Her First Ever Punch.

"Okay! Okay! Stop you both." 

Both Hyun Ki and Dae seong rolled their eyes but didn't say any thing more after this. "Okay!

They all again turned their head towards Soo mi and Chin Hwa only to see them only standing there and staring at each other. 

Actually Soo mi was also shocked that she finally hit Chin Hwa. She herself wasn't able to believe the fact that her one punch hit Chin Hwa like that. For some time she felt proud but all her arrogance came crashing down in a minute when her eyes went up and she saw Chin Hwa. 

His eyes were blood shot, his face was showing his anger clearly and Soo mi was taken back by this now. 

She took some steps back in fear but Chin Hwa's words stopped her. 

"Don't get too happy. We just started. Since you now know how to throw a punch we will start our training. Get in your position and start." 

Soo mi shivered more at Chin Hwa's rude tone. Without wasting any more minutes she was again in her position and now only they started their training again. 

This time Chin Hwa was more rough with her and didn't even let her take a breath properly in their training. 

He was still angry at her for throwing that punch on him in front of all those boys and deep inside he wanted to let her suffer for that. 

~~At The End Of The Day: 

"I can't do it any more. Please." 

"No! You have to." Chin Hwa growled at Soo mi who was panting heavily after having that strict training with her. 

This training was more tough for her than all the others which she got by all other boys. Her whole body was aching badly. The only thing she wanted to do now was to cry or lay down on the bed to get a long rest but she was aware that she wouldn't be able to have a long rest any more. 

"Chin it's enough." 

Hyun Ki now entered the room and told Chin Hwa. All of the boys actually left from there a long time ago leaving Soo mi with that heart less man to train with him all by herself. 

"Huh? Why?" Chin Hwa now growled at Hyun Ki. 

"Because this is enough for one day. Chill bro, let's go eat some thing now." 

"Hmmm let's go." Chin Hwa said as he jumped out of the stage and left the room without even looking at the girl with whom he was training. 

Soo mi sighed in relief as she finally saw Chin Hwa leaving from there. 

"Are you okay?" 

"I think! Maybe?" She asked with a disgusting face at which Hyun Ki just laughed a little. "Don't worry! You will get used to it very soon." 

"Hmm maybe!" 

Soo mi wasn't in the mood to argue with anyone so she just agreed with him rolling her eyes at that sentence which Hyun Ki clearly saw but he too didn't say any thing and just laughed a little and said. "Let's go eat some thing now." 

"No! I am too tired. I just wanna go and lay down on the bed. I will eat later." 

Hyun ki laughed a little before saying. "You know you can't do that!" 

"I can?" Soo mi asked with a pitiful expression on her face.

Her eyes had some unshed tears and a big pout on her face which got un noticed by Hyun Ki as he didn't care about that and didn't want to bother. 

"You won't be allowed to eat later on if you don't eat with every one here. That's the rule plus I don't think any food will be left until then." Hyun Ki paused for a minute before again saying.

Soo mi just looked at him with disbelief and again she felt like her heart just broke again even after knowing the reality of the world now. 

"Leave this habit of yours because no one here really cares; they won't wait for a minute more and eat all that food all by themselves. So listen to me and get up this instance. Take a shower and come eat. You still have ten minutes."

Soo mi still looked at him with disbelief. While Hyun Ki growled and yelled at her loudly for being ignorant. 

"Stop looking at me like that and GET UP!"...