Regular school for magic.

After getting ready and showering we met Narcissa in the common room. She was wearing some very nice robes and had her hair all done up and looked like a proper hot teacher.

"Alright students since your head of house can't really show you around the castle I volunteered to do it for you. You all can call me professor black. I'm also your defense against the dark arts teacher. " she tells us very professionally well mostly tells Hannah and Hermione. We all already knew this.

For ease most of the classes had actually been put on the first floor. I mean there's literally tons of classrooms why the hell would you spread like 10 classes out through a whole fucking school when you could just put them all in one easily recognizable place. The only one that wasn't on the first floor was P.E which would be held on the quidditch field next to the locker rooms and the new exercise gym some of the more fanatical players loved the idea of a new gym to work out. It was actually pretty hard to hang onto a broom as your whipped through the air and you need a lot of arm strength and strength in your core.

Along with the broom upgrades for teaching and the uniform brooms for every house so there was no cheating. You could practice on your own brooms if you wanted but everyone would be using the same Nimbus set and new protective gear for games.

This promoted fairness.

All in all it wasn't that difficult to learn where to go basically we were shown how to get to the library, our classrooms, the great hall and our dorms. There was even a study hall hour where a teacher would be present to help you with questions you had and make sure your homework was done.

We ran into other first years being shown around the same as we were. I was happy to have made improvements to hogwarts. The girls all loved the school and couldn't wait for classes. Hermione was babbling up a storm it really was astonishing how much she could talk in a single breath.

Now normally I would have picked Hermione as one of my wives. However with the marriage contracts and such it would have been rather annoying to have to explain to muggles and herself how all of that works in the magical world. I'm sure her parents wouldn't have been too pleased and this might have also lead to some kind of confrontation about their daughter and the magical world and that might have led to them at some point complaining to Mcgonnagal who would be teaching them about the magical world and that could have lead back to Dumbledore. Gotta think of the small things. Wizarding families are so much easier to deal with, a simple contract and they can't say shit or risk losing their magic, this doesn't work on muggles. So I couldn't do much.

Now like all men I'm a rather greedy person not going to lie. Feed the Harem is a mantra that I live by. Ron Weasely ending up with a hot smart piece of ass like Hermione granger? No fucking way. 100% there was some kind of potions or something going on there. Cause from what I saw of Ron Weasely he's dim, disgusting, and totally a fucking whanker. His only good ability was to play chess and somehow convince Hermione to let them cheat off her. That's it. Other than that he was a jealous fucking whanker that kept Harry dumb the entire time he was at school by playing games and eating snacks.

Now I never said I was a good person by any means oh no. I do a couple of good things here and there yes of course. But that doesn't make me a good person. I'm not above stealing and killing or manipulating people to get whatever I want. Women, money and power? Sure I want those things. Respect, love and family? I want those too. To save everyone? That's not really my problem. I'll save who I like. Now you won't catch me just wandering down the streets blasting people for fun no I'm not that kind of person. There's a dark side and then there is a light side. I'm right there in the gray. I'm sure being tutored by goblins and the black family for years may have added a little more sinister side to myself but hey. It's more fun like that.

But enough about my right and wrongs in my personality. We can talk about that later on down the line.

Back to school. Classes were exactly as they should be. Exciting for others, dull for me. I had already learned all of this stuff so what I did was sit in the back with a notice me not spell and study other things. This was ment to be a bit of a relaxation time for me and Bella who was happily training the other two Blacks in proper combat.

I was looking over the family grimoires for the blacks and the potters. The potters had a little bit of everything in their grimoire. The blacks however mostly had darker Magic's. They were interesting to read about. Lots of different mind bending Magic's that can cause everything from insanity to comas. Torture Magic's, gruesome combat Magic's all the little nasty stuff you don't want to find yourself at the receiving end of.

The Potter were more of a jack of all trades family. They had everything from ward schemes to building Magic's. They were thieves and traders, builders and ship wrights, duelists and farmers, there wasn't too many over powered things in there it was a lot of everything. There were tons of different things I could try out. That's the excitement of magic it's always growing and changing in ways you could never expect.

I had barely scratched at the surface of what magic could do and I was willing to spend all the time I needed to learn more.