Going To Meet The Boss

>>> Next Day:

"Soo mi! Soo mi!" 

She heard some one yelling but with such a voice that even though he was yelling it was still coming out as whispers. 

She moved a little yet didn't open her eyes to see who it was and snuggled more and more into the pillow. 

Hyun Ki was the one who was trying his best to wake up. He whispered but when she didn't wake up, he was left with no choice but to yell. He gathered all the air in his chest first before finally yelling. 

"SOO MI!" 

In an instance Soo mi's eyes shot open. 

"What? What happened?" 

She asked and hurriedly tried to get up from the sofa but poor her she stumbled upon her bed sheet and fell down on the floor. 

"Ahhh. What the?" 

She rubbed her back which hit the sofa and it started to hurt badly but Hyun Ki on the other hand was trying his best to hold back the smile which kept on coming back on his face again and again.