Meeting With That Man (2)

Soo mi was still sitting in front of Chan woo. She was now even tired of glaring at him again and again but that stubborn man wasn't just looking any where else but her.

After some time the meeting finally ended. 

Soo mi sighed in relief when she saw Chin Hwa shaking his hand with that old man. 

'Finally!' she said to herself in an audible sound which was only heard by Hyun Ki who was standing on her side. 

She turned around but the next thing Chin Hwa said caught her attention and she looked at him with disbelief. 

"So we will be in your care then." 

Chin Hwa was looking at Chan woo when he said that. Soo mi's eyes were wide as saucers and she didn't know at that time who to ask her questions from. 

Chan woo just nodded his head and gave a quick smirk to Soo mi at which she raised her eyes brows.