Don't Need Anyone She Did It On Her Own

Soo mi hesitated to say it for a while but then she mustered up her courage and finally said. "Ahh can you please tell me the rest of the results too?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well they were going to hire three people, who are the other two?"

"Oh! Well their names are Mi Cha and the other one is a boy his name is Ji hoon."

"Oh! Did you say Mi Cha?" Soo mio frowned a little before saying.

Chin Mae nodded his head and said. "Yeah! Do you by any chance know her?"

Soo mi hesitated a little but then she said. "Actually she was my childhood friend and she was the reason why my parents threw me out of my house."

This time it was Chin Mae who frowned and asked. "What do you mean thrown out of the house? I never knew about this."

And this was when she told Chin Mae all the things that happened with her. She told him nearly every thing, how she stopped Mi Cha from running away from her home but instead of listening to her she accused her and how she got kidnapped and married a man after that.

"Wow! I didn't expect that this much happened with you. I always thought you were a spoiled princess of a rich family." Chin Mae said when Soo mi was finally done telling him all the story. 

"No! Why would you think like that?"

Chin Mae scratched the back of his neck as he again said. "Umm! Sorry I misunderstood you. To be honest we all did. We all think of you like that."

Soo mi hummed in response but said to herself in her mind. 'How rude? How can they just think bad for a person without knowing about the truth. Stupid People!"

She growled in annoyance before stomping her foot on the floor like a child. 

"It's late now. I will go to sleep, besides I have to go to the office tomorrow."

"Okay! Good night! Sleep well."

"Ahh. Thanks! You too. Good night."

>>>>> Next Day

Soo mi was still on the bed, moving here and there in her sleep. 

Upon her was a quilt in blues and creams, the colours of the ocean which she loved so much. Every pattern was of foliage or flower in flowing swirls, as if together, in print and hue, it told of the oneness of the Earth.

Ring…. Ring….. 

She again moved a little in her sleep. The ringing of her phone was disturbing her sleep and that was making her more angry. 

It took her a moment to shed the sleep from her brain, to allow the visions of the night to give way to the day, to move from that which she created on a whim to things more fixed and real. 


"Hello! Miss Soo mi?" 


"I am speaking from VZN corporation and industries. Congratulations you have been hired." 

"Okay! Thank you." 

"You can start working now." 

"Okay! So from when should I start?" 

"You have to reach the office at 8 today and your work will start then only." 

"Ohh! Okay! Thank you!" 

Soo mi threw the phone on the bed. "Ahh! I don't wanna go." 

She laid down on the bed for some time before she realized that she had to get up. 

With a growl she again picked up her phone and checked the time. 

"I still have some time but I should just get up now." 

Soo mi now got off the bed with a happy face. She hurriedly got ready and went out of her room.

The boys were coming out of their room one by one too. Upon seeing Soo mi all of them frowned and Dae seong was the one who asked her. "Where are you going?" 

"Oh! First day in the office." 

She just said that and went out of there. She didn't even wait for breakfast because she knew she would get late if she were to wait for breakfast. 

Soo mi got out of there along with her bike. Soon she hoped on it and bought the engine to light. 

The lights of her bike shined as smudged stars, the wintry mist cold upon her skin. As the journey passes, sunlight rouses more colours from their sleepy monochrome and, though the road still has the black look of night, the sky is already more bluish than charcoal. Under the fumes of the morning traffic a tincture of the dawn lingers, like dew on leaves, a gift of freshness bequeathed anew each day.