Speed time up.

After getting released from the hospital everything kind of went back to normal. Sure there were question on how I got my arm back but I bullshitted most people by blaming it on magic. The ones I actually liked like the flamels I explained things too.

The only difference between before and after was my body had more scars, and Hermione started staying with us. Using the excuse she was staying with one of the girls she tricked her parents into letting her stay more over at the manor. She got to know a lot of things and was pretty much just accepted into the harem. We put her through the basic rituals all the girls had done. She was rather eager about this as most muggleborns didn't do rituals. They didn't have the books on them which were mostly family secrets and getting naked dancing under the moonlight or something was probably frowned upon by everyone except maybe Luna who did it on a regular basis.

Rituals could be anything from eating hearts of animals, dancing naked in a certain month under a certain start, being painted down with runes, sacrificing people to magic. There was no limit.

We ended up spending the rest of the summer together with nothing bad happening there was literally no problems left.

After getting back to school there were a few changes, mad eye moody being disappointed yet proud of me at the same time and increasing my training to crazy points was one. He was disappointed I had gotten sneak attacked after all his talk of constant vigilance but proud I had killed Voldemort and with a sword no less. Good stuff.

The other thing that changed was nick and Perenelle adopting me as their heir. They had always wanted children but could never have any. They had discussed adopting before but didn't want to have to bear losing a child to old age or making them suffer by using the stone which makes it so they couldn't have children.

There is always a price involved in alchemy even with the philosophers stone. The price was you lived for as long as you wanted however you couldn't have children and you had to watch as your friends and loved ones passed away or make them share your grief. The stone only made so much elixir aswell so if you had too many people you couldn't support them all.

I was pretty much just their son and heir to them I wouldn't get anything from them but gold if I wanted it and more family which was fine to me. I got the Flamel Heir ring not the lord ring as they were virtually immortal so I'd never inherit anything but I didn't mind. You don't always need stuff to make you happy.

Other than that school was a normal school experience I had wanted a nice slow start to my fun adventures in the Harry Potter worlds I would be visiting.

The girls all knew about the world and time traveling stuff I'm able to do. They couldn't talk about it though as there was safety measures in place by the system. I can tell someone about it but no one else could tell or write it down in any way shape or form. Besides I literally had access to their minds there was nothing we hide from each other.

School flashed by year after year, we sat our exams and passed them and then moved up grades where we did OWLs and I got all my grades again this time at the school getting the highest OWLs ever recorded. Bragging rights boys. The only class I added on after that was alchemy I was already a master in Warding and Cursebreaking.

The girls also did well in their subjects of study, Luna with Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. Daphne took the healer and advanced potions classes. Which was added at year 6 and 7. It was basic prep for newts and masteries.

Hermione just wanted to do everything but I informed her she could study more later on and that tests at the ministry could be completed at any point in time. This made her hold back. A little. Very little. Susan and Tonks joined me in both the law enforcement classes passing beautifully. Padma took healing and just about anything else that got her interest just like Hermione they were kind of competing against each other. Fluer took her enchanting classes and passed beautifully she actually wanted to go into fashion and make beautiful enchanted clothing and items. This was fine with me any of the girls could do whatever they wanted. Most of them would be working on masteries after graduation. I would just be taking the tests again.

Susan and Tonks would be going into the special wizard forces Amelia had been working on which was done. It was kind of like her version of unspeakables. We were a step ahead of hitwizards which were a step ahead of aurors. Our pay would go up with the more masteries we had and skills we acquired. We would be able to be hired out to other parts of the world in case of emergencies such as dark wizards rising, or things like that. This was already cleared by the international wizards confederation which was why it took so long. The other wizard schools had taken time to implement the changes aswell since it was a great idea. That's one of the reasons it took so long.

All the special forces would be registered where the different communities could hire them for problems. With my record of already killing off Voldemort and all my masteries at the ripe old age of 18 I would be highly desired.

Susan and Tonks even though they would be joining the force they would also be going for masteries in defense against the dark arts and a couple others.

The perks of being in the force were we got special identifications just like FBI that we could use to do everything from walk into federal buildings to carry guns. Good stuff. We also had license to kill. And anything we took be it guns and money from drug lords to cars would be out to keep provided that they weren't stolen. If they were stolen items and we had to return them we would be reimbursed money.

Daphne would be studying under Andromeda for her potions mastery and a healers mastery. Padma and Hermione where going to see who could get the most masteries so far I was winning. Luna would be going into care of magical creatures masteries as she wanted to be a magizoologist. I thought it was perfect for her provided she didn't bring them all home. Fluer was going to become a seemstress and master enchantress. Ginny was going to be taking tryouts for quidditch. Astoria would be standing in for me at the twins joke shop and also studying in her spare time. Her sister wasn't just going to let her off the hook.

As for my lovely Bella she took joy in messing around with politics right now. She loved having debates and winning with people far older than her. Bellatrix on be other hand was working on getting better and better at combat and getting her masteries like her younger counterpart had. She liked violence and I'll probably end up finding a way for her to join the special forces as well.

So just like that we all graduated hogwarts except Ginny and Astoria who still needed another year, it was time to start my new job.