Going Unconscious (2)

Soo mi and Chan woo was sleeping peacefully when Chan woo heard some yells from outside

He got up but just when he was about to, he realized that Soo mi was holding his hand very hard and wasn't willing to let go.

He smirked at this and again sat down and let her hold his hand.

But then he heard Hyun Ki yell from outside, he sighed and then finally freed his hand from Soo mi's hand and adjusted himself a little bit before finally going outside.

"Sir ordered us to not let anyone disturb."

The guard said, still not moving from his place and stood there stubbornly.

Chin Hwa became a little furious at this and now yelled so loud that it can be heard in the whole corridor.

Soo mi and Chan woo was sleeping peacefully when Chan woo heard some yells from outside

He got up but just when he was about to, he realized that Soo mi was holding his hand very hard and wasn't willing to let go.