The group left with out Rassbarry as now she was now with her normal life. We flew not knowing were we were going. My kind we called a Star wing. We saw a forest with black leafs meaning it was for star wings. I was at my home. They went back to the cave we grew up in. I got a mile into the forest and soon a blue , white glowing fox came up to me started walking around my legs. I put down my wings and the fox ran right over to my lower back. It humped me and I shook it off. I did a sad whimper and saw it's mother behind it. She was 10X bigger then me. I ran not knowing what I was doing. She let me run off but I didn't know why. I looked at her as I ran and she had a smirk and before I could look I ran into something. And that something was the leader. It could chose for me. Death of life. It grabbed me and I was biting its hand over and over again trying to make it drop me. It put a mask around my mouth and I fell asleep. I woke up to a cell. Chains on my legs and wings as well as on my tail. The leader had his head watching me. I snapped at it and it stood up and it was a girl. She shrunk her size so she was 2X bigger then me. I think I knew what she was going to do because my tail was chained cup. She started by humping me. She probably knew this was my first time so she was vary perverted. She licked my ear as she humped me harder. I moaned witch turned me on. I laid with my lower back in the air cus of my tail. She did it to me and she did it slow and hard. I was sleeping and she took off my chains and picked me up. She took me to a bed made of white glowing leafs. And a blue leaf glowing pillow. Only the leader get this. When I waked up I was in the middle of 5 sleeping fox leaders. I healed my breath because if I woke them up I would get a vary painful mating day. They were their normal size witch is 100X bigger. So I body was the size of their glow tail tip. One of them woke up and so I acted like I was sleeping. I heard the others wake up and they all got up and I felt them look at me. Each of them licked me and I opened my eyes. I didn't realize how big they were and my hart started to pound. I tried running but one of them got me. They looked at me and smirked. They give the others a look and they all turned 2X bigger then me. They all went around me so I couldn't get away from them. Or so they thought. Or so I thought. I jumped and flapped my wings they jumped up and got so close they were touching me. I went down and they came down with me. " I'm not ready!" I yelled at them. They snarled and turned themselves 4X bigger then me. They all did it to me and didn't go easy. I was to weak to get off. They kept felling my belly and kept licking me were they did it to me. " stop licking there" I said. " nahhh~ it's just so tasty~" they said as they kept licking there. They all started to lick me in a sensitive spots and I moaned each times they licked me. Some took turns licking the little spot and when they were done they sticked in their tongue and moved it around. After a hour they stopped and walked off to do their things. But before they left they put a blue, white , black leaf collar on me. I walked out of the hut and saw nothing. I kept walking and soon something picked me up. It was a leader. They looked at me and think stuck their tongue in the little spot. They took out their tongue and put me down. I thought that was odd and kept walking. Black leafs fell everywhere and I jumped in a pile of them. My collar glowed and I was too deep for you to see my glow. I fell asleep under the leafs and woke up in the leaf bed and the leaders watching me at their normal size. I rolled on my back and then felt a little kick. The kick was strong and it hurt a lot and I ended up doing a yelp. One of them sticked their tongue in me and licked around in there. They took out their tongue " the baby is hungry" they said as the others licked their tongue. " baby!?" I yelled. They all went out to get me food. I ran out of the hut running out on the size they didn't go. I got out of the forest and heard a mad roar from the leader. I heard sniffing coming to me and I flew up high. But they were smarter then me. The knew I couldn't fly faster then them getting on each other. They got in each other and got me by the tail. They took me but I was a bit lose so I could breathe. I made myself skinny and slipped out and flew off. I was so small a light they wouldn't find out until a hour later. I flew off fast still hungry. But little did I know I had a white glow mark witch means my mates found out I was missing. I just got out of the forest. I flew the to ocean and saw them but the sea rate pets helped them get to me and they made a thick platform and they came running to me and grabbed me. They went back to the forest and mated me so hard it ended with me being pregnant with 10. I didn't try to leave because I knew the baby would slow me down. After a week later they told me this " we have to go to war. That means we can't be here for a month so we have to miss the baby's birth bye" they said as they ran away. I got up and they all sticked their tongue in me like normal. And then ran off. After two days I made myself so full I could travel for 3 weeks with out food and water. I flew off and flew to the other magic forest. Within a week. But little did I know the leaders set up a trick. They wanted to know if I would run off or not so they turned small and followed me. They turned into their normal size and I saw by the shadow. My hart stopped. They all mated me in their normal size and it hurt so much. I fainted after they were done. They ignored me for a week and I felt so lonely. A few days later I ended up giving birth and they licked my little spot clean and I licked the baby's clean. They were a dragon but had their coloring