out cast clan

kain dropped cody on to the ground the cody started coughing from the pain he just felt around his neck.what you mean sent to deliver a message kain growled in an intense serial killing tone the authority in his voice made cody coward down as he began to speak all your allies and the shadow moon Clan are teaming up to take your territory you will be known as a rogue clan no were to run no were to go he explained we will be forcing you out to the northern mountains were the only region no one wants he laughed in a disturbing way.amy kicked cody in the face and yelled your amy wont even make it to the territory line before we tear through your ranks like paperwork amy mocked Cody's ignorance.we will see king alpha or should I say rogue moon clan cody retaliated in anger amy went to kill cody but before she could kain put her in a body lock to calm her down which if man knows that's the worst you can do it makes it worse cody ran back the way he came knowing his ass was dead if he didnt Amy's eyes were turning pure black she was growling louder then her wolf has ever growled she tossed and turned she elbowed her brother in the face so hard he let go of her on accident she shapeshifted taking after cody in a half second of being let go kain howled for help to contain amy but she was to far away to catch her all the hunter took off after her in wolf form hoping they could at least make an attempt to stop her kain mind linked Alex and chris get your asses to the forest Amy's about to kill cody and we cant reach her in time shes headed your way he commanded as soon as he shut the mind link off Alex and chris spotted cody not far was amy they turned into their wolves and ran at amy to stop her she was almost to cody as soon as they leaped at her she jumped up and kicked chris into cody and bounced off of Alex's side gliding into cody pinning him down as soon as she went to sink her teeth into cody neck alex and chris tackled amy down pinning her down rubbing Amy's fur in an effort to calm her down amy started to breath as she transform back to human form kain ran up giving amy his long shirt to put on to hide her naked body kain then grabbed cody and threw him away from amy commanding him to send a message to james his alpha.

you tell you alpha I dont believe our allies black moon Clan,and death moon Clan would betray us he yelled out as cody got up he said why dont you ask them yourself cody giggled then ran off to the woods to escape.kain turned to alex and commanded I want to to take chris and question travis mills the alpha of black moon and David lang alpha of the death moon Clan why we have heard these things about them he growled angrily alex and chris nodded and sped of to go south to the valley in the forest were a cave was at inside the black moon Clan dwelled they were a large of skilled wolves but not as skilled as kain and his clan the ones to watch out for was death moon Clan they were known for killing their parents they betrayed them in the war over shadow moon Clan when they were ambushed 18 years ago but no evidence was found that was just the way there Clan was leaving no evidence behind that why they are called death moon Clan if you want a clan to be all slaughtered without evidence being found you send david lang into their territory that's how the golden moon Clan conquered black moon Clan was sending david lang in but now that their father had been killed death moon Clan wanted to be free of their peace treaty they wanted their own alliance.david wanted to be king wolf with kain being rightful king because of his father legion a ruthless wolf who was power hungry he stood 5/9 very muscular very strong he would kill an alpha wolf any wolf if he suspected treason.

legion made shadow moon Clan an out cast Clan 18 years ago james father Sean con made a very generous offer he would offer his territory his allegiance to him if he would kill legion and his Luna when david accepted he waited until they were the only ones fighting the enemy and launched out and yanked legions heart out of his chest the spear still in legions back before his Luna turned around he disappeared she yelled out no when she seen he had fell cold to the ground she ran to him crying she laid there holding his head in her lap.

sheila she heard and turned david had used his speed to run past her when she turned to look before she seen him he cut her head off from the neck it rolled off as he returned to Sean to report he had accomplished his mission.when sean denied him his allegiance david killed sean and his Luna patty con he burned their remains in the court yard and yelled the shadow moon Clan is in my command david growled at every wolf he looked at james and said and you will lead them he commanded as james as a baby smiled not knowing what he was even doing to young to know anything.

when james grew up david reminded him of their agreement and signed a allegiance agreement with their blood.they were known as dark moon Clan but david changed their name to shadow moon Clan.

alex and chris had arrived at the southern valley to interrogate travis himself why he is betraying his strongest allie wgen they found the cave there were two muscular men guarding the entrance the beta wolf garret mills and the delta wolf Wayne tou.stop right there what's your business here garret growled in mischievously were here to speak to your alpha now move it ass hole alex growled angrily.before garret could retaliate a loud laugh came from the cave.