will had disappeared my wolf whimpered and begged me to find him she was going wild over his wolf were could he had gone I thought not knowing it was like he was just apart of my imagination I shook my head and started running to the north western part of the territory were i was told four clans were found.upon entering a camp site it was deserted as if someone had already been there there was no sign of life only a dead wolf with his heart ripped out of his I frowned in discust of the sight I covered his body with nearby blanket I found in a tent began a proper burial for the wolf.
I entered two more clans later only to see they were small clans one was allied with other to form a bigger group they shared power together in ruling in the Clan the alpha wolf victor torrez agreed to appear for the feast along with his Luna elizabeth haze very beautiful girl long dark brown hair green eye 5/3 had a white long dress on with black tennis shoes on she had two wearing in her ears of the shape of a star for the name of their alliance their clan name was moon star Clan their other alpha and their deltas and beta died protecting them from escaping death moon clan earlier just east from them which explains the dead wolf I buried.elizabeth said we will head to your home now and await further instructions from the king alpha she assured with an obeying bow as the Clan left.many other clans I searched for in the north western part was missing so I searched the central part same result as the north west so i began one last search.south western part of the woods was a fort it was huge upon walking up I sense a wolf I recognized but didnt know who when I got to entrance two guards were stopping me from entering I quickly growled I need to speak to your chief.the guard growled back I'm his beta Bruce nex what's your business with our leader he asked I come to offer allegiance from the king alpha which this fort goes against our nations guidelines I explained the guard denied my request as if i was joking with him.i growled louder this is my nation you are a foreigner to my territory move or I will kill you and this pathetic delta here to speak to him as soon as i finished will Xander walked up and spoke let her in my father would love to see a friendly face who save his allied son he commanded as the guard moved I said father you have a clan this big I asked no mine was destroyed my father let me join his as his second clan he commands me my beta and delta as he pleases until we find a new Clan to offer better allegiance to him so I replied who's your father.daniel stone ultimate alpha in our old nation before it was destroyed by vampires he was feared by many we've never been here before so we made a huge fort to block enemy attacks.as he talked my wolf was going crazy pushing me to kiss him I wanted to just kiss this man he was sexy strong and was very traumatizing with the way he explained how they came to made a colony of wolves here.how did this Clan become so big I asked with a curious expression on my face well we find rogue wolves and take them in or if other clans are to small they give up their Clan to us they pledge allegiance to my father.whats the Clan name is you dont mind me asking in a nervous tone half moon Clan we started small with skilled wolves now we have at least 5000 wolves who are skilled and very brutally strong.
as we look at one another I realized he stopped walking I felt like he wanted to ask me something but I was to nervous to ask since I was surrounded by 5000 wolves who were not happy of my appearance to the Clan they could easily wipe my Clan out with these numbers my clan would not pledge allegiance to them they would plead to us since this was our land death moon clan was growing number by the day they killed alphas to claimed clans from other nations daily and trained the wolves to hate and show no mercy they were vicious killing monsters who no wolf was brave enough to stand against not even my Clan but we were strong enough to make them bow to us that's the only reason david was so eager to build his clan with any If not all clans rogues clans it didnt matter he wanted to rule all nations and spread his fear amongst the weak.were here amy he said knocking me back into reality there stood a huge cabin with a steel door once will turned the knob his father asked who is this woman another enemy another Clan to claim I growled as I said no I'm here to invite you to a allegiance feast since your wolves are on golden moon territory this nation belongs to my brother and your trespassing I I explained his father laughed at my authority you think you scare me girl I have 5000 wolves fought many wars and you think I will bow to you he mocked I growled and said no to my brother unless you want to die here and I become alpha of your Clan Daniel stood up and growled you will never rule my clan I wont bow to you or your brother matter of fact I will crush you or any one who stands in my way to defeat this Clan of yours I growled bring it bitch as I threw my dagger and stuck it in his right shoulder he howled in pain as he pulled it out and said I know this dagger I made it for my best friend 30 years ago I engraved this message Luna is strong in it he explained I told him it belong to my mother and explained what had happened to her and my father he sat down in amazement I used to date your mother before I found his mother he explained I made her this to let her know she had a piece of me that will never die our friendship I snatched the dagger and put it in my holster and asked again will you join my alliance or will you deny us I growled he stood up and said I will go to this feast with my son I am not promising anything my child he answered in low voice as he continued now get out my fort.
will escorted me out as he stopped me and said you shouldn't have attacked my father he will make he gets his revenge he growled I dont think he will try as walked up will only inches away from him I kissed his cheek and disappeared into the woods.i was going back home to get the feast ready we had three days left before the feast I had been on this journey for 4 days now and I finished it now to get home and rest for a little bit.
(crack)me and my wolf heard a twig snap when i seen above a wolf attacking i dodged his attack by rolling over to my left not in wolf form I could tell this wolf was not a wolf I recognize he had this black fur he growled out at me your trespassing in my territory miss amy again as I recall the first day on this mission david had warned me about it threatened him now he was attacking me.stand down david I growled he growled back never you broke the guidelines time to pay as he ran at another wolf rammed him into the dirt howling at him this is not the time or place a bigger wolf with pure white thick fur he had blue eyes before david got up I took off and disappeared.
when I got home it was two day run I have 24 hour before the feast the Clan I met earlier moon star Clan awaited my order I ordered them to just make themselves at home white the white wolf Clan I recruited was being trained by chris I ran into the house and looked for kain but he was no were I began to think he wasnt home I ran upstairs no sign I ran to the kitchen no sign as soon as I got to the door of the house he walked in and asked why are you out of breath amy I explained the situation about the clans coming and about david attacking me he growled and said you let him live I'm surprised I'm going to go kill him now he growled again I swung my fist into his jaw to stop him it only turned him to me and growled I'm going to let you slide with that punch sis but I'm going to kill him soon.
later that night more clans came from the east that alex and chris found only 4 clans I asked as alex said the rest of them were taken by david his wolves are growing in a huge number he explained.my wolf was worried Daniel and will wasnt coming it was getting late and I was tired I went up to my room and took a shower and laid in bed I tossed and turned thinking of will the way I kiss his cheek and disappear he made me want so much more from him I wanted his love I want his breath his strength I want to be his everything.as soon as I closed my eyes I fell asleep I felt as if someone was holding me tight I felt warm I drifted off to dream about will.
the next morning I woke up with the feeling someone was in my room last night I got up took a shower and got dressed I ran down stairs it was noon again the table was set and ready the feast was going to be big my brother had his Luna cook lamb chops with barbecue sauce rolls roasted chicken rib eye steaks I sensed will and turned around before I bumped into him as he caught me and wrapped his arms around my waist my cheeks got red I was embarrassed by not watching were I was going everyone stared at us as I felt fire through my whole body my wolf howling going crazy I pushed will away and ran out side to catch my breath I was hot and sweating bad all I wanted to do was just focus on the allegiance agreement we were planning but he made it hard for me to do that with his sexy body fire touches why was I attracted to him I knew nothing of or about him I then composed my composure and went into the house to begin the feast.