(Amy's portfolio)
As I stood there being the new alpha i announced to all the wolves in my alliance even to travis and his Clan for now on we all in one one Clan we will be known as fallen moon Clan the name represents the ones who has fallen to protect this nation from evil it represents the alphas beta deltas and the wolves who died to protect you we are all family we are the fallen moon Clan we will now be one Clan one alpha and we will rise and defeat david and his evil army whose with me as i raised my fist in the air every wolf in the fort raised their fist screaming fallen moon Clan we will rise we will rise we will rise I smirked and started to walk away as i grabbed Alex and travis i said follow me we are going to torture our new lead prisoner in front of the whole clan bring them one by one I commanded.
Alex brought john out with his hands shackled behind him and a rope around his neck I put a pole into the ground and said tie the rope around the pole were he cant escape Alex tied the rope tight and moved out of the way I walked over to the barn and grabbed a leather whip with thorns on the tip of the whip I stood behind john about a foot away what is david planning next john I growled how would I know I'm not the boss he snapped back I pulled my arm back and lashed the whip into his back with a pop noise it flew so fast leaving a deep gash in his back as he growled in pain I'm going to ask again what is he planning next I growled louder he is planning on killing everyone if they dont bow to him or submit to his power I whipped him again as he cried out I answered you you crazy bitch that was for my brother as I did it again speaking names that were killed by his men and David's deeds by the time I was done john was barely breathing next I commanded as they brought chasity out the same way this time i put another pole close it but about an inch away I told Alex and travis place her hands on the poles and hold her as I grabbed two nails and a hammer the nails were big nine inch nails with big heads i asked her who killed my brother chasity I growled loudly.
Fuck you bitch she laughed I took one nail placed it on her left hand were Alex was I took the hammer and smash the nail through the middle of her hand and hammered it down until an inch was left then hammered it crooked to were she couldn't move it without ripping her hand in half as she was screaming as if she was dying in pain tears rolling down her cheeks rapidly she was huffing and hyperventilating sobbing screaming you bitch you'll pay for this I took the hammer and hit her right hand with the hammer as I growled shut up and answer me who will killed my brother I growled louder she ducked her head and whispered daniel wills father I went behind her and whipped her with the whip screaming say it louder were everyone can hear you as I whipped her again and again until her white shirt was shredded and red she knelt down in pain hollering in pain daniel wills father she screamed thank you slut I spat out angered as much as I could be my wolf was hurt to find will was against us I took the other nail and placed it on her right hand and asked how many more wolves are there left to fight knowing damn well she didnt know I just wanted her to hurt and wished she was dead she explained I dont know Amy I swear please have mercy as I hammered in the nail and she screamed I yelled were was your mercy against our loved ones each time I hit the nail I said were was your mercy on my alliance on my friends my family were was your mercy when they killed my brother as I took the hammer and smashed her knee cap and shattered her bones you could hear the cracks and the pain her screaming she felt the mercy I was giving her I pulled the nails out and said next.
they brought out cody as I grabbed a bucket and place water in it full and knelt him down to the bucket as I got above him holding his head I asked who is the king alpha now is it me as I knew he would be the smartass to die first as he laughed and said no daniel is king alpha I dunked his head into the bucket holding his head under the water as he struggled to break free and breath one two three four five I said and let him up he coughed and choked as his head was dripping wet as he screamed out you'll never be king alpha bit before he could finish his sentence I grabbed the whip and whipped it around his neck as blood ran down his body I pushed his head in water and sat on him holding him with all my body weight he struggled and shook and wiggled I heard bubbles coming up as I knew he was close to dying then I let him up he was gasping and choking even harder as I commanded bow to me as your queen alpha and I'll let you live he looked up at me as he began to speak i bow to you my queen Amy then I finished my speech ill let you live in hell as I swung the whip at him left and right whipping his chest cutting and gnashing his chest then I hit his face blood going every direction he fell side ways barely alive I knelt down and whispered in his ear you wanna die yet as he just gasped in pain I sat down in a near by chair as I said next.
