The Special Training For A Girl

"Wow! My power increased so much. I feel like it's getting easy now. I will soon be able to reach my target." Soo mi squealed in happiness but little did that girl know that it was just the start.

Her life will be going to take many turns and ups and downs. She still had a long way to go and it's just the start. 

More days passed by just like that with her continuing her training with the boys. The four boys using their own special skills, helped Soo mi to learn as many things as she could. 

She made many mistakes and learned a lot. 

Those boys didn't go easy with her thinking she was a girl. This was a cruel world and if they were to leave her just like that, thinking that she was a girl and would learn slowly there might be many difficulties for Soo mi and them too later on. 

So all of them did their best in letting Soo mi learn those little things and were quite cruel with her.

~~ Next day:

Now Soo mi was in the training room sitting with Hyun ki. They were waiting for the other boys to come. 

Hyun ki was just using his phone while Soo mi on the other hand was sitting there while playing with her fingers. 

Her whole body was aching badly because of the training she was doing for many days.

Not for once she was allowed to rest by those boys. She didn't say any thing to them as she was scared of them and didn't want to argue with them over any thing not because she can't do it but because she was scared of them. 

In her college she was the girl who won many debate competitions and was known for being intelligent there but here she slowly felt like she didn't know any thing more. 

The only thing she knew was the fear. The fear which she had in herself because of those boys, because of those missions, because of those fights. 

But despite all of this she used to curse all of them in her mind and she was doing that now too after knowing they weren't going to let her rest today too. 

'What do they think of themselves? One day I am going to smack everyone's head so hard. Do they think I can't do any thing. I am a girl and they can keep on bullying me like this. Not once they thought about me getting sick or too tired.'

She had a frown on her face and looked down when suddenly the three of them Chin Hwa, Dae seong and Chin Mae entered inside the training room. 

They came towards where Soo mi and Hyun ki was sitting. Chin Hwa saw her face and said. "Are you done cursing us?" 

Her eyes widened and abruptly she got up from the seat. 

She blinked her eyes some time when Chin Hwa again said. "If you are done cursing then let's start. We don't have much time. We have to complete your training today no matter what. I am sure you will be able to get into the first mission after this training." 

Soo mi just nodded her head and as usual didn't argue with him even when she wanted to. 

Chin Hwa went inside to the stage after removing his jacket and bringing his shirt on display. 

Today was the day when Soo mi was going to practice her skills of hand combat with Chin Hwa. She had learnt how to defend herself.

Her stamina also increased after that training with Dae seong. 

Chin Hwa and Dae seong were the one who was more harsh to her. On the other hand, Hyun Ki and Chin Mae didn't care much and were just okay with her and Soo mi was thank ful to them as they weren't giving her a hard time other wise she would have been broke a long time ago. 

Soo mi didn't know how to use a gun too and Chin Hwa was going to teach her how to use that too. 

'Go! Please protect me. I have a feeling this man is going to kill me today.'

Soo mi went over the stage too now as Chin Hwa called her up on the stage. "Come here now and stop thinking." 

As usual she was shivering badly. Her whole body was tense. 

"So" *cracks knuckles*, "We should start now."

"Wai .... wait. Shouldn't we be wearing some things to protect ourselves." 


She looked at him with disbelief. 

'How can he let me fight like this. I will be dead if we fight without any things for protection.', She said in her mind. 

"Wh?.... Why?" 

"Because we aren't going to any competition. We are going to fight in real life so no one would be giving you all that there. You should be able to fight like this without those." 

"But I just started my training. Aren't you guys a little too harsh with me? Besides I am still a girl, how can I fight with a person like you?" 

Chin Hwa pinched the bridge of his nose to let himself calm down other wise he would have been throwing daggers at her with his tongue but he was going easy on her and she still was arguing. 

On the other hand, she finally got the courage to say something to him in her defence today but now after she saw him pinching the bridge of his nose, she was sure he was frustrated and now she was more scared. 

'Oh no! Looks like he is angry again. I have just dug my own grave. Me and my big mouth always get me into problems. He is going to kill me now for sure. Save me God please!' 

Soo mi scolded herself in her mind. 

Chin Hwa now again snapped his eyes at her and said. "Didn't I tell you to not ...…."