Her Bite (2)

Soo mi nodded her but still she was feeling really odd. There was confusion written all over her face and she had so many questions in her mind. She wanted the answers of those questions immediately but then she knew that she had to be patient. 

Al though she was really curious and wanted the answers she just said to Chin Hwa, "

Okay then we can just sit down and wait for Dae seong to heal himself first."

Chin Hwa nodded his head and then they all went over to the sofa. Every one started eating their dinner and Soo mi did too but all the time her mind was still on Dae seong. She couldn't help but think about this event deeply. 

'Did he really felt this much pain just because I bit him? Do monsters feel this much pain if a human bit them? I never knew this. Hmm maybe it was some thing else and not because of my bite. But what if it is because of my bite. Does that mean he is in this much pain becuse of me?'