Čȟǎp̌ťěř 5

I flew out. I flew past Rass then Sand Star and I got to the ocean. I saw no pet anything but pet fish. I swam and swam and found a little cave to sleep in. I was in the lighter side because most of the cave was dark. When I woke up I saw a Kama! A kama is a seal, fish, Dolphin. It was pinning me and licking me. I saw another one sniffing my little spot. Four more came and then another one. They chained me down with my legs opened having my spot out. There was 7 of them. " I-I'm not ready" I said. One put a paw on my chest. The others turned themselves so small they could get in me. And they did go in me. They all released and the other one got in there in time and did it with them. It hurt really bad when she got out. They all licked each other clean and did even bother with me. The next day I was chained up all alone. But then one of them unchained me and I swam out. I didn't know why they all had a smirk when I left. I did noticed that my pattern changed but I didn't mind it. I went deep under water and slept there. I woke up to 1,000's of Kama's all around me. They were protecting me from sharks. I felt myself get humped and it was from one of the kamas who did it to me. I swam away but all of the kamas followed me. I saw faster and faster but they were faster then me. I jumped out of water and they did to. I flew up and they pulled me back down. I went in the top of a rock and slept. When I woke up I had a glowing seaweed bed with white Glowing shells around it. " what is happening?????" I said. " you have been marked by a royal leader so your also a queen" one of them said. I nodded knowing what they meant. For a few days I got free food and I didn't really need to do much. I slept all of that day and was warmed by the sun. I woke up and felt a little to warm. I wanted to see Star. " hay guys I'm go see my friend star" I said as I flew off. They all waved and I flew to the forest. I flew 1 mile and saw her. The foxes were huge! I went on the ground and Star hugged me. I hugged her back. " are you cheering on us!?" One of them snarled. " no this is just my best friend I haven't seen in a long time" she laughed. " your really warm tho did something happen?" " oh well I slept all day and I am one of the queens of the Kamas" I said " I came here to cool down" " oki" she said. " I'm go visit Rass bye!" I said as I flew off. I got to her forest but she was mating again. I flew off not going to even bother her. I shall take my bow and give it to Clay