Angry Boys (2)

"What fun an adult girl like me can be talking about? Don't just say that an adult girl like me will dance and play there for fun."

Every one's eyes widened. They were not at all expecting Soo mi to say that. They always thought of Soo mi as a pure innocent girl but these words coming out of her mouth now seemed too foreign. 

Every one looked at her with disbelief but Soo mi just sat there in front of them with an innocent look on her face like she didn't do any thing wrong at which she had to be guilty.

Dae seong gritted his teeth before telling her, "Whatever you said is absolutely right. But now you are our responsibility, we can't allow you to go and do these kinds of things around and when you are told that you have to come back at that time you will. We can't just afford you coming back this late. "