prepare for battle

(David's portfolio)

I just woke up at 4 am I took a shower got dressed put my armour on grabbed my sword and walked out of my room I made breakfast I was having sausage bacon an apple sliced ham egg and cheese biscuits when I gulped down my milk I heard a loud explosion from not to far away I got up furiously ran out to my court yard to see a huge flame from from the half moon fort.

What the hell's going on out here i growled as i walked up to my commander Bruce collis he was wearing a short sleeve black shirt long blue Jean's with combat boots on he stood 5/11 brown hair hazel brown eyes he looked at me in fear master I mean alpha I dont know we heard a commotion coming from the fort but before we could investigate it we heard an explosion and a huge flame rising as soon as he finished babbling I looked over to see daniel running to me he bowed and said we were under attack by the shadow moon Clan and golden moon Clan we lost the fort along with 5,000 wolves I growled out so loud and said WHAT! I punched Daniel in the face then grabbed his throat slamming him into the ground cracking my beautiful walk way I growled again at Daniel and explained I'm beginning to think it was a mistake to make you king alpha daniel pleaded please give me another chance I let go of his throat as Michaels evil twin brother walked up I'll handle this I'll aborbe his power and become stronger and kill this queen Amy as I watched him devour Daniel I could tell he was getting stronger I mean I gave him every soul I possibly could to make him the strongest wolf that has ever been in this nation not even I have the power to kill him he was my master though.

I turned around and walked to my door to go inside when I heard Michaels brother howle out loud yelling prepare for battle as I disappeared into the castle I was happy a smile reached from ear to ear as I whispered your soul is mine.

(Amy's portfolio)

I woke up 7 AM I commanded the men to get ready we were to march to David's castle we were to split into two armies one coming from the south of the castle and mine coming from the north we were going to crush these ruthless fools and send them back to hell my grandpa would lead the southern attack as I would lead the northern attack together we would fight them to retreat and kill any who survive the attack.