Finally Back To The Hotel

'I will not sleep.' She told herself with determination. 

She again opened her eyes and kept them wide so that she wouldn't sleep. 

Her head had become foggy, like that time when alcohol took her into oblivion, but she wasn't actually drunk even though she did drink a little but still she wasn't drunk. 

It was as if every eye lash weighed more than it should and gravity had been turned up ten fold. In moments she acquiesced and snuggled a little onto Chan woo's lap. 

He smiled a little bit seeing his wife getting comfortable now. He knew she was sleepy and tired that's why he wanted her to be comfortable but that stubborn girl wasn't just letting her guard down. 

But now when she was finally sleepy she just couldn't help but let it down for some time. 

'I will just sleep for a little time.' She told herself as she yawned a little not caring if her hand was there in front of her mouth or not.