Not a good start.

After getting information I needed and talking to the people I would transfer who were both confused yet excited at the same time. I made sure none of my soul mates would be harmed or that the link would stay active. Death agreed because I told it to fuck off if the answer was no. I was also informed that if I don't succeed billions of lives would be lost and he might even gain access to this world. Which pissed me off. I blame death for this.

There was a flash and I was being pushed back and forth by water as I clung on to the edge of a riverbank.

Yeah this body was absolutely fucked. One of my eyes was swollen shut my arm was broken. Ribs were broken. I appeared to be in the late stages of starvation. Death had healed some of the major wounds but that was about it. There was a soul chunk of Voldemort inside me but that wasn't the only thing.

"Is that a fucking obscurus? Jesus Christ." I say spitting out water and blood dragging myself into the shore. Death really screwed the pooch on this one I'll give it a proper beating when this hell is over. I mean an obscurus and it didn't think to warn me?

As I get angrier the mass of deadly emotional magic inside me starts to bubble and grow.

"Calm gotta be calm." I pop up my occulmency shields.

There's a pop of apparition and some wand light.

My freezing tiny body is lifted up into a pair of motherly arms. The people I had selected to help me where the flamels.

"This is much worse than what you told us Ryan." Perenelle says examining my body.

"I wasn't informed of everything myself." I choke out.

"We need to get your body tended too, so this may be unpleasant but we are going to have to apparate with you like this." She says as nick is going over me with his wand.

"That's fine better hurry though I think my body is going into shock." I say as we pop off and I spew water blood and other gunk all over their floor. Pressure from apparition on a wounded childlike body is not good.

I'm set down in a bed and hit with different kinds of spells to stabilize me while perenelle feeds me potions and injects me with things. Man i hate needles.

I hear nick chanting something before I feel the Flamel Heir ring back on my finger. Since I was technically abandoned this gives them the rights to adopt me and magic has accepted.

Perenelle is busy vanishing broken bone fragments. Stitching up wounds. Repairing damaged internal organs. Basically there's just a list of problems a mile long.

"Malnourished, multiple unhealed broken bones that have set wrong, horcrux fragment, an obscurus!?" She just getting more irate the more the scans go on.

An obscurus is basically the ultimate form of proof that a child has been abused. Highly dangerous and erratic. Most obscurials don't live past the age of 10. It's like having a magical hulk inside of you and when your upset it just destroys everything sometimes including you.

"I'll lend you my cloak if you wish to murder them?" I say inbetween the shivers.

"In the morning dear for now let's get you better." She says with a small smile before getting back to work.

I fumble with a few items from my inventory like Phoenix tears and other things I chug down.

I start to feel better slowly until the skelegrow hits. Then it's like shrapnel in my body as my bones start regrowing slowly.

"This is going to be a very unpleasant night for you dear." Perenelle says sadly patting my head.

"Ugh I can tell." I grab a purple looking crystal from my inventory and push it onto my forehead. There i start stuffing the horcrux chunk into it. It fights back trying to prevent it but it's no use. The girls can help me push it out from where they are and they are most displeased with the Dursley's of this world.

"How old am I?" I ask Perenelle who is still waving her wand.

"Four a very malnourished four." She says in anger.

On the plus side my shit vision clears up once the soul chunk is out of my body. I'm stuck apparently with black hair and green eyes. It was either this or red hair and I'm not going to be a fucking ginger you can send me into hell just don't make me a red head.

Honestly I was rather excited for this job. They have magic here I want to learn. Some of my rituals might not work but that's fine. I'll make do in other ways.

"I'm pretty sure at this point I'm more potion than child." I say looking at the empty vials and the IV drip.

I do another internal check to see if I'm missing anything. My original body is floating in my mind space. It was kind of like hibernating. The obscurus is bleak looking. The girls are all there. I feel protections from the Flamel Ring. My system shop and inventory are fine.

Everything is off to a bad yet good start. I've already informed the flamels to not trust dumbledore, not trust the goblins and to try and keep quiet and hide everything under a Fidelius.

That's what nick is doing right now. Setting up improved wards and protection and putting us under Fidelius. If there's a super powered Voldemort out there then I sure as shit don't want to be in the open.

Plus demons? The fuck did he get demons from? I'll have to go back to the ole drawing board for this one. But it's going to be fun one way or another. I think with a smile.

But first I need to fix this busted body. I can't do anything with it.