Are You Still Single?

Mila took a deep breath before she stammered out, "I think I like Fang Shi!"

Elena's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. Mila grew even more embarrassed when she didn't hear any reply from Elena. 

Finally, Elena responded, "Fang Shi? How? Since when?!"

Mila cleared her throat awkwardly before saying, "Well. . ."

--- A few weeks before

"Three, two, one!" Everyone stood next to each other in three large rows as the photographer snapped the picture. 

The row in the very front held a large red banner reading, 'Movie The Legend of Shu Yao is Finished!' 

The entire film crew and everyone that starred in the film was standing together to take a picture. 

When they finished, the crew said their last goodbyes before Elena and Mila left. 

"Ah! I suddenly feel so relaxed. All I have to worry about is my wedding now." Elena laughed as they walked over to their car.

Mila entered the car and asked, "Will I be the maid of honor?"