they brought out Rachel as they sat her in front of me shaking in fear of what I was planning on doing to her.what I asked as she jumped and flinched as she seen her companions bloody and barely alive she faintly asked what service can I provide to not be punished she cried as I stood up and said oh stop it I know you think you strong why you crying little cry baby I mocked her I turned to my fallen moon Clan and yelled what punishment shall I give her my fellow family as the crowd was silent thinking I sat in front of her and looked in her eyes and said kiss me she asked what as if I stuttered I said kiss me bitch as I grabbed her by her throat and lifted her to stand and moved my hand from her throat and said kiss me like you want me I waited as she tried to kiss me I leaned my head back and rammed my head into her nose breaking her nose and shattering her cheeks she fell on her back crying in pain wha wha what was that you told me to kiss you she stuttered yes but I'm not into women you see your so stupid I made you put down your guard now your bleeding on my stage of shame she tried to scoot away when I grabbed my dagger and slit her throat I took a rope and tied her feet together as I commanded elizabeth to shape shift she did and I tied the rope around her head like reign and said run as fast as you can around the outskirts of our territory and leave her in David's territory when finished Elizabeth took off like a Ferrari and sped around the land skidding Rachel on the ground she turned and flipped tearing her face her back her arms all to hell blood stains and streaks followed and when she finished she dropped her off at David's entrance and disappeared back home.
Next I commanded as they brought last but not least to me lisa I cheered and laughed as the crowd was eating the entertainment up with every new contender I walked up to lisa and ripped he sleeves off of her shirt and ripped holes into her Jean's she looked at me as if I was satan himself so i turned to her and said what will i do to you i wonder as i spit in her face she closed her eyes as i grabbed her head and forced her to bend down as i kneed her in the face and threw her to the dirt off of my bloody stage she laid there helpless her hands shackled her face dirty from the bloody dirt so much blood was shed i grabbed a wad of her hair and pulled her up as she screamed out ow ouch over and over until I let go she stood up looking around as if she would escape I growled look at me me as she turned her glance to me I said you wanna leave there's the gate go hurry before i change my mind lisa began to slowly walk until she passed me I hurried and grabbed the whip and whipped her butt twice making an x on her back side and yelled I found the x everyone as they all laughed at her humiliation she started crying and lowering her head as I walked up behind her rubbed her hair and said you'll be excited tonight but for now I'm having fun since I'm sure you stole the good part of me so yes im a heartless bitch as I slammed her on her back and straddled her putting my hands around neck screaming out to her to say she wanted to die but she refused so I unshackled her let her up she got up looked at me and yelled big mistake as she ran at me I ducked when she slung her fist at me she slung her fist again this time I caught her hand and said aaaw you wanna hold my hand as I stuck my foot behind her leg tripped her and twisted her in mid air putting her on her belly as I straddled her and laid on her with my arm around her neck in a choke hold whispering your my bitch now I'm going to fuck you soul up so bad satan will have no interest in you or your soul bitch as I let go she kicked my stomach knocking me down I laughed and said oh a feisty one I see as I grabbed the whip and lashed her back she fell to the ground again I walked behind her holding her from behind I grabbed her left breast and squeezed it I whisped what is that is that what you call a boob as I grabbed my dagger and stabbed her boob cutting it off through her shirt she screamed out holding her missing boob I threw it down and said the nipple is unattractive lisa you need a make over as I tried to grab the other and she bit my hand I slapped her knocking her down I rolled her over straddling her again playing with her right boob laughing saying oh look it's getting hard as I stabbed it as well she started crying out please stop I cant take it no more as I cut her last boob off I shoved it in her mouth and said here eat this now can literally say you've tasted a womans bloody boob as I got off her she spit it out holding her missing spots were her boobs were crying in pain I went into the kitchen and grabbed some idolizing salt went outside I commanded travis to hold her arms and Alex to hold her legs once she was screaming and couldn't move I got on top of her pouring the salt in her boob wounds making her crying out so loud tears flowing uncontrollably she was choking on her saliva we let her up as I threw her into the bucket of water and said there take a whore bath bitch you stink as she was trying to wash the salt out it hurt even worse once I ordered them to shackle her I commanded take them back to the dungeon let us prepare for the camp fire tonight for as I pointed to all of them saying you'll be excited tonight feel the wrath of the fallen moon Clan.