kind of suit to her but still with a heavy heart she wore them as she had no other options and she didn't want to disturb Hyun Ki any more. She finally went to take a shower now.

After some time she finally got out of the shower and as promised she was done wearing those clothes in nearly no time.

When she got out Hyun Ki told her that after having breakfast he and the boys would be discussing some important factors for their next steps with Soo mi.

She came out quite hurriedly but when she saw Hyun Ki's poker face she thought that it was because she came out late so she said while panicking a little. "Sorry for getting me too much time"

Hyun Ki smiled at her nervousness and scaredy self as he replied "No worries! Lets go!!"

And then both of them went to have their breakfast.

The other three Chin Hua, Chin Mae and Dae Seong were already sitting there and waiting for them impatiently and when Soo mi entered they again saw that she was scared of them even until now.

"Come Soo mi." Chin Hua said to Soo mi trying to make her less uncomfortable with them and now all the other boys smiled at her.

She was now shocked to see them being polite with her and she also smiled back and then before going over and sitting beside Chin Hua.

After some time they finally finished eating breakfast and now everyone was just sitting and there was silence in the room when suddenly Chin Hua said, gaining everyone's attention. "So Soo mi the next mission which we will have to do will be shown to you now on your system but we are still unable to do it."

Soo mi got confused and asked them with curiosity.

"Why, we can not do it?"

Then their leader Chin Hwa again again replied that "You don't have enough power to enter that mission so we are unable to start it."

Soo mi nodded her head while she made an "ohh" sound and said. "Ohhh! So what can we do in order to increase this power?"

Chin Hwa replied "You need to practice in order to achieve more energy and we all will be helping you in this."

All the discussion that was happening among them was making Soo mi nervous and she was actually getting afraid of what they were talking about yet she was trying her best not to get weak and she still sat there listening to them.

Chin Hwa noticed that Soo mi was getting nervous therefore he said to Soo mi "You don't need to get nervous. Training is not that much dangerous but you definitely need to work hard and I am sure you will be able to learn everything very soon. You were appointed by higher authorities so there would be something extraordinary in you that's why you are here."

Soo mi blushed a little and casted her eyes down while smiling.

After listening this Soo mi kind of relaxed and she sighed but she was continuously thinking in her mind that she needed to do a lot of work in order to increase this power as a matter of fact she was not only needing energy for the next mission only but also for next missions too.

Soo mi had many questions in her mind and she wanted to ask all of these questions to those bits but she decided to ask slowly and step by step.