
Lu Yingjun nodded his head.

"Let's go."

The mother and son walked back to the group of people and little Junjun tapped Lu Chenjun on the shoulder. Lu Chenjun looked back and smiled when he saw his son. However, little Junjun didn't smile back.

Lu Chenjun grabbed onto Lu Yingjun's waist and pulled him onto his lap, but little Junjun didn't seem happy. Little Junjun glared at the woman dangerously, and the woman noticed. She waved goodbye to them and quickly ran away.

Elena wiped her spot before sitting down. She raised one eyebrow and looked at Lu Chenjun, "So. . ."

Lu Chenjun looked up, "What?"

This time, little Junjun responded. He turned around inside Lu Chenjun's lap so he was facing Lu Chenjun, "Daddy, what were you two talking about?"

Lu Chenjun smiled, "You mean with that woman? She wanted to know how my son was so smart at school, and I told her that he got my great genetics."