Back at school.

The train arrive at hogwarts in the evening and Astoria and Ginny went off with hagrid to ride the boats up to the school. We got to take the thestral drawn carriages this year. I often visited the thestrals in the woods with Luna. This also served another purpose and that was to let blinky out to clear up some of the more nasty creatures in the woods like the nest of thousands of acromatula.

I mean it's kind of hard not to kill tons of them with the basilisks death glare when they have multiple eyes.

I had collected tons of acromantula venom and silk this way. Both were extremely expensive goods. Plus it saves on food expenses for blinky and Medusa who usually eat massive amounts of food each month.

The great hall was set up for the usual feast style events that were held on holidays. Glowing candles star lit ceiling the works. The sorting hat was sitting in his new throne waiting for the people who were to be sorted.

Mcgonnagal like usual showed the first years in and the hat began to do his thing.

"I've been given a great opportunity this year to serenade you all with one of the greatest hits I've ever heard." The hat said and then coughed to clear it's nonexistent throat before it started singing.

"Baby shark doo doo doo...." that was as far as it got before being blasted with a silencing spell. This is what I get for leaving it with a TV set up to internet.

Even while silenced the hat continued to do a little dance. When I figured he was done I unsilenced him.

"Party pooper! Anyway bring out the munchkins!" He shouted.

Sure enough during the sorting Ginny and Astoria went to Merlin house. Along with a couple of other people who I couldn't really identify as they were probably background characters no one had ever heard of. After all Merlin house can't just have like ten people.

The feast began with the hat plopping down on my head like usual. I made sure to stuff myself with some delicious bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches covered with a bit of mayo. Yum.

After the feast I led the rest of the group to our dorm where a small set of stairs leading to new bedrooms for the first years were. They rushed off to find their things before having the rules explained and being told about Narcissa showing them around in the morning to get used to classes.

This year I had actually made prizes for grades in the common room. There were things like magical color changing ink, candies, gift certificates to stores all sorts of prizes children crave. This was for all the houses. At any point in time you could go have your papers scanned by a little magical device and you were given a kind of credit card specially made by goblins. You would receive points based on your grades that you could exchange for prizes from everything to joke items to quidditch match tickets during the summer.

You want children to study hard? Give them something to look forward too. I was literally a billionaire at this point in time. If I can help out the magical community a bit by making children smarter with some candy and toys. I figured I might as well do that. I'm pretty sure I'm going to or already have wracked up a bit of bad karma so might as well try to negate a bit of that.

You can take your little hogwarts card to a shop which is located on the ground floor and exchange your earned points for the prizes you want. Currency isn't accepted. Just grade points. The weasley twins wouldn't be sneaking out of hogwarts to buy things and sell them off anymore. And I had things in the shop you couldn't get at hogsmeade. Plus some kids didn't have a lot of spending money. This let them study a bit harder to get items they wanted. A perfect plan if you ask me.

This new rewards program was loved by the kids and drastically raised up grades.

But that's a bit later on.

In my room I set up my trunk and made sure everything was clear before going and visiting my lab rat.

He seems to have given up on trying to escape as he was just laying curled up in the corner. I threw some food and a water bottle into his cell so he could eat after all even lab rats need food and water to live.

He jumped awake and started pleading so I pressed a rune on the cage that silenced him and went about checking all my materials. I had a new tattoo pen I was going to try to use later on and a few experimental rituals I was going to test on peter to see the effects. I mean if they don't really work or anything the worst that can happen is he dies. But I'll save all the big ones for later on and work my way up to them. After all you can't find such free volunteers all the time.

Making sure the cage was still working properly and everything was all sturdy and in proper working order I headed out for some quality cuddle time with my little blondes.

I would save experimenting for later on right now I have more important things to do. Like sleep.

The next morning was just like my first day at hogwarts Fluer and Luna sneaking out and Narcissa picking up the first years. Us being second years just got our schedules from the hat before heading down to the great hall for breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day you know. And the goblin P.E teachers works us hard so we have to make sure we have all the calories we need to make it through the day.