Flirting With A Man In The Club (2)

"Let's go then. It would be rude of me to keep you waiting for that long." 

The man's face again beamed with happiness. He nodded his head abruptly and Soo mi again laughed. 

The man kept his hand on Soo mi's waist as he pushed her towards him. He kept his hand on Soo mi's waist and kept her close to himself as they stepped out of the crowd. 

"Ah would you like to have a room here or you wanna go some where else?" The man asked, being a gentleman. 

Soo mi opened her mouth, she was just about to say some thing when she heard Hyun Ki's voice from behind, "Soo mi! Let's go." 

Soo mi nodded at him as she uttered, "Okay! Just a minute." 

The man who was beside Soo mi held her more closely now and asked, "Who is he? Is he with you?" 

"Yeah! He is my friend. Anyways I would have to go but don't worry i will be back soon